700字范文 > 婚恋角色 Role of marriage and love英语短句 例句大全

婚恋角色 Role of marriage and love英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-03 16:03:01


婚恋角色 Role of marriage and love英语短句 例句大全

婚恋角色,Role of marriage and love

1)Role of marriage and love婚恋角色

2)marriage moral婚姻角色

3)marriage and love婚恋

1.Takingmarriage and love as the main theme,Zhang Ai ling usually writes on marriage concerning economy,morbid love,inharmonious family and subsequent unhappy life.张爱玲的小说以婚恋现象为主要题材 ,多写经济婚姻、病态情爱、家庭的不和谐、爱情的不圆满以及由此而来的人生不幸。

2.The family ofmarriage and love is more than simple unity between man and woman, and has plentiful cultural implications .在中国传统文化中,婚恋家庭不只是个体男女的简单结合,而有丰厚的文化内涵。

3.<Abstrcat> The Hakkasmarriage and love is intricate, it forms the world of great variety, 《Cheng Xian Zhang MediumShort Story Volumes》 is its outline.客家人的婚恋既受传统文化的影响,又有鲜明的时代印记;既有地域的"本土性",又吸收了外来的"现代性";有理想的追求,更有现实的执着。


1.The Relation among Romantic Attachment, Personality Traits and Marriage Quality婚恋依恋、人格特质与婚姻质量的关系

2.Romantic attachment is adult"s emotional bond with partner.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。

3.THE marriage and love story in Yi Jian Zhi and analysis of psychology in Song;从《夷坚志》中的婚恋故事看两宋婚恋意识形态

4.On Pu Song-lin s Marriage View from Three-angel Mode Marriage in "Liao Zhai";从《聊斋》写实性三角模式婚恋看蒲氏婚恋观

5.Looks at the course of Chinese love and marriage from the love and marriage keywords;从婚恋的关键词看中国婚恋的一些轨迹

6.On Austen s View of Marriage: From the Patterns of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice;从《傲慢与偏见》的婚恋模式看奥斯丁的婚恋观

7.A Comparative Study of Marriage and Love Poetry between Hanyufu and "the Book of Songs"汉乐府婚恋诗歌与《诗经》婚恋诗歌的比较研究

8.The Hand of Ethelberta: The Refinement of Hardy s Early Views on Love and Marriage;《贝妲的婚姻》——哈代早期婚恋观的完善

9.Perceiving the Multi-Views on Marriage of Zhou Dynasty through the Love Poetry in "The Book of Songs";从《诗经》婚恋诗看周人多元的婚姻观

10.Multi-elements of the Marriage System in the Zhou Dynastyas Revealed in the Love Poems of the Book of Songs;从《诗经》婚恋诗看周代婚姻的多元性

11.Study and investigate of the unmarried-female graduate student on marriage and love affair--Take Guizhou University as a case在校未婚女研究生婚恋观的调查研究

12.Evaluating Marriage Concept Education from College Students Current Situation of Marriage Concept--Cases study from investigation and analysis of college students marriage concept in Yunnan;从大学生婚恋观现状,看高校婚恋观教育——以对云南大学生婚恋观调查与分析为例

13.Analysis on Female s Status in Love and Matrimonial Life from Love and Marriage Poems in "The Book of Songs";从《诗经》中的婚恋诗看春秋时期女性在婚恋中的地位

14.Marriage Embarrassment and Human Predicament;婚恋尴尬与人性困境——《合同婚姻》的文本细读

15.Modification of Regulations of Colleges and Universities after the Lift of "Marriage Ban" and Approach to Education of Students Attitude to Marriage;“禁婚令”解除后高校的校规修订与婚恋教育探讨

parative Study on Marriage Notion and Bearing Status of ExternalFemale in Jiangsu Province;江苏外来女婚恋观念和婚育现状的比较研究

17.The extramarital affair runs counter to the ethics婚外恋不符合道德规范

18.They were sweethearts for 10 years before they married.他们恋爱了十年才结婚。


marriage moral婚姻角色

3)marriage and love婚恋

1.Takingmarriage and love as the main theme,Zhang Ai ling usually writes on marriage concerning economy,morbid love,inharmonious family and subsequent unhappy life.张爱玲的小说以婚恋现象为主要题材 ,多写经济婚姻、病态情爱、家庭的不和谐、爱情的不圆满以及由此而来的人生不幸。

2.The family ofmarriage and love is more than simple unity between man and woman, and has plentiful cultural implications .在中国传统文化中,婚恋家庭不只是个体男女的简单结合,而有丰厚的文化内涵。

3.<Abstrcat> The Hakkasmarriage and love is intricate, it forms the world of great variety, 《Cheng Xian Zhang MediumShort Story Volumes》 is its outline.客家人的婚恋既受传统文化的影响,又有鲜明的时代印记;既有地域的"本土性",又吸收了外来的"现代性";有理想的追求,更有现实的执着。

4)love and marriage婚恋

1.In-depth Closely Examines to the Love and Marriage Tragedy of Grieves Over Dead and Cold Night;《伤逝》与《寒夜》中婚恋悲剧的深层追问

2.Love and Marriage of the Urban Middle Classes in the Low Countries from the 13~(th) to the 15~(th) Century;13-15世纪低地区域市民阶层的婚恋状态

3.Being not only an important event in individuals life but also a phenomenon which reflects the culture of a society,love and marriage is an essential foundation for the happiness of individuals,the order of a society and the stability of the culture.婚恋作为一项重要的个人生活事件与社会文化现象,建构着个体的幸福和社会的稳定,维持着社会的文化秩序。


pared with traditional ideas ofmarriage in the Chinese feudal society,the freemarriage practice in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was positive and worth of affirming.太平天国主张男女婚恋自由,与中国封建社会传统婚姻相比较,的确出现了一些值得肯定的变革,长期受到学界和社会的高度肯定,并将其作为妇女解放的一大依据。

2.For a long time,researchers have been paying more attention to studying the life history andmarriage of Zhu Shuzhen who was a woman poet in Song dynasty.宋代女诗词家朱淑真的身世和婚恋一直倍受后代研究者的关注,但由于资料匮乏,研究者往往针对其诗词作品进行推测,以致凭空加入许多想像的成分。

3.This paper weightily discusses the social,cultural,ideological and personal causes of the females from struggling for liberation to falling into hot water under the press of the male supremacy culture with the beginning of analysis of the woman writer Chen Xuezhao’smarriage tragedy.该文试图从剖析现代女作家陈学昭的婚恋悲剧入手,着重探讨在男权文化挤压下,女性从奋力突围到身陷困境的时代社会、文化思想与个人性格等原因,重新审视在民族与阶级解放的宏大历史叙事中,女性解放的艰辛曲折历程以及时常被遗忘、被遮蔽、被扭曲的历史真相。

6)Adult Romantic婚恋依恋

1.Review and Prospects of Study OnAdult Romantic Attachment;成人婚恋依恋研究回顾与展望


