700字范文 > Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often 【小题1】 some books from the l

Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often 【小题1】 some books from the l

时间:2022-11-16 07:55:25


Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often 【小题1】 some books from the l


Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often 【小题1】 some books from the library. He 【小题2】 to the radio every morning and reading 【小题3】 after supper. So he knows much and teaches well.His 【小题4】 worship(崇拜) him very much. Mike, Mr Clarke’s little son, is only nine. He 【小题5】 likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clarke always thinks hes too 【小题6】 to understand him and chooses 【小题7】 ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with(对…满意) it. One day Mike read 【小题8】 about the electric lights (电灯) and was 【小题9】it. When his father told him to do some housework, he went on thinking of it. He asked him 【小题10】 questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, Fathers always know 【小题11】than sons! The boy thought for a while and said, 【小题12】 Oh? Why? Mike didn’t answer and asked, 【小题13】, Who invented the electric lights? 【小题14】 answered Mr Clarke. Why didn his father invent them, then? Looking at his son, Mr Clarke didn know 【小题15】 to answer!

【小题16】A.findsB.sellsC.buysD.borrows【小题17】A.hearsB.listensC.saysD.reads【小题18】A.newspapersB.lettersC.storiesD.messages【小题19】A.teachersB.parentsC.studentsD.classmates【小题20】A.alsoB.neverC.evenD.only【小题21】A.oldB.youngC.cleverD.able【小题22】A.more difficultB.the most difficultC.easyD.the easiest【小题23】A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.anything【小题24】A.worried aboutB.interested inC.afraid ofD.angry with【小题25】A.fewB.littleC.a fewD.a little【小题26】A.moreB.mostC.lessD.least【小题27】A.I think soB.I don’t knowC.I agreeD.I don’t think so【小题28】A.insteadB.carefullyC.quicklyD.brightly【小题29】A.Thomas BrownB.Allan SmithC.Thomas EdisonD.Ron Jenkins【小题30】A.whenB.whatC.whereD.whichD




【小题1】联系下文some books from the library.可知是从图书馆借书,故选D,借。

【小题2】联系下文to the radio 收音机,可知是听收音机,故选B,听。


【小题4】联系上文and teaches well.可知他是老师,故应是他的学生很崇拜他,选C,学生们。




【小题8】词义辨析。A.每件事 B.没有事物C.一些东西D.任何事物。结合语境可知他读到一些有关点灯的事情,故选C。

【小题9】词义辨析。A.担心B.感兴趣 C.害怕D.生气。联系下文描述可知他对这些很感兴趣。故选B。

【小题10】词义辨析。A.很少的B.很少的C.几个 D.一些,修饰不可数名词。结合语境可知他问了他几个问题。问题是可数名词,故选C。



【小题13】词义辨析。A.代替,反而 B.仔细地 C.快速地D.明亮地。句意:他没有回答,反而问:,故选A。


