700字范文 > 婚恋观念 opinions about love and marriage英语短句 例句大全

婚恋观念 opinions about love and marriage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-25 00:05:47


婚恋观念 opinions about love and marriage英语短句 例句大全

婚恋观念,opinions about love and marriage

1)opinions about love and marriage婚恋观念


1.On Love-affairs & Marriage of Undergraduates Today;从性别视角看当代大学生的婚恋观念

parative Study on Marriage Notion and Bearing Status of ExternalFemale in Jiangsu Province;江苏外来女婚恋观念和婚育现状的比较研究

3.Research Report on Marriage and Love View and Behavior of Graduate Students in Wuhan;武汉地区高校研究生婚恋观念与行为调研报告

4.Talks about The Distillation of Tang Dynasty s Love and Marriage from The Character of Longnv;从龙女形象的塑造谈唐代婚恋观念的升华

5.Romantic Modes in Tang-Dynasty Legend and Love and Marriage Perception of Tang-Dynasty Scholars;唐传奇的言情模式与唐代士人的婚恋观念

6.Redemption of Sexual Passion--The Ming Dynasty s conception of courtship and marriage in Feng Menglong s Three Short-Story Collections;情欲的救赎——从“三言”艳遇故事看明人婚恋观念

7.A survey of attitudes towards sex,love and marriage among senior medical students;高年级医学生性观念和婚恋观调查分析

8.Research on the Sexual Relations and Literators Idea in T ang Novels of Love Adventure and Marriage;论唐人婚恋小说的两性关系与士人观念

9.Trans-generational Difference and Intra-generational Diversity on the Attitude towards EMA;“婚外恋”观念的代际差异性和代内多元化

10.Inspection and View towards Sex Sense and Marriage Attitude among University Students;对大学生性观念及婚恋态度的调查与思考

11.On Pu Song-lin s Marriage View from Three-angel Mode Marriage in "Liao Zhai";从《聊斋》写实性三角模式婚恋看蒲氏婚恋观

12.On Austen s View of Marriage: From the Patterns of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice;从《傲慢与偏见》的婚恋模式看奥斯丁的婚恋观

13.Looking the Feminine Marital Idea Change From the Female to the Tolerance Difference of Extramarital Love Affair--Based on four feminine interview discovery;从女性对婚外恋的容忍差异看女性的婚姻观念变迁——基于四位女性的访谈发现

14.The Hand of Ethelberta: The Refinement of Hardy s Early Views on Love and Marriage;《贝妲的婚姻》——哈代早期婚恋观的完善

15.Perceiving the Multi-Views on Marriage of Zhou Dynasty through the Love Poetry in "The Book of Songs";从《诗经》婚恋诗看周人多元的婚姻观

16.Study and investigate of the unmarried-female graduate student on marriage and love affair--Take Guizhou University as a case在校未婚女研究生婚恋观的调查研究

17.Analysis of the Current University Students Ideas and Psyehology of Love;当前大学生恋爱观念与恋爱心理探析

18.Evaluating Marriage Concept Education from College Students Current Situation of Marriage Concept--Cases study from investigation and analysis of college students marriage concept in Yunnan;从大学生婚恋观现状,看高校婚恋观教育——以对云南大学生婚恋观调查与分析为例


Concept of marriage and love婚恋观

1.The youth in both the mainland and Taiwan share many common features in their concept of marriage and love due to the same ancestral root and the influence from the Chinese traditional culture for several thousand years.大陆和台湾地区青年同根同祖 ,同受几千年中国传统文化道德的教育、影响 ,在婚恋观上有很多相同的地方。

3)view on marriage and love婚恋观

1.Review on the undergraduateview on marriage and love in domestic and abroad;国内外大学生婚恋观研究综述

2.Undergraduatesview on marriage and love can be defined as undergraduates basic attitude towards love, marriage and sex before getting married.大学生婚恋观指大学生对婚前恋爱、婚姻生活以及婚恋过程中性爱取向的基本看法,它是大学生对待婚姻和恋爱的内在标准和主观看法,其不但直接影响个体对配偶的选择,还会影响个体对未来婚姻、家庭的责任和义务的承担。

4)Marriage views婚恋观

1.This paper explores marriage views of Zhang s novels through studying the relations between marriage and economy ,marriage and mentality, marringe and destiny.基于对张爱玲小说思想价值的关注,本文从经济对婚恋的制约,心理因素与婚恋的关系,以及偶然事件亦即未可知的命运对婚恋的影响三个方面对张爱玲小说中体现出的婚恋观进行了探讨。

5)Conception of Love and Marriage婚恋观

1.The Research on the University StudentsConception of Love and Marriage in the Internet Era;网络时代大学生婚恋观研究

2.Since the phenomenon of university students being in love cannot be ignored,the educators should take an active attitude towards students conception of love and marriage.该文就大学生的婚恋观问题及其现状、原因,阐明大学生如何把握自己,树立正确的婚恋观,并试图寻求解决的途径。

6)marital view婚恋观

1.A healthy love andmarital view is related to one s happiness and quality of life in the future.健康的婚恋观关系到今后人生的幸福和生活的质量,现在的大学生或已涉足恋爱,或对恋爱充满期待,大学生的婚恋观当中传统和现代思想并存,理性和非理性交错,两性在婚恋问题上态度差异显著,我们通过对集美大学的调查,做出了一些相应的分析,并提出自己的思考和建议。

2.The alternation of themarital view of young people in the last 10 years of the 20th century shows a few characteristics.20世纪最后青年婚恋观变迁的主要特点是:择偶中自主意识明显增强,择偶范围从地缘、亲缘扩展到业缘。


婚恋心理卫生婚恋心理卫生mental health in marriage and love婚恋心理卫生(mental health in mar-riage and love)两情相爱应注重心理健康:(])适度的情绪反应。初恋时的激动感,等待恋人的焦急感,结婚时的幸福感,远离时的思念感,这都是正常的。但过一于强烈,一日不见,坐立不安;暂时远离,神志恍惚,便是不良的婚恋心理。(2)常态的行为反应。由于感情的炽热做出亲昵行为是合乎情理的,粗俗的亲昵则会分离情感,使对方产生厌恶心理。(3)爱情与友谊的正常心理反应。异性朋友有超越友谊界限的萌芽,应当机立断,自觉回归到友谊的范围中去。(4)爱情的心理协调反应。高度的合作一致性是建立团结、友爱、和睦家庭的心理支柱,是家庭成员心理健康的条件。(李艳撰茜香嘉审)
