700字范文 > 使命召唤9黑色行动2TranZit彩蛋攻略


时间:2018-12-15 18:17:07





2.接通电源,然后你会听见Maxis说:"Excellent! You have freed it! But now, you must turn off the power. An active power grid will disrupt all communications between us, and make it impossible to accomplish the mission I have for you. Shut down the power."现在,你需要关闭电源。


4.如果你看到Avogadro出现,放1个Turbines在电塔下,Maxis会说:"Not enough power. Bring additional energy systems." 然后放下第2个Trubine,Maxis会说:Yes, power! We need more of it. But only power which is portable and possibly even alive!"


6.现在用另外2个Turbines,一个放在巴士站的灯柱下,另一个放在餐厅的灯柱下。这样,电塔就会发出橙色的光,成就"Tower of Babble"解锁。然后Maxis会说:"Good. The Trichotomous system is now complete."


1.组装Nav Table

2.在接通电源之后(如果你是Samuel)会听到Richtofen说::"Ah, good job, wunderbar! Youve done well, my friend. But this is not a sprint. This is und marathon. Of your group, you are the only one who seems to be able to hear me, so you must convince your deaf friends to heat up the obelisk! Setting a puny fire is not enough. It must reach an extreme temperature. If only you knew how to build a portable engine of some sort. One that might grow very hot, like a jet engine with an afterburner, Oh you do? Oh, goody goody! So, why are still standing here listening to voices in your head? Get to it, schweinhund, or Dr. Maxis will kill you all!" 现在,你需要组装Jet Gun。

3.在小镇的酒吧里的工作臺上组装Jet Gun。

Jet Gun所需零件:

-Jet Engine在巴士站和餐厅之间的隧道里

-Wires在 Tombstone Soda所在的房间里。

-Handbrake在Nacht Der Untoten里。

-Pressure Gauge在发电厂和小镇之间Bowie Knife所在的木屋里。

Jet Gun组装好后,Richtofen会说:"Your skills are superb. Now get this thing to the obelisk! We must hurry, for Maxis is a busy little beaver, and the dam he builds will kill you all! Trust me!".

4.现在,把Jet Gun带到电塔底下,Richtofen会说:"Now we need the 115, and the only place to get that is from the flesh. THE FLEISCH! You must (unclear) the 115 from the undead by killing them. Oh, boy, do you need a bunch of it. Get busy!"

然后对着Nav Table上的陨石使用Jet gun,直到它爆炸。

5.现在,在塔下用爆炸性武器杀一些僵尸,帮电塔充能。充完后,richtofen会说:"You must reduce the incoming power by a factor of four!".

6.现在,所有玩家来到不同的灯柱底下,利用小妖挖的传送,把EMP同时扔进去。然后电塔会发蓝光,成就"Tower of Babble"解锁。
