700字范文 > Python 学习笔记(Machine Learning In Action)K-近邻算法(KNN)机器学习实战

Python 学习笔记(Machine Learning In Action)K-近邻算法(KNN)机器学习实战

时间:2022-01-18 17:49:57


Python 学习笔记(Machine Learning In Action)K-近邻算法(KNN)机器学习实战






矩阵排序算法 code(numpy)


x = np.array([3, 1, 2])np.argsort(x)array([1, 2, 0])


假设字典Dictionary={'A' : 1, 'B' : 2}

dic.setdefault('key','No Found') 如果在字典中查不到key 则会新建key 值为No Found Dictionary.setdefault('C',0) 执行结果为Dictionary={'A' : 1, 'B' : 2 ,'C' : 0}

Dictionary.get('key','No Found') 如果在字典中查不到key 则会输出 No Found Dictionary.get('C',0) 执行结果为:0

sorted():sorted(对象,排序元素,正序/逆序) sorted(classCount.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) classCount:字典{'A' : 1, 'B' : 2 ,'C' : 0},key=operator.itemgetter(1):对值进行排序,reverse=True:逆序输出3,2,1



最终K-近邻算法为 :

1 def classify0(inX, dataSet, labels, k): 2dataSetSize = dataSet.shape[0] #shape[0]就是读取矩阵的长度 3diffMat = tile(inX, (dataSetSize,1)) - dataSet 4sqDiffMat = diffMat**2 5sqDistances = sqDiffMat.sum(axis=1) 6distances = sqDistances**0.5 7sortedDistIndicies = distances.argsort()8classCount={} 9for i in range(k):10 voteIlabel = labels[sortedDistIndicies[i]]11 classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel,0) + 112sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)13return sortedClassCount[0][0]

最终返回 值最大的一类(A/B/C).


1 def createDataSet():2group = array([[1.0,1.1],[1.0,1.0],[0,0],[0,0.1]])3labels = ['A','A','B','B']4return group, labels




1 def file2matrix(filename): 2fr = open(filename) 3f_lines = fr.readlines() 4numberOfLines = len(f_lines)#get the number of lines in the file 得到文件的行数 7returnMat = zeros((numberOfLines,3)) #prepare matrix to return 创建以0填充的矩阵numpy,为了简化处理,将该矩阵的另一维度设置为固定值3,可以根据自己的需求增加相应的代码以适应变化的输入值 8classLabelVector = [] #prepare labels return9#fr = open(filename) 10 11index = 0 12for line in f_lines: #循环处理文件中的每行数据,首先使用line.strip截取掉所有的回车字符,然后使用tab字符\t将上一步得到的整行数据分割成一个元素列表 13 line = line.strip() 14 15 listFromLine = line.split('\t') 16 17 returnMat[index,:] = listFromLine[0:3] #选取前3个元素,将其存储到特征矩阵中 18 classLabelVector.append(listFromLine[-1]) #Python语言可以使用索引值-1表示列表中的最后一列元素,利用这种负索引,可以将列表的最后一列存储到向量classLabelVector中。注意:必须明确的通知解释器,告诉它列表中存储的元素值为整形,否则Python语言会将这些元素当做字符串来处理 listFromLine前不能加int否则报错 19 index += 1 20return returnMat,classLabelVector


1 40920 8.326976 0.953952 largeDoses 2 14488 7.153469 1.673904 smallDoses 3 26052 1.441871 0.805124 didntLike 4 75136 13.147394 0.428964 didntLike 5 38344 1.669788 0.134296 didntLike 6 72993 10.141740 1.032955 didntLike 7 35948 6.830792 1.213192 largeDoses 8 42666 13.276369 0.543880 largeDoses 9 67497 8.631577 0.749278 didntLike10 35483 12.273169 1.508053 largeDoses11 50242 3.723498 0.831917 didntLike12 63275 8.385879 1.669485 didntLike13 5569 4.875435 0.728658 smallDoses14 51052 4.680098 0.625224 didntLike15 77372 15.299570 0.331351 didntLike16 43673 1.889461 0.191283 didntLike17 61364 7.516754 1.269164 didntLike18 69673 14.239195 0.261333 didntLike19 15669 0.000000 1.250185 smallDoses20 28488 10.528555 1.304844 largeDoses21 6487 3.540265 0.822483 smallDoses22 37708 2.991551 0.833920 didntLike

1 40920 8.326976 0.953952 3 2 14488 7.153469 1.673904 2 3 26052 1.441871 0.805124 1 4 75136 13.147394 0.428964 1 5 38344 1.669788 0.134296 1 6 72993 10.141740 1.032955 1 7 35948 6.830792 1.213192 3 8 42666 13.276369 0.543880 3 9 67497 8.631577 0.749278 110 35483 12.273169 1.508053 311 50242 3.723498 0.831917 112 63275 8.385879 1.669485 113 5569 4.875435 0.728658 214 51052 4.680098 0.625224 115 77372 15.299570 0.331351 116 43673 1.889461 0.191283 117 61364 7.516754 1.269164 118 69673 14.239195 0.261333 119 15669 0.000000 1.250185 220 28488 10.528555 1.304844 321 6487 3.540265 0.822483 222 37708 2.991551 0.833920 123 22620 5.297865 0.638306 224 28782 6.593803 0.187108 325 19739 2.816760 1.686209 226 36788 12.458258 0.649617 3


1 %matplotlib inline 2 import numpy 3 import matplotlib 4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 5 import kNN 6 from numpy import array 7 a, b = kNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') 8 p1 = plt.figure().add_subplot(111) 9 plt.xlabel('Percentage of time spent playing video games')10 plt.ylabel('Liters of ice cream consumed weekly')11 p1.scatter(a[:,1],a[:,2],15.0*array(b),15.0*array(b))12 plt.show()

显示结果(X:玩视频游戏所耗时间百分比 Y:每周消耗的冰淇淋公升数)


1 %matplotlib inline 2 import numpy 3 import matplotlib 4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 5 import kNN 6 from numpy import array 7 a, b = kNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') 8 p1 = plt.figure().add_subplot(111) 9 plt.xlabel('Number of frequent flyer miles earned per year')10 plt.ylabel('Liters of ice cream consumed weekly')11 p1.scatter(a[:,0],a[:,1],15.0*array(b),15.0*array(b))12 plt.show()

显示结果(X:每年的飞行常客里程数 Y:每周消耗的冰淇淋公升数)





1 def autoNorm(dataSet):2minVals = dataSet.min(0)#将矩阵每一列进行排序取最小值3maxVals = dataSet.max(0)#将矩阵每一列进行排序取最大值4ranges = maxVals - minVals5normDataSet = zeros(shape(dataSet))#生成一个与dataSet行列一样的0矩阵6m = dataSet.shape[0]#返回矩阵行数7normDataSet = dataSet - tile(minVals, (m,1))8normDataSet = normDataSet/tile(ranges, (m,1)) #element wise divide9return normDataSet, ranges, minVals


1 %matplotlib inline2 import numpy3 import matplotlib4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt5 import kNN6 from numpy import array 7 normMat,max_min,minVals = kNN.autoNorm(a)



1 def datingClassTest(): 2hoRatio = 0.50#hold out 10% 3datingDataMat,datingLabels = file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') #load data setfrom file 4normMat, ranges, minVals = autoNorm(datingDataMat) 5m = normMat.shape[0] 6numTestVecs = int(m*hoRatio) 7errorCount = 0.0 8for i in range(numTestVecs): 9 classifierResult = classify0(normMat[i,:],normMat[numTestVecs:m,:],datingLabels[numTestVecs:m],3) #前50%作为测试数据后 50%作为训练数据10 print "the classifier came back with: %d, the real answer is: %d" % (classifierResult, datingLabels[i])11 if (classifierResult != datingLabels[i]): errorCount += 1.012print "the total error rate is: %f" % (errorCount/float(numTestVecs))13print errorCount





1 %matplotlib inline 2 import numpy 3 import matplotlib 4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 5 import kNN 6 from numpy import array 7 a, datingLabels_b = kNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') 8 9 def classifyPerson(): 10 resultList=['not at all','in small doses','in large doses'] 11 percentTats=float(raw_input("percentage of time spent playing video games?")) 12 ffMiles=float(raw_input("frequent flier miles earned per year?")) 13 iceCream=float(raw_input("liters of ice cream consumed per year?")) 14 datingDataSetMat,datingLabels=kNN.file2matrix('datingTestSet2.txt') 15 normMat,ranges,minVals=kNN.autoNorm(a) 16 inArr=array([ffMiles,percentTats,iceCream]) 17 classiferResult=kNN.classify0((inArr-minVals)/ranges,normMat,datingLabels_b,3) 18 print "You will probably like this person:",resultList[classiferResult-1] 19 classifyPerson()


1 percentage of time spent playing video games?62 frequent flier miles earned per year?1111113 liters of ice cream consumed per year?54 You will probably like this person: not at all
