700字范文 > 教科书重组 reorganization of textbooks英语短句 例句大全

教科书重组 reorganization of textbooks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-23 13:49:48


教科书重组 reorganization of textbooks英语短句 例句大全

教科书重组,reorganization of textbooks

1)reorganization of textbooks教科书重组

1.One is that teachers should conduct their reflection in the conflicts between pre-establishing and establishing in order to improve the scientificness and effectiveness of teaching design and the other is that teachers should carry out their reflection on the base of thereorganization of textbooks to upgrade their level of using textbooks,thus improving the quality of curriculum implementation.基于个案研究,教师教学反思基本而实用的普适方法有两种,即在预设与生成的冲突中反思,以提高教学设计的科学性和实效性;在教科书重组中反思,以提高教师使用教科书的水平,实现课程实施的高质量。


1.Preliminary construction of catalogue outline of law courses special textbook for college nursing students in China;我国护理本科生法律课程专用教科书目录提纲的初建

2.A centennial look at the change of the compilation of textbooks in China;我国教科书百年回眸——教科书编审制度的演变

3.The establishment of modern conception of Chinese nation——focuses on Chinese history textbook of middle school during the period of late Qing and Republic of China;现代中华民族观念的形成——以清末民国时期中学中国历史教科书为中心


1.a science teacher, textbook, subject理科教师、教科书、 科目.

2.a book subsidiary to the main textbook主要教科书的补充书

3.all of the textbooks they used were British textbooks,他们用的所有教科书都是英国教科书,

4.The Current Textbook,Which Creates the Beginning of Modern Textbook;开现代教科书之先河的《最新教科书》

5.The Birth of Modern Textbook in China;从蒙学教科书到最新教科书——中国近代教科书的诞生

6.Promoting Teacher s Textbook Appraisal Consciousness:Guaranteeing Textbook Quality;提升教师教科书评价意识保障教科书质量

7.The Elementary Scientific Textbooks Contribution to Modern Textbooks in Late-Qing Dynasty;从文明书局《科学全书》看晚清教科书的近代化

8.Text-analysis of History of Science in the Junior Secondary School Science Textbook;初中理科教科书中科学史的文本分析

9.a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher科学发现、 科学仪器、 理科教科书、 科学研究人员.

10.There are many illustrations in the text book.在教科书里有很多插图。

11.You need not take the textbook tomorrow.明天你们不必带教科书。

12.I glanced at my textbook .我匆匆看一下教科书。

13.a well-illustrated textbook有精美插图的教科书

14.I glance at my textbook.我匆匆看一下教科书

15.The school supplies textbooks to the pupils.学校给学生供应教科书。

16.International Network of Textbook Research Institutes教科书研究所国际网络

17.This textbook contain 16 lessons.这本教科书共有十六课。

18.a graduated series of textbooks分等级的教科书系列



1.Preliminary construction of catalogue outline of law courses special textbook for college nursing students in China;我国护理本科生法律课程专用教科书目录提纲的初建

2.A centennial look at the change of the compilation of textbooks in China;我国教科书百年回眸——教科书编审制度的演变

3.The establishment of modern conception of Chinese nation——focuses on Chinese history textbook of middle school during the period of late Qing and Republic of China;现代中华民族观念的形成——以清末民国时期中学中国历史教科书为中心


1.Thoughts on Reuse ofTextbooks in Libraries;图书馆开展教科书循环利用的构想

2.A brief introduction of people education pressmathematics textbooks for seventh grade students;人教版义务教育三年制初一数学教科书(试用修订版)简介

3.Content Analysis on Scientific Inquiry in New Curriculum StandardTextbooks of Chemistry in Senior High School;高中化学新课标实验教科书中科学探究内容的分析

4)mode of the textook教科书式

5)used textbooks旧教科书

1.Eventually, through analysis of project, the pattern of recyclingused textbooks will be explored and spread well.为了保护环境、节约资源和服务学生,上海海洋大学通过前期准备、中期宣传、实施及反馈四个步骤进行了旧教科书回收再利用的试验。

6)science textbook理科教科书

1.But the science teachers epistemology beliefs level is to a large extent subjected to the influence of the currentscience textbooks.要引领学生具备比较精致的认识论信念,理科教师必须具有精致的认识论理解,而理科教师的认识论信念水平在很大程度上受到了现行理科教科书的影响。

2.Strategies of reconstructingscience textbooks discourse of nature of science include changing point of understanding to reconstruct epistemotogical paradigm,distin.理科教科书的科学本质文本话语影响着教师的观念和教学行为。

3.Fostering students spirit of science is one thing of great significance, and thescience textbooks are important tool for its education.理科教科书是对学生进行科学精神教育的重要工具,要准确地评价理科教科书在这方面做得如何,以改进理科教科书的编制,充分发挥其重要作用,需要有相应的评价指标体系。


