700字范文 > 征地意愿 land requisition will英语短句 例句大全

征地意愿 land requisition will英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-04 20:02:35


征地意愿 land requisition will英语短句 例句大全

征地意愿,land requisition will

1)land requisition will征地意愿


1.Land Requisition Will of Farmers in Developed Regions and its Influential Factors:A Case Study of Farmers in Suzhou发达地区农户被征地意愿及其影响因素——基于苏州农户调查的实证研究

2.Study on the Compensation Standard of Land Expropriation Based on Peasants Will;基于农民意愿的土地征收补偿标准研究

3.against one"s better judgment不情愿地,非本意地

4.Land-levied Farmers Desire and Influencing Factors of Employment and Social Security;被征地农民就业与参保意愿及政策建议——基于西安市调查的分析

5."I - I"d like to," she said haltingly.“我——我愿意,”她犹豫地说.

6.I will give it to you for nothing.我愿意白白地将它给你。

7."I"d like to," said Carrie, frankly.“我很愿意,"嘉莉坦率地说。

8.Kronecker too wished to arithmetize analysis. Kronecker也愿意地把分析算术化。

9.Frankly, I"d just as lief stay.坦白地说,我愿意留下来。

10.In a cooperative manner;willingly.乐意地以一种合作的方式地;情愿地;情愿地

11.They will take any sort of job anywhere rather than be unemployed他们愿意到任何地方干任何事, 也不愿意失业

12."Anytime you want," he said in a soft voice, " I"ll pump gas for you.""只要你愿意,"他温柔地说,"我愿意永远为你加油!

13.He didn"t like us to rush him, he wished to take his time over the work.他不愿意我们催他,他愿意不慌不忙地干这工作。

14.Anytime you want,he said in a soft voice,"I" 11 pump gas for you. "“只要你愿意,”他温柔地说,“我愿意永远为你加油!”

15.tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield.勉强的或有不愿意服从的特征。

16.These adjectives are compared as they mean tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield.对这些形容词进行比较,它们都表示固执地不情愿屈服的意义或具有此种特征。

17.Would you bring me home or would you sponsor for me?唔知你地愿唔愿意带我返屋企又或者助养我呢?

18.of one"s own free will出于某人的自由意志,自愿地,自动地




4)out of/from choice ;willingly愿意地

5)complicated intentional feature复杂意愿性特征

6)unwillingly adv.不愿意地,厌恶地


愿意1.情愿。 2.希望(发生某种情况)。
