700字范文 > 区块链产业将发生哪些翻天覆地的变化?


时间:2020-08-18 22:55:38






今天,三点钟群主为Dovey Wan,联合其特邀嘉宾为我们带来了深刻的见解。

Dovey Wan :丹华资本董事总经理。丹华资本由张首晟教授创办,现为Dfinity, Brave/BAT, Kyber Network, Orchid Lab, Basecoin, Chia Network, Theta Network, Keep Network, Nucypher, Content Neutrality Network/CNN 等项目的首轮投资人。

周晨瑶 :隆领投资合伙人,入选福布斯亚洲30岁以下投资精英。区块链投资项目有:Zipper, Arcblock, Ontology, Theta等。

话题分享的主要嘉宾是Ryan Seliks【12AM Ryan Seliks】

Ryan Seliks,美国著名数字货币投资机构DCG(Digital Currency Group) 创始成员,CoinDesk前CEO。美国区块链行业知名人脉王,对美国监管、数字货币趋势有深刻理解。

今天的内容,美女群主Dovey Wan点名哈希财经整理报道。

以下为Ryan Seliks发言的全部内容,Ryan Seliks全程英文分享,哈希财经独家翻译:

Dovey Wan 丹华资本:@Ryan Selkis we are all super curious on your outlook of , especially you are invovled in the last few major regulatory updates and disucssion. lets know what you consider might be the biggest change in

我们都是超级好奇你的 的看法,尤其是你参与的几个主要的讨论。告诉我们你觉得可能最大的变化是什么。

Ryan Selkis:I’ll kick off with some trends we’re looking at

Ok. Three biggest trends / challenges


1) Decentralized exchange: the ability to trade without a central market maker is a amazing. Yes, speeds will be lower, spreads higher, UX clunkier, but that will change over time, and in the meantime, decentralized exchange opens up crypto trading to anyone. Now all you need to worry about is how do you earn or buy your first crypto. To have true financial self-sufficiency you need a stable store of value (“stablecoins”), self-custody solutions, and decentralized exchange. All three are emerging, and it’s great!


2) Self-regulation: The primary challenge in regulating crypto is one of jurisdiction. We need to think about the regulatory challenges a bit differently, as there is no single global regulator. And without a global regulator to bless an official self-regulatory body that dictates how do we reach consensus about token sale best practices across borders


3) The epic coming crash: I don’t know if it’s this year or next year or +, but almost all utility tokens will go to zero - even the ones with good teams - because there is usually no reason to hold them to use a decentralized application. Three exceptions may be around tokens that “securitize” an information resource like compute (Golem), storage (Filecoin), attention (Basic Attention Token); tokens that allow the holder to earn network fees in exchange for work (Augur’s REP, Numeraire, Zeppelin); and token curated registries, which we’re working on.

即将到来的崩溃:我不知道这是今年还是明年,还是 +,但是几乎所有的实用代币都会变成零,即使是那些拥有好团队的代币,因为通常没有理由让它们使用分散的应用程序。不过有三个例外,可能在这些“证券化”的一个信息资源如计算(傀儡),存储(filecoin),专注(基本注意代币);代币允许持有者在换工作赚网费(占卜师的代表,Numeraire,飞艇);和代币策划注册,我们正在努力。

The fourth is also a hot topic this year: non-fungible tokens like crypto-kitties. Everything else will either be a crypto-currency (held as a store of value) or a crypto-security (fundamental assets backing the token, or claims to cash flows).


The thesis behind the crash is that most tokens do not need to be held as stores of value


Dovey Wan 丹华资本:之前我也有提到过“数据网路效应”能产生数据网网络效应token会更有价值

马昊伯:utility token ,eth is also utility token,and PoS to earn fees

利用代币,eth也是一种代币的利用,and POS获得fees

Ryan Selkis:ETH is a utility, but it is acting as a reserve currency for other token sales. Ie a true store of value currency


yi@odyssey(ocn):@Ryan Selkisthat might be true in a normal market with usage driven demand and supply, but the current crypto is driven by speculative demand and market sentiment, going to zero would indeed also affect eth and bitcoin not?


Ryan Selkis:I believe we’ll see a decoupling not sure it will be this year. But the current valuations are overvalued by orders of magnitude outside of “money” cryptos


yi@odyssey(ocn):If all/majority of the assets in the states go to zero USD would be useless as well


马昊伯:hope to learn more reasons about utility token all go to zero,how to judge a token is a money or not


Dovey Wan 丹华资本:@Ryan Selkis a natural next question here is, it seems like all token holders have the expeection of price appreciation, which essentially make token security by investor psychology... how to decouple its value of speculation which is also a real demand from the actual utility demand?


yi@odyssey(ocn):Depreciation for utility token without strong fundamentals behind is healthy, but the question is whether certain tokens could survive in a crash if the current pricing is primarily driven by sentiment and not real demand plus supply


Ryan Selkis:Expectation of profit is only one component to a security

Another important component is if the expectation is based on the work of others



Utility tokens where you commit a resource like bandwidth or storage, you are doing the work to grow the value of that resource and network

Most token sales that are “flipped” are held 100% for speculation.

The more speculators, the more likely a regulator will view the offering as a security

This is why investors that get steep pre-sale discounts and then “flip” their tokens put projects at risk - they aren’t doing anything to add to the project, simply pumping the value and selling to less sophisticated investors.

One way to mitigate the risk as an investor is to invest at the same terms as project founders which could include vesting periods.

Filecoin and many other top projects have started to do this in the US







Dovey Wan 丹华资本:@Ryan Selkis as you said regulation will tighten if speculators are flocking into the space, same with scammers. in your point of view, what is the best recommendation for “Self-governance“ and whistleblower on scammers


Joe Ma:@Ryan SelkisRegarding point 2, global regulation in crypto world may face the same situation with global warming. To go further, What kinds of mechanism would be global regulation like? Will there be a coordinating conference for agreements coming in major countries like G20?

Ryan Selkis:The challenge regulating crypto is one of jurisdiction

It would be tough to self-regulate without a global regulator that had the ability to enforce laws across borders.

Perhaps the best way then to self-regulate is through improved transparency standards

A fan:I just Don't understand what kind of utility tokens do you think will drop to 0...the exceptions include really quite a lot of so call utility tokens...what the other kinds of utility tokens ?any example?@Ryan Selkis

Ryan Selkis:Pressuring projects to disclose insider transactions. Report on their financial management regularly. And ensure they can’t just take the money and run

And they are mispriced because people are valuing them as if they are meant to be held like stores of value. Vs for their utility



Dovey Wan 丹华资本:这个关于国家合作,我的观点是 1)世界上不可能的事情是让政客们达成共识。。2)不要说跨国共识,一个州内一个小事儿都能吵3年。。政客的存在就是“拒绝共识” 3)要让跨国主权国家的政治首脑快速达成共识,除非关乎生死存亡的时候。。譬如第三次世界大战,但是crypto到现在的影响的力还远没有到a matter of death or alive

Janelle链者:What does user need to hold to use the decentralized app then? The token generated from the utility token, like erc20 vs eth? If so how can erc20 be worth something while eth does not?

At the end ppl only pay for ip and cost. Blockchain at the end might turn into a super ip enabler. But that can take 10yrs.

Very good question: one reason is we’re starting with extremely basic info - much of which is already available but scattered

We’re aggregating that and putting it in one place

The second primary reason is that regulators are demanding improved transparency to protect investors

So there is fear that if a project is sneaky or does not disclose important information they will be subject to significant legal risk

And the final reason is around eliminating administrative headaches

This will hopefully encourage people to self regulate instead and coalesce around some common sense standards

那么用户需要使用分散的应用程序做什么呢?从实用的令代币生成代币,像erc20 VS ETH?如果这样怎么能erc20东西而ETH不值得吗?









何斌:目前发的项目 到落地的时候 如果有大量出现问题的 积累起来可能会有一次大的信任危机 那个节点 肯定有波动


Qiao:在美国证券市场 SEC把自主监管的权利和责任交给所谓的SRO,SRO包括交易所等。不全没有SEC,所以需要有影响里的机构好人个人出来鼓励并且推进“自主监管”

何斌:是的 可能会出现一次互联网2000年的情景


卞 黑池:我到觉得值得投的项目挺多的,能比二级便宜的不多


詹川:@极豆资本、CTEChain 李泳只是合规也没有用,还要看发心和初心吧。

大空翼:进展都要 以 blockchain ID 为基础

汪天扬:How to enforce the self regulation? call for some kind of centralized mechanism?

张敏:@林奇 但是技术上的信息透明必须尽快开始,而且由于区块链的进化速度,可能会被大幅度缩短?


马祎:@Ryan Selkisdo you think self-regulartory would be sufficient? How do you prevent scammers from gaming the system?

A fan:I believe the drop of price is because the result doesn’t meet expectations most of times; and rise of price is related to the expansion of community. that is why we need to focus on fundamental analysis

Dovey Wan 丹华资本:@Ryan Selkis Ryan talking about self-regulation How do you hold teams accountable when investing in their ICO? say how they can use funds and whether they can deliver as white paper's roadmap, now seems to be all in good faith only


Ryan Selkis:It’s a new concept that the team at adchain created



成也consensus capital :@Ryan Selkisdo you think DAICO is an efficient solution to Dover’s question

CNN@Newsdog: @Ryan Selkis but is a token curated registry also a centralized solution?

Ryan Selkis:I think the DAICO concept is terrific, and it will certainly be developed more in the coming years

Qiao:There are ways to time-lock the funds you raised in a smart contract, so to prevent founders from running away with investors money

林嘉鹏:@詹川 大佬也不一定靠谱呀。我看好那些社区做的好的项目。公平的项目,用户会自传播的

大空翼:Daico 对ico有所改进,但还是治标不治本,还是平行世界

陈乡长@鸵鸟区块链:@江卓尔 莱比特矿池 BTC.TOP的确,我们最近在统计,以及持仓大户的情况,以及经过一些项目方和交易所分析以后就可以相对应锁定实际的人,因为现货出来,不是莫名的,是可以追溯源头的,除非,就是以太坊也用上了零知识证明

Ryan Selkis:So voters are incentivized to behave in ways that are in the best long-term interest of the registry. IF the tcr is well designed


林嘉鹏:@林奇 我相信市场的力量,净化的力量。过头了就肯定会矫正的。

Ryan Selkis:All - thank you for inviting me! Qiao may stick around but I have to sign off. Hope to meet many of you in person one day soon!







林奇:@Dovey Wan | 丹华资本我就直接问你,美联储,包括IMF到底会不会站在数字货币的对立面

Dovey Wan | 丹华资本:不会,我昨天刚和联储的一个大哥聊完,特别有意思

至少那位联储大哥是这么和我说的 (而且PBOC和他们交流过)1)假设数字货币全面普及,解释联储肯定也会发型美元数字货币,美元会作为所有数字货币中共同竞争的一个选手,而且他们对美元的竞争力有极大的信心,因为美元是背靠美国赋税能力 2)他们认为数字货币普及首先被颠覆的是商业银行,而不是央行和联储或者IMF 3)大部分人是芝加哥派Chicago School of Economics,认可宏观货币政策的必要性







潘志彪Keven Pan:如果美元出数字货币,会加速财富(持币)从法币向数字货币转移的速度,或者说会加速提前达到平衡态。这个趋势已经无法逆转了。



Dovey Wan | 丹华资本:「 A fan: @Dovey Wan | 丹华资本 数字货币使用越广对税制冲击越大 反过来又冲击美元 这个fed咋看呢?应该关IRS的事? 」

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我个人觉得不会。tax is a toll for money in action. and GDP is velocity of money。现在美国币币交易已经要交税了,数字货币的普及相当于一下子增加了一个流动性极大的交易种类,我觉得IRS要收税到笑醒...

林奇:@Dovey Wan | 丹华资本我依然坚持铸币权的币的效力是国家强权力来保证和维护的。而加密货币的价值完全是靠信心和资金量支撑的。所以比特币其实更像是一般等价物,因为产量稀少,又获得了大家的共识,还可以点对点网络交易而摆脱监管。就像巴菲特说的千年谎言,所以大家认为美元最终会发行数字货币真的是想太多了,即使有一天有这么个东西出现,那也只是叫了个数字货币的名字而已


Dovey Wan | 丹华资本:是呀,所谓美元数字货币的产生其实更便于 1)美元作为国际货币的流通 2)便于联储宏观乃至全球货币政策 3)省了银行之间大量清算和摩擦费用,其实在美元封闭体系来说是非常高效的
