700字范文 > Mr Smith teaches English in a university(大学). He is often very busy with work. When it’s s

Mr Smith teaches English in a university(大学). He is often very busy with work. When it’s s

时间:2018-08-22 14:58:34


Mr Smith teaches English in a university(大学). He is often very busy with work. When it’s s


Mr Smith teaches English in a university(大学). He is often very busy with work. When it’s summer or winter holidays, he goes out to take vacations to relax. Usually he goes to France because he thinks it’s an interesting country. And he can speak French very well.

But last month he said to his wife(妻子), “I’m not visiting France this time. I want to go to a different country. I choose Japan. But I can hardly speak Japanese, so I’m going to study it for a month before I go.”

He studied pretty hard for a month, and then his vacation started.

Ten days later, he came back. His wife asked him, “How about your short vacation in Japan? Did you have any trouble(麻烦) with your Japanese there?”

“No, I didn’t,” answered Mr Smith. “But the Japanese did!”

【小题1】Mr Smith goes out to when it’s summer or winter holidays.A.have a restB.learn languagesC.look for interesting jobsD.visit museums【小题2】The underlined word “choose” means(意思是) .A.learn fromB.arrive inC.work forD.decide on【小题3】Mr Smith stayed in Japan for .A.a monthB.ten days C.two weeksD.Sorry, I don’t know【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?A.Mr Smith works as a math teacher in a university.B.Mr Smith takes vacations in different countries every year.C.Mr Smith can speak English and French very well.D.Mr Smith went to Japan with his wife.【小题5】What can we know from the last paragraph(段落)?A.Mr Smith’s Japanese isn’t good.B.The Japanese were friendly to Mr Smith.C.Mr Smith speaks Japanese well.D.Japanese is difficult to learn.A




【小题1】细节题。根据文章When it’s summer or winter holidays, he goes out to take vacations to relax.当暑假或者寒假的时候,他就会出去度假放松自己。故选A

【小题2】推断题。根据文章斯密斯先生的话I’m not visiting France this time. I want to go to a different country. I choose Japan.他这次不去法国了,他想去一个不同的国家,他选择了日本。choose的意思是选择,决定故选D

【小题3】细节题。根据文章Ten days later, he came back.十天之后,他回来。可知,他在日本呆了10天。故选B

【小题4】细节判断题。根据文章Mr Smith teaches English in a university(大学).史密斯现在在一所大学教英语。故A错误。Usually he goes to France because he thinks it’s an interesting country. And he can speak French very well.他通常都去法国度假,因为他觉得那是一个有趣的国家,他的法语非常好。故B错误,C正确。根据文章可知,他是一个人去日本度假的。故D错误。故本题选C

