700字范文 > 心身关系研究 research of mind-body relationship英语短句 例句大全

心身关系研究 research of mind-body relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-06 12:10:38


心身关系研究 research of mind-body relationship英语短句 例句大全

心身关系研究,research of mind-body relationship

1)research of mind-body relationship心身关系研究

2)relation between body and mind身心关系


1.Thinking of the Possibility of Spiritual Transcendence from Perspective of Body-Mind Relation从身心关系理论审视精神超越之可能

2.On the Development of the Theory on the Relationship between Body and Mind in Modern Philosophy;近代西方唯理论哲学关于身心关系学说的流变

3.Descartes Mind-Body Relationship Theory in Marxism Theoretical Dimension;从马克思主义看笛卡尔身心关系思想体系

anism and the Mind---Reflections on the Relations between Mind and Body;机体与心灵——关于心身关系的思考

5.The Mind-body Relations under the Perspective of Western Philosophy of Mind;西方心灵哲学视野下的心身关系问题

6.Embodiment Theory: New Attempts of Neo-phenomenalists at Dealing with the Body-and-Mind Relationship;身体性理论:新现象学解决心身关系的新尝试

7.careful in regard to your own interests.对关系到自身利益的事很小心。

8.The Relationship between Self-Supporting Personality and Mental-Physical Status大学生的自立人格与心身症状的关系

9.Correlation Between Psychosomatic Health and Depressive Symptoms among University Students.大学生心身健康与抑郁症状的相关关系研究

10.Report on the Research on Health Tendency of Today s Chinese People Social Psychological Medical Approach;当今中国人人际关系与身心健康的关系──社会心理医学研究

11.The Relation Between the Body-Mind and the Artistic Nature of Calligraphy--The Rhythmization of the Visional Art;身心与书法艺术本质之关系——视觉艺术的韵律化

12.Relation between the barycentre of body and block angle;浅析身体重心与起跑器角度之间的关系

13.Personality Characteristics are Associated with Long-term Mental Health Status in Adults Orphaned by Tangshan Earthquake Occurred 30 Years Ago:A Cross-sectional Study.;唐山大地震孤儿性格特征与心身健康关系研究

14.Qualia Problem and the Criticism on Contemporary Interpretation of the Relations Between the Mind and Body in Functionalism;感受性问题与当代心身关系功能主义的批判

15.Study of the relationship between occupational pressure and physical-psychological health and countermeasures for the pressure;职业压力与身心健康关系研究及其应对策略

16.Study on the Relationships of Undergraduates Counter-stress Quality and Their Psychological Health;考研大学生压力应对素质与其身心健康的关系

17.Relationship of Mental Health of High School Students of She Nationality and Their Family Environment;畲族中学生心身症状与家庭环境的关系

18.Relationship between Sports and Teerggers Body and Mind Development;体育运动与青少年身心健康发展的关系


relation between body and mind身心关系

3)mind-body relation心身关系


1.On theRelationship between the Theory and Practice of the Writing of China"s Novel at the End of 20~(th) Century;二十世纪末中国小说创作理论和创作实践关系研究

5)relation study关系研究

6)research on the relationship关系研究


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
