700字范文 > The doctors HandwritingMrs South is excited these days. A sudden terrible disease hardly

The doctors HandwritingMrs South is excited these days. A sudden terrible disease hardly

时间:2018-12-11 10:14:55


The doctors HandwritingMrs South is excited these days. A sudden terrible disease hardly


The doctors Handwriting

Mrs South is excited these days. A sudden terrible disease hardly killed her son two months ago. She and her husband took the poor boy to several hospitals, but few doctors could save him. Watching their helpless son struggling for a bare subsistence(在死亡线上挣扎), the woman’s and her husband’s hearts were broken. At that moment, one of their friends introduced Mr Young who worked in a small hospital to them. Thanks to the doctor, their son was saved and he was all right and came out of hospital last week.

The woman decided to ask the doctor to dinner. The invitation was sent to him yesterday. In reply she received a letter which was impossible to read.

“I must know whether he has accepted or not.” said Mrs South.

“If I were you,” suggested her husband. “I should take it to a chemist(药剂师). He can always read doctors’ letters, however badly written.”

The chemist looked at the notepaper for a while, without waiting for Mrs South’s explanation, and handed her a bottle.

“Here you are, madam,” he said. “That will be two dollars.”


【小题1】Mrs South’s son hardly d of the sudden terrible disease two months ago.

【小题2】Mr and Mrs South felt very s when their son was ill.

【小题3】Mrs South asked Mr Young to dinner to express her t.

【小题4】It was d for Mrs South to know whether Mr Young agreed to go to the dinner.

【小题5】The chemist thought he u what the doctor had written.died



解析:本文叙述了Mrs South和她的丈夫由于他们的儿子病了,所以他们四处求医给儿子治疗,结果经过朋友的介绍,他们的儿子被一个小医院里的医生治疗好了,他们感到很高兴。

【小题1】从文中第一段A sudden terrible disease hardly killed her son two months ago连个月之前一场疾病几乎要了她儿子的命。可得到信息,Be died of死于……

【小题2】从文中第一段the woman’s and her husband’s hearts were broken.这个女人和她丈夫心都要碎了,由此可知他们很难过,根据题目句意填sad或sorry.

【小题3】结合题意和文章,Mr Young治好了孩子的病,Mrs South 邀请Mr Young吃晚饭是想表达她的感激,所以填thanks,注意用复数。

【小题4】结合文章内容In reply she received a letter which was impossible to read.她收到了回信但不可能看懂,再结合句意:对Mrs South来说,要看懂Mr Young的回信是很困难的,故填difficult.

【小题5】从文中最后一段描述可知,药剂师看了回信,直接拿了一个药瓶给Mrs South,他认为他看懂了内容,understand理解,这里用过去式understood。
