700字范文 > NOTICETo protect the environment and stoop the soil(土壤)from being carried away we’ll go

NOTICETo protect the environment and stoop the soil(土壤)from being carried away we’ll go

时间:2018-09-13 15:22:59


NOTICETo protect the   environment and stoop the soil(土壤)from being carried away  we’ll go



To protect the environment and stoop the soil(土壤)from being carried away, we’ll go to Forest Park to plant tress this Sunday. The students of Grade Two and all the teachers are invited.

In the morning, the park ranger( 护林人 ), Jeff White, will teach us about the importance of trees and how trees work Then he’ll show us around the forest, In the afternoon, we’ll plant new trees where the old big ones have been cut down. The workers in the park will teach us how to plant trees.

We’ll meet at the school gate at 7:40 on Sunday morning and leave for the park at 8:00. We’ll take our school buses there. Please take tools(工具 ) and lunch with you. Remember to arrive on time.

The Headmaster Office

Tuesday, March 4th

【小题1】They’ll go to plant trees on .A.March 4thB.March 5thC.March 8thD.March 9th【小题2】The right order(顺序) of the following steps is.

①visiting the forest②planting trees

③meeting at the school gat④listening to Jeff White’s report A.③②①④B.②③①④C.③④①②D.④①②③【小题3】They will leave for the park at A.7:00 a.m.B.8:40 a.m.C.7:40 a.m.D.8:00 a.m.【小题4】They’ll go to Forest Park .A.on footB.by busC.by carD.by subway【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE?A.the students will have lunch in Forest Park.B.The students don’t need to take tools with them.C.Jeff White will teach the students to plant trees.D.All the students of this school will go to plant trees.D




试题分析:这是学校校长办公室发出的通知。为了保护环境,防风固土,这个星期天二年级的学生以及所有的老师被邀请去森林公园植树。老师同学们先是在校门口见,再听护林人Jeff White的报告,然后在他的引导下参观森林,最后植树,请自带工具和午饭。

【小题1】推理判断题。根据短文第一段we’ll go to Forest Park to plant tress this Sunday. 及布告的落款日期Tuesday, March 4th 可知星期天是4月9日,故选D。

【小题2】细节理解题。通读整篇短文可知,老师同学们先是在校门口见,再听护林人Jeff White的报告,然后在他的引导下参观森林,最后植树,故选C。

【小题3】细节理解题。根据短文第三段We’ll meet at the school gate at 7:40 on Sunday morning and leave for the park at 8:00.描述,可知他们8:00去公园,故选D。

【小题4】细节理解题。根据短文第三段We’ll take our school buses there.描述,可知他们要乘校车去那儿,故选B。

【小题5】推理判断题。根据短文第三段Please take tools(工具 ) and lunch with you. 描述,可知他们要带工具和午饭,所以要在公园吃午饭,故选A。

