700字范文 > Mr Brown is a . He drives for a big company. He is very so he can’t look after his famil

Mr Brown is a . He drives for a big company. He is very so he can’t look after his famil

时间:2020-02-23 10:03:24


Mr Brown is a . He drives for a big company. He is very   so he can’t look after his famil


Mr Brown is a . He drives for a big company. He is very , so he can’t look after his family. His wife became after their little son Peter was born.Mr Brown has to take little Peter to work with him. The boy likesand never feels tired andhis father a lot of questions.

Now Peter is 15 years old. Heall of his subjects except Geography. He works hard at it and wants to be a , so he listens to the teacher in class and studies the map when he is free. He does well in . sometimes he fails in Maths, History or some other subjects, but he doesn’t it.

Now Class Two are having History. Miss Lee is telling the class about James I(詹姆斯一世). Peter isn’t listening to her. He is thinking of he is going to visit next Saturday and Sunday. The teacher finds it and , “What is the first thing James I did when he came to the throne, Peter?”

The boy can’t the question at all. He thinks for a while and says, “ He sat down, Miss Lee.”

【小题1】A.workerB.cookC.driverD.doctor【小题2】A.busyB.freeC.hardworkingD. lazy【小题3】A.fatB.thinC.illD.beautiful【小题4】A.BecauseB.ButC.OrD.So【小题5】A.readingB.singingC.shoppingD.travelling【小题6】A.tellsB.asksC.thinksD.answers【小题7】A.likesB.lovesC.hatesD.enjoys【小题8】A.workerB.teacherC.farmerD.traveler【小题9】A.slowlyB.carefullyC.quicklyD.beautifully【小题10】A.MathsB.HistoryC.GeographyD.Chemistry【小题11】A.matterB.thinkC.hopeD.mind【小题12】A.everyingB.nothingC.somethingD.anything【小题13】A.whereB.whenC.whatD.which【小题14】A.saysB.speaksC.tellsD.asks【小题15】A.talkB.sayC.tellD.answerC




【小题1】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:布朗先生是一名司机 。Worker工人;cook厨师;driver司机;doctor医生。根据He drives for a big company.他为一个大公司开车,可知答案选C。

【小题2】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他非常忙,所以他不能照顾家。 Busy忙; free空闲; hardworking工作努力的;lazy懒。根据so he can’t look after his family所以他不能照顾家,可知答案选A。

【小题3】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他的妻子在生下他们的小儿子皮特后生病了。 Fat胖; thin瘦; ill病 ; beautiful漂亮。根据Mr Brown has to take little Peter to work with him 布朗先生不得不带着皮特和他一起工作,可知他妻子生病了,不能照顾皮特,故选C。

【小题4】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:所以布朗先生不得不带着皮特和他一起工作。Because因为;But但是; Or 或者;So所以。妻子生病是布朗先生带皮特上班的原因,故选 D。

【小题5】考查动名词及语境的理解。句意:皮特喜欢旅行,从不感觉累,有很多问题问爸爸。Reading阅读; singing唱歌;shopping购物;travelling旅行。皮特是一个小孩子,并且是和爸爸一起上班,坐在车上到处跑,可知答案选D。

【小题6】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:见【小题5】。Tells告诉asks 问thinks思考; answers回答。根据 a lot of questions可知是问题,故答案选B。

【小题7】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:除了地理,他讨厌所有的科目。Likes喜欢;loves热爱;Hates讨厌;enjoys享受。根据sometimes he fails in Maths, History or some other subjects,可知他别的科目学的不好,只喜欢地理,故选 C。

【小题8】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:他努力学习,想成为一名旅行者。worker 工作; teacher老师;farmer农夫; traveler旅行者。他努力学习地理,可知是想成为一名旅行者,故选 C。

【小题9】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:所以他在上课时认真听讲,一有时间就研究地图 。Slowly慢慢地;carefully认真地; quickly迅速地 ;beautifully漂亮地。皮特喜欢地理,想成为一名旅行者,上课就会认真听讲,故选B。

【小题10】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:他地理课学的好。 Maths 数学;History历史; Geography地理;Chemistry化学;根据He works hard at it和so he listens to the teacher in class carefully and studies the map when he is free.可知答案选C。

【小题11】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:有时他数学、历史或其它科目不及格,但是他不介意 。 Matter重要think认为hope希望mind介意。从上文可知皮特只喜欢学地理,故选D。

【小题12】考查代词及语境的理解。句意:李老师正在给同学们讲关于詹姆斯一世的一些事情。Everying每件事 nothing没有事情 something一些事情anything任何事情。根据语境可知答案选C。

【小题13】考查疑问词及语境的理解。句意:他正在想下周六日要去哪儿参观。Where哪里; when什么时候; what 什么; which哪个。Visit 作参观解时接地点宾语, 故选A。

【小题14】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:老师发现他溜号就问到。says 说;speaks讲; tells 告诉;asks问。根据“What is the first thing James I did when he came to the throne, Peter?”“皮特,詹姆斯一世继承王位时做的第一件事是什么?”此句为问句,可知答案选D.。

【小题15】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:男孩根本回答不上来这个问题。Talk谈话;say说; tell告诉;answer回答。,根据上句ask问,可知答案选D。
