700字范文 > 征地补偿费 land requisition compensation cost英语短句 例句大全

征地补偿费 land requisition compensation cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-03 13:44:54


征地补偿费 land requisition compensation cost英语短句 例句大全

征地补偿费,land requisition compensation cost

1)land requisition compensation cost征地补偿费

1.The purpose of the paper is to confirm and distributeland requisition compensation cost, harmonize the benefits of government, village and present,presents, the rights and interests of the presents.征地补偿费的确定和分配一直是征地制度改革中重要的组成部分。


1.Research on Acceptance Subject of Land-requisition Compensation and Rights to Agricultural Land Development;征地补偿费受偿主体及农地发展权归属探究

2.Land Requisition Compensation Cost and the Protection of Present Rights and Interests;农地征地补偿费的确定与农民权益保护

3.It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses.禁止侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。

4.A Reflection on Dispute of Allocation of Chinese Rural Land Requisition Compensation Fee对中国农村征地补偿费分配纠纷的思考

pensation fees for land requisitioned include land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land.征用耕地的补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。

6.On the Standard of Compensation for Requisition of Land and Its Quantitative Method in Our Country;论我国土地征用补偿费标准及其定量方法

7.Old Age Security Should be Included in the Compensation of Land Requisition;土地征用补偿费中应包含养老保障因素

8.Research on the groundwater compensation基于用水主体的地下水补偿费征收研究

9.Where it is necessary to requisition land, the enterprise shall, according to law, pay compensation for the land and for the evacuees and help the evacuees to settle down.征用土地的,应当依法支付土地补偿费和安置补偿费,做好迁移居民的安置工作。

10.Review on the Compensation Scope, Standard and Method of Land Requisition System;论征地补偿范围、补偿标准及测算方法

11.An Evaluation Research on Expenses of Farm Land Expropriated and Compensated:A Case Study on Evaluation of Farming Land in ZhuMadian Ctiy;耕地征用补偿费评估研究——以驻马店市农用地定级与估价工作为例

12.But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition.但是,土地补偿费和安置补助费的总和不得超过土地被征用前三年平均年产值的三十倍。

13.A Study on the Expoitation and Levying Resource Compensation of Petroleum Mineral Resource in Junggar Basin of Sinkiang;新疆准噶尔盆地油气矿产资源开发现状及补偿费计征研究

14.On Whether the Unplanned Born Child Has the Qualification to Acquire Compensation for Collecting Countryside"s Land论超生子女是否享有农村土地征收补偿费用资格

15.Strengthening Imposition of "Compensation Tax for Mineral Resources" by Standardizing Supervision;规范矿产资源补偿费征管 促进依法征费

16.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度

17.Study on Ecological Compensation Absence in Land Requisition and its Solutions;生态补偿在征地补偿中的缺失及路径选择

18.The Compensation Mechanism Study on Land Acquisition--View from the Employment Compensation中国征地补偿机制——基于就业补偿视角分析


The expenses of the land expropriation compensation征地补偿费用

3)compensation for collecting countryside"s land农村土地征收补偿费

4)compensation in land expropriation征地补偿

1.IRegarded as the core issue of land expropriation, thecompensation in land expropriation is correlated with the benefit of peasants whose land was expropriated and the smooth process of land expropriation.征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心问题,直接关系到被征地农民的利益与征地工作能否顺利进行。

2.Regarded as the core issue of land expropriation, thecompensation in land expropriation is correlated with the benefit of peasants whose land was expropriated and the smooth process of land expropriation.征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心问题,直接关系到被征地农民的利益与征地工作的顺利进行。

5)land compensation征地补偿

1.Land requisition system came into beings starting at planned economy, andland compensation as one of the most important issues of land requisition system, which always been a hot topic between theoretician and land management department this branch of government.征地补偿作为征地制度中最关键的一环,一直以来是理论界和土地管理部门研究的热点问题。

2.Such disadvantages as low standard and simplified mode of compensation exist in ourland compensation system,and the new criteria ofland compensation to be implemented has not made essential change.我国现行征地补偿标准存在补偿标准低和模式单一等缺陷,国土资源部即将出台的新征地补偿标准也仅是在补偿倍数上进行调整,并没有进行质的改变。

3.Because of the speeding progress ofland compensation and the increasing of the number of the farmers who has been losing their land,the conflicts between the governmental land requisition behaviors and the farmers’ interests make the relationship of the two become tenser and tenser.由于征地进程的加快和失地农民的增多,政府征地与农民利益的关系日益紧张,本文针对征地制度存在的问题,并对导致问题的原因进行了探析,提出了如何完善征地补偿机制的一些建议。

6)land expropriation compensation征地补偿

1.Land Expropriation Compensation and Social Security for Land-loss Peasants——Setting up Comprensive Social Security System for Land-loss Peasants;失地农民的征地补偿与社会保障——兼论构建复合型的失地农民社会保障制度

2.The article analyzes the problems ofland expropriation compensation and settlement in Jiangsu Province, indicates that the current land expropriation system has many disadvantages and had handicapped the use and allocation of land resource.分析江苏省征地补偿安置工作中存在的问题 ,指出现行的土地征用制度存在种种弊端 ,不利于土地资源的合理利用和优化配置。

3.The character of land collection decides the character ofland expropriation compensation,and the expropriation character decides its stander and distribution range、 method and proportion.农村集体土地征地补偿性质和征地性质是两个既有联系又有区别的概念。


征地补偿费征地补偿费征地补偿费国家或用地单位因建设需要,为了使用土地并取得土地使用权,向被征用土地单位支付的补偿费用。在中国,农用土地均为集体所有,集体经济组织通过占有和利用土地而获得现实经济利益。所以,国家因建设需要依法征用集体所有土地时,用地单位要对原土地所有者的土地收益给予经济补偿。补偿方式是给予土地所有者一定数额的款项,而且用这笔款项进行投资所获的收益要与原土地收益相等。所以,征地补偿费数额大小,取决于土地收益和投资收益(利益)两个因素。计算公式为:征地补偿一土地收益利息率征地补偿费有广义、狭义之分。广义的征地补偿费,指征用土地时,用地单位应向土地所有单位补偿一定的款项,包括土地补偿费、青苗补偿费和被征用土地上的附着物补偿费等项内容。狭义的征地补偿费,指国家给予农民因土地被征用而遭受经济损失的经济补偿。《中华人民共和国土地管理法》及有关规定,对征地补偿费有如下计算标准:征用耕地的,以及征用柴山、滩涂、水塘、苇塘等有收益的非耕地的,其补偿费为该耕地被征用前三年平均年产值的3至6倍;征用园地、鱼塘、宅基地、林地、牧地、草原等其他土地的,由各省、自治区、直辖市参照邻近耕地的补偿标准计算:征用无收益的土地不予补偿「被征用仁地卜附着物的补偿标准,参照建筑造价拆多少补偿多少的原则,由各省、自治区、直辖市制定。被征用土地上的青苗补偿费标准,由各省、自治区、直辖市自行规定。对于被征用土地的多年生经济林木,要尽可能移植,由用地单位发付移植费;不能移植的,按实际情况计价补偿。对于刚刚播种的农作物,按季产值的1/3补偿工本费;已成长农作物,最高按一季产值补偿;对能够收获的,不给予补偿。征用城市郊区的菜地,用地单位须按国家有关规定缴纳新菜地开发建设基金。国家规定标准为:百万以上人口的特大城市,每亩7 000元~1000。元;50万以上人口的大城市,每亩5 000元一7 000元;50万以下人口的城市,每亩3 000元~5 000元。具体标准可由省、自治区、直辖市参照上述标准确定,但不能超出上述标准的范围。征地补偿费是人民政府用于解决征地者和被征地者之间合法权益的经济手段,体现的不是土地买卖关系,所以征地补偿费不是土地的价格。
