700字范文 > 二.英语语法 - 并列句

二.英语语法 - 并列句

时间:2019-11-21 09:42:54


二.英语语法 - 并列句

二. 并列句

什么是并列句 就是用连词连接两个句子 英语中常见的并列连词 平行关系:and, not only…but also similarly, equally, likewise, at the same time, in the meanwhile… 转折关系:but yet,while,whereas however, nevertheless ,on the contrary,conversely,unexpededly,unforturnately, by contrast… 选择关系:or alternatively… 因果关系:for, so therefor, thus, consequently, as a result… 递进关系:then besides, furthermore, moreover, additionally,subsequently, in addition… 连词和其它逻辑关系词的区别在于 连词的前面有无逗号均可,而其它逻辑关系词的前面,要么用句号,要么加and 并列句的考点分析 写作 只要写作的上下句之间有逻辑关系,就一定要用逻辑关系词(连词、副词、介词和介词短语) 完型 只需要读懂逻辑关系词前后两句话的意思就ok了。 长难句分析 在分析长难句的时候,只要见到有并列连词的出现,通常都会有省略。翻译的时候先把省略的部分补充上,再做翻译,分析长难句的第一步是找谓语,第二步就是找连词,但是当连词在连接两个单词的时候,这个连词就装作没看见那如何查找省略的内容呢? 一句话只要与省略,就一定会省略连词后,连词前是不可能省的,所以连词后面有的成分,连词前面一定有。连词前面有,而连词前面没有的部分便是省略的内容


爱情已经不在了,他还在留恋过去。 Romance has evaporated,and on the contrary she stil misses thepast. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 There remain an army of companies coming from afar,and consequently I feel more than delighted. 都说我如水百变,可知我清澈不变。 I am claimed changeable like water. By contrast, my clarity keeps consistnt. 你还记得那天吗? 我没有通过四级考试,一个人在雨中哭泣.你走过来拍拍我的肩膀告诉我,人生没有终点。 do you stil keep that day in mind? I failed to pass CET4, and as a result,I shed tears in the rain alone. At the same time , you com up to me and subsequently you beat my shoulder,and tell me “there exists no destination in life”.
