700字范文 > 电信业重组 reorganization and reform of the telecom sector英语短句 例句大全

电信业重组 reorganization and reform of the telecom sector英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-06 04:42:48


电信业重组 reorganization and reform of the telecom sector英语短句 例句大全

电信业重组,reorganization and reform of the telecom sector

1)reorganization and reform of the telecom sector电信业重组


1.The study on Cultural Integration Strategy of China"s Telecom Industry"s Mergers and Acquisitions我国电信业重组中文化整合策略研究

2.Game analysis of the mobile communications market share before and after the reorganization of the telecom industry;电信业重组前后移动通信市场份额的博弈分析

3.Reverse Trianeular Merger and Restructurine of China s Telecommunications Industry Inspiration;反三角合并及其对中国电信业重组的启示

4.The Design and Management of Market Channels of GMCC after Telecommunications Industry Reorganization电信业重组后广东移动营销渠道设计与管理

5.Way of Realizesthe Telecommunications Network Interconnection after the recombination电信业重组后实现网间互联互通的途径

6.A Discussion on All-Service Operation Competition Strategy of CMGD电信业重组后广东移动全业务运营竞争策略研究

7.Research on Marketing Strategies of Major Customers of Jilin Mobile Communication Corp. after Reorganization of Telecom Sector电信业重组后吉林移动公司大客户营销策略研究

8.The market performance assessment of split and restructure in China telecommunication industry;中国电信业拆分重组的市场绩效评估

9.Challenges, Causes and Strategic Recombination of Chinese Telecom Industry;挑战、成因与中国电信业的战略重组(上)

10.On the E-commerce, the Enterprise Informationization and the Bisiness Process Reengineering;浅谈电子商务、企业信息化与流程重组

11.Telecom Industry Restructuring and Coping Strategies电信行业重组影响及新移动应对策略

12.The Research on the Change of Corporate Culture and Business Process Reengineering in Guangxi Telecom广西电信业务流程重组与企业文化变革研究

13.The Financial Audit Process Reengineering and the Financial Audit System Development in Telecom Operator;电信企业财务稽核流程重组与系统实现

14.The Research and Evaluation for the BPR of Wuhan Telecom Local Network;武汉电信本地网业务流程重组的评价研究

15.The Analysis and Improvement on Wuhan Telecom s Business Process Reengineering;武汉电信业务流程重组实施的分析和改进

16.Study on All Service Support & Operation System Backgroud Telecom Reorganization电信重组环境下全业务运营支撑系统研究

17.Initial analysis on the All-service Operation in Carriers" Reorganization重组背景下电信运营商全业务运营浅析

18.Design and Implement of DMIS Basing on Recomposition of Enterprise Information;基于企业信息重组的电网调度管理信息系统设计与实现


reorganization of the telecom industry电信企业重组

3)telecom reorganization电信重组

1.This article discusses the related topic oftelecom reorganization based on the recent developments of domestic telecommunication market, then presents the outlook on the future trends of telecommunication market after reorganization.本文结合国内电信市场的发展情况对电信重组的相关话题进行了讨论,并对电信重组后的市场发展趋势进行了展望。

4)Telecommunications Restructuring电信重组

5)telecom restructuring电信重组

6)Telecommunication reorganization电信重组

1.First, this paper points out the difficulty and the question which all operators possibly face in this reorganization, by summaring previous domestic telecommunication reorganization\"s experiences and lessons.首先通过对国内历次电信重组的经验和教训的总结,指出了此次电信重组中各大运营商在重组中可能面临的困难和问题。


企业重组企业重组广义的企业重组,包括企业的所有权。资产、负债、人员、业务等要素的重新组合和配置。从经济学角度看,企业重组是一个稀缺资源的优化配置过程。对企业来说,通过对企业自身拥有的各种要素资源的再调整和再组合,提高企业自身的运行效率,同时还实现社会资源在不同企业间的优化组合,提高经济整体运行效率。从法律角度看,企业为降低交易成本而构建的一系列契约的联结。在市场经济条件下,这些契约关系以法律形式体现。因此企业的重组,在实际运作中又表现为这些法律关系的调整。狭义的企业重组是指企业以资本保值增值为目标 ,运用资产重组、负债重组和产权重组方式 ,优化企业资产结构、负债结构和产权结构 ,以充分利用现有资源 ,实现资源优化配置。企业重组 ,根据企业改制和资本营运总战略及企业自身特点 ,可采取原续型企业重组模式、合并型企业重组模式和分立型企业重组模式等。企业重组的关键在于选择合理的企业重组模式和重组方式。而合理的重组模式和重组方式选择标准在于创造企业价值 ,实现资本增值企业重组的方式包括合并,兼并,收购,接管或接收,标购,剖离,分立,破产。
