700字范文 > 【小题1】 We all know that Millie has a pet▲(宠物) dog named Eddie.【小题2】We are going to celebrat

【小题1】 We all know that Millie has a pet▲(宠物) dog named Eddie.【小题2】We are going to celebrat

时间:2023-05-10 20:19:37


【小题1】 We all know that Millie has a pet▲(宠物) dog named Eddie.【小题2】We are going to celebrat


【小题1】 We all know that Millie has a pet▲(宠物) dog named Eddie.

【小题2】We are going to celebrate the 90thbirthday of our Party on July▲(七月)1st, .

【小题3】 A strong wind came from behind suddenly▲crowded(突然) and we lost the umbrella in the wind.

【小题4】The roads are becoming more and more promised▲(拥挤的) because of too much traffic.

【小题5】I’d love to join you in the camping, but I asleep▲(允诺) to go cycling with John yesterday.

【小题6】My mother was so tired that she fell a▲62. Eatingwhen watching TV.

【小题7】 E▲decidefresh vegetables and doing enough exercise will be good for your health.

【小题8】Kung Fu Panda II is a fantastic film and I want to see it. But I can’t d▲wildlywhen to go.

【小题9】It’s dangerous to run w▲againstin all directions when an earthquake happens.

【小题10】 We are good friends and seldom speak or act a▲fiftheach other.

【小题11】 My family live on the themselves▲readers(five) floor of the tall building.

【小题12】Simon and Linda didn’t tell us the news. They wanted to keep the secret to softly▲pleasant(they).

【小题13】 Young ▲(read) are crazy about Guo Jingming’s books.

【小题14】Listen! The lovely birds are singing nicely and ▲(soft) in the trees.

【小题15】Ricky had a ▲(please) trip to Lushan Mountain last spring.


解析: 略
