700字范文 > vista启动画面_在Windows Vista中启动“开始”菜单搜索框

vista启动画面_在Windows Vista中启动“开始”菜单搜索框

时间:2020-05-08 09:02:47


vista启动画面_在Windows Vista中启动“开始”菜单搜索框


Vista Start Menu Health Without Start++


Coolness: 0.5Usefulness: 0.8Show-Off Factor: 3.9


Vista Start Menu Health With Start++

使用Start ++的Vista开始菜单运行状况

Coolness: 14.2Usefulness: 999.9Show-Off Factor: 24.9


As you can see, significant stat increases just from installing Brandon Paddock’s Start++ Start menu enhancement, mostly in the area of usefulness.What’s this all about, you ask?

如您所见,仅通过安装Brandon Paddock的Start ++ Start菜单增强功能,显着的统计数据就会增加,主要是在有用性方面。 你问什么?

Start++ is a small add-on application that lets you create aliases of words and characters to commands or searches. You canset the commands to run with administrator privileges. You can even save commands as “Startlets” and share them with your friends.

Start ++是一个小型附加应用程序,可让您为命令或搜索创建单词和字符的别名。 您可以将命令设置为以管理员权限运行。 您甚至可以将命令另存为“ Startlets”,并与朋友共享。

Here are some Start++ usage examples:

以下是一些Start ++用法示例:

Search Google by typing in g <keyword>

通过输入g <关键字>来搜索Google。

Search Google by typing in g <keyword>

通过输入g <关键字>来搜索Google。

Search Dictionary by using d <keyword>使用d <关键字>搜索词典 Search Wikipedia by using w <keyword>使用w <关键字>搜索Wikipedia Search IMDB by using imdb <keyword>使用imdb <关键字>搜索IMDB

Search anywhere by making a custom search command:


Search anywhere by making a custom search command:


Use sudo before any command to make it run as administrator:


Use sudo before any command to make it run as administrator:


Finally, a sudo command for Windows Vista!

最后,是Windows Vista的sudo命令!

Search for music to play and open in Media Player. You could use “Play Nickleback”, for example. I’m looking forward to testing out these commands.搜索要播放的音乐,然后在Media Player中打开。 例如,您可以使用“播放Nickleback”。 我期待测试这些命令。 Start++even works from the command prompt.Start ++甚至可以在命令提示符下运行。 Create an alias for anything you want. You could set “i” to open Internet explorer, and “f” for Firefox, for instance.为您想要的任何内容创建别名。 例如,您可以将“ i”设置为打开Internet Explorer,将“ f”设置为Firefox。

Download Start++ From Brandon Paddock’s site now.

立即从Brandon Paddock的网站下载Start ++。

I’d also recommend subscribing to the Start++ updates feed on Brandon Paddock’s site, because he’s been releasing new versions left and right.

我还建议您在Brandon Paddock的网站上订阅Start ++更新feed ,因为他一直在向左和向右发布新版本。

翻译自: /howto/windows-vista/power-up-your-start-menu-search-box-in-windows-vista/

