700字范文 > 喷射砼 shotcrete英语短句 例句大全

喷射砼 shotcrete英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-03 21:43:12


喷射砼 shotcrete英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on takingshotcrete precautions against gateway fire infully mechanized mining with sublevel caving;综放开采回采巷道喷射砼防火技术研究

2.Application of anchor bar andshotcrete method in the protection engineering to side slop in Luo-Ning Expressway;锚杆喷射砼在罗宁高速公路边坡防护中的应用


1.A new thickness gauge making use of neutron scattering method can be used for quick and nondestructive thickness measurements of sprayed concrete.中子喷射砼测厚仪利用中子散射法能无损、速地测量喷射砼的厚度。

2.Lasting Antiseptic Technology of Thermal Spraying Coating for Steel Arch Rib of Steel-pipe Concrete Arch Bridge钢管砼拱桥钢拱肋热喷涂长效防腐技术

3.Method of High-pressure Jet Grouting Combined with Concrete Cutoff Wall and Its Application in Seepage Control of Cofferdams围堰防渗采用高喷灌浆与砼防渗墙结合法

4.jet printing machine喷墨印花机,喷射印花机

5.injection printing喷射印花,喷墨印花

6.squirt or spray (a liquid) quickly.快速地喷射或喷溅液体。

7.hydraulic gun (liquid-jet-type)水枪(液体喷射式)

8.air brushvalve jet气刷阀喷(喷墨印花机的一种喷射装置)

9.A long, narrow pipe through which darts or pellets may be blown.喷射筒喷射飞镖或弹丸的细长管子

10.Study on the Ejector and the Solar Ejector Refrigeration System;喷射器与太阳能喷射式制冷系统研究

11.Study on the Gas-liquid Ejector and Bi-ejector Refrigeration System;气—液喷射器及双喷射式制冷系统研究

12.Research of Debris Throwing and Dispersion after Blasting of Reinforced Concrete Structure钢筋砼结构爆炸后碎块抛射和散布的研究

13.Experimental as Well as Digital Modeling Research on RC Columns Wrapped with Steel Wire Meshwork and Reinforced by High Strength Mortar Spray;钢丝网外喷高强砂浆加固砼柱的试验研究及数值仿真分析

14.Investigation Flexural Capacity on the Experiment of Bonding Steel Mash and Then Spraying the High-Strength Mortar at Reinforced Concrete Beam;钢丝网外喷高强砂浆加固钢筋砼梁正截面承载力试验研究

15.A jet - propelled vehicle, especially a jet - propelled aircraft.喷射器喷气式机动装置,尤指喷气式飞机

16.nozzle educator foam proportioner喷嘴喷射泡沫比例混合器

17.jet engraving machine喷射[雕刻]制网机,喷蜡[雕刻]制网机

18."Shotcrete: or gunite, Concrete applied by spraying."喷制混凝土:喷射施工用的混凝土。


sprayed concrete喷射砼

1.To measure thickness ofsprayed concrete by neutron scattering method;用中子法测量喷射砼厚度


1.Based on the analyse and evaluation of some destroyed models of bedded rock and massive rock and cataclastic rock,which is in the high-level road in the mountainous area,and combined with the engineering examples,the author put forward synthetic preventing measures,emphasized on the discussing on new methods,planting grass andanchor-shotcrete.通过对山区高等级公路边坡中层状岩体、块状岩体和散体碎裂岩体的不同破坏模式进行分析评价 ,结合工程实例 ,提出公路边坡综合防护措施 ,重点论述植草防护、锚杆喷射砼防护等新型防护形式 ,为山区和相似地质条件地区公路建设提供参考和借

4)hanging net sprayed concrete挂网喷射砼

1.This article takes high side slope control project of two noth high cutting slopes between K35-K36 on the Jitai expressway as example and introduces the engineering practice of prestressed anchorage cablehanging net sprayed concrete supporting and retainting structure on controlling the dangerous rock and landslid.以济泰高速公路K35 -K36之间两段路堑高边坡治理工程为例 ,介绍预应力锚索 -挂网喷射砼支挡结构在治理危岩、滑坡等地质灾害的工程实

5)steel fibre spray concrete钢纤维喷射砼

1.Several issues of the new《Design Specifications for Highway Tunnel》(JTG D70-) are put up,such as the coordination with other relevant standards and specifications,highway tunnel build delimitation and inner contour,steel fibre spray concrete,as a reference for discussion.通过对新《公路隧道设计规范》(JTG D70—)使用中发现的与其它相关标准、规范的协调性、隧道建筑限界与内轮廓、钢纤维喷射砼等几个问题的探讨,起到抛砖引玉的作用,供同行研讨、参考。

6)jet steel fiber reinforced concrete喷射钢纤维砼


