700字范文 > 研究关系 relationships in research英语短句 例句大全

研究关系 relationships in research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-04 06:41:01


研究关系 relationships in research英语短句 例句大全

研究关系,relationships in research

1)relationships in research研究关系


1.On theRelationship between the Theory and Practice of the Writing of China"s Novel at the End of 20~(th) Century;二十世纪末中国小说创作理论和创作实践关系研究


1.Research on Relationship between Relationship Value,Relationship Quality and Customer Retention;关系价值、关系质量与顾客保留的关系研究

2.The Study on Relevancy Relation of Complex System of Jingjintang Economy Zone;京津唐经济区复合系统关联关系研究

3.The Intraspecific and Interspecific Relationships of Common Kestrel (Falco Tinnunculus) during the Breeding Period红隼繁殖期种内关系和种间关系研究

4.industrial relations research association工业相互关系研究协会

5.South African Institute of Race Relations南非种族关系研究所

6.European Society for the Study of International Relations欧洲国际关系研究学会

7.A Study on Wenzhou Man-Nature Relationships: 960--1840温州人地关系研究:960-1840

8.QSAR Study on Epothilones;Epothilones的定量构效关系研究

9.Study of the Relationship between Vague Set and Rough Set;Vague集与Fuzzy集的关系研究

10.The Study on Sino-Soviet Relations (1917-1924);中苏关系研究(1917—1924)

11.Analyze of Relationship between Candidates and Supervisors;研究生教育中导师与研究生关系研究

12.Relation between Self Consistency Congruence and Interpersonal Disturbances among the Postgraduates研究生人际关系困扰与自我和谐的关系研究

13.pertaining to statistical methods used in studying the relations between languages.关于语言关系研究中统计方法的使用。

14.Relationship between Laser Speckle Correlation and Displacement激光散斑相关性和位移的关系研究

15.On the CHEN Yun"s Thoughts of Inner-Party Relations,Party-Masses Relations and Party-Government Relations陈云关于党内关系、党群关系、党政关系思想研究

16.Research on Relationship Marketing in Travel Agency Industry Based on Relationship Quality;基于关系质量的旅行社关系营销研究

parative Study "on the Ten Fundamental Issues" with "on the Twelve Fundamental Issues";《论十大关系》与“论十二大关系”比较研究

18.the quantitative study of social relationships.社会关系的数量研究。



1.On theRelationship between the Theory and Practice of the Writing of China"s Novel at the End of 20~(th) Century;二十世纪末中国小说创作理论和创作实践关系研究

3)relation study关系研究

4)research on the relationship关系研究

5)correlational study相关关系研究

1.This present study explores the relationships between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension in English as a foreign language (EFL) and thus provides acorrelational study from an applied linguistic perspective.第二部分为文献综述,着重讨论了国内外对于词汇知识广度与深度的研究,二者相关关系的研究,及词汇知识(主要是广度)与阅读理解之间的相关关系研究。

6)Quantitative structure activity/property relationship study构效关系的研究


