700字范文 > 【英语招聘广告】用英语写一篇招聘广告 内容新颖 吸引人 字数在100字....

【英语招聘广告】用英语写一篇招聘广告 内容新颖 吸引人 字数在100字....

时间:2022-05-17 05:34:09


【英语招聘广告】用英语写一篇招聘广告 内容新颖 吸引人 字数在100字....


用英语写一篇招聘广告,内容新颖,吸引人,字数在100字左右,好的加分,急用!1、内容新颖,吸引人,原创,人工完成.(尽量不要有太复杂的单词..)2、要写清招聘者的年龄范围.3、字数100字左右.4、好的追加50分!急急急急!希望大家帮帮忙. 英语


【答案】 Boys and gilrs,what are you looking for? money? Iphone? experiences?A jod or a part-time job?yes,you can find what you want here,so,COME ON,we provided different sorts of jobs here,you can pick out what you love best,you also can make friends here.you can get not only the money from here,but also the experiences.so,COME HERE,Its the best choice to attend here.All of you know that the independence is so importent for us to stand in the society.you can get more independence here,so,go,go,come on.

这是针对大学生写的招聘广告,望采纳 追问:是挺好的,但是我是初中生,好多单词都不认识。。 追答:这些都是简单的单词啊,,你把你不会的单词指出来,,我改一下 追问:society, independence ,还有,能说清楚工作的内容吗?工作要求、还有应聘者的年龄要求。 好的话再加50 追答:Boys and gilrs,what are you looking for? money? Iphone? experiences?A jod or a part-time job?yes,you can find what you want here,so,COME ON,we provided different sorts of jobs here,you can pick out what you love best,you also can make friends here.you can get not only the money from here,but also the experiences.so,COME HERE,Its the best choice to attend here.you should help the shoping center to sell the clothes or something else,and give the customers what they needs.If you are interested in this ADs,please give me a call,thank you very much.
