700字范文 > 教科书权威地位 authority of the textbook英语短句 例句大全

教科书权威地位 authority of the textbook英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-05 10:30:14


教科书权威地位 authority of the textbook英语短句 例句大全

教科书权威地位,authority of the textbook

1)authority of the textbook教科书权威地位

2)geography textbooks地理教科书

1.China s nearly century-long history of geography textbook compilation testifies to the fact that the basic functions ofgeography textbooks have changed from a simple container of geography knowledge to one incorporating geography curriculum design and teaching and learning processes at the same time.我国近百年来学校地理教科书编写的历史表明,地理教科书的基本功能已经从单纯承载地理知识发展到同时承载地理教学方法及地理教学过程的设计。


1.it is now the geographers" job to rewrite theirs.现在是地理学家们改写地理教科书的时候了。

2.A Review of Late Qing-Dynasty Geographical Texbooks in the Formation of Modern Chinese Geography;近代学科形成过程中的晚清地理教科书述论

3.The Analysis and Application of Activities in Senior High School Geography Textbook;人教版高中地理教科书中的“活动”的分析和应用

4.The Comparative Research on Compulsory Education Geography Textbook (the Part of Region);义务教育地理教科书(认识区域部分)的比较研究

5.Functions of Geography Textbooks:Patterns of Continuity and Change of Geography Curriculum in China;学校地理教科书作用变化的讨论——我国地理课程变革中的继承与发展研究之教科书篇

6.Research on the Trend of Geography Teacher s Selection on the Column of "Activity" in Geography Textbook;地理教师对地理教科书中探究式“活动”选择的倾向性研究

7.A Comparative Study of Changes in Presentation of PEP High School Geography Textbooks Since 1980s20世纪80年代以来人教版高中地理教科书呈现方式变化比较研究

8.a science teacher, textbook, subject理科教师、 教科书、 科目.

9.A review on KS3 geography curriculum and textbook in England and Wales;英国第三学段地理课程和教科书述评

10.The Comparative Research of Four Sets of Geography Pilot Textbooks for High School (Required Course 2);高中四套地理实验教科书(必修2)的比较研究

11.Text-analysis of History of Science in the Junior Secondary School Science Textbook;初中理科教科书中科学史的文本分析

12.The Scientific Outlook in the New Physics Textbooks for Senior High Schools of PEP Edition;人教版高中物理新教科书中的科学观

13.a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher科学发现、 科学仪器、 理科教科书、 科学研究人员.

14.A Textuary Research on the Section "Sustainable Development of the Region" of Four Sets of Geography Pilot Textbooks under the New Curriculum Standard;高中地理实验教科书“区域可持续发展”部分的文本研究

15.Research on Problems Existing in the Design of Activities in Senior High School New Curriculum Experimental Geography Textbooks in China;我国高中地理新课程实验教科书中“活动”设计存在问题的研究

16.The Library s Position in the Undergraduate Education Evaluation and the Understanding of Evaluation Indexes;图书馆在本科教学评估中的地位及对评估指标的理解

17.Legal Analysis of Advertisement in Textbooks and Its Scientific Management;广告进入教科书的法律分析及教科书的科学管理

18.English Textbook: The Embodiment of ELT Theories英语教科书:英语教学理论的具体体现


geography textbooks地理教科书

1.China s nearly century-long history of geography textbook compilation testifies to the fact that the basic functions ofgeography textbooks have changed from a simple container of geography knowledge to one incorporating geography curriculum design and teaching and learning processes at the same time.我国近百年来学校地理教科书编写的历史表明,地理教科书的基本功能已经从单纯承载地理知识发展到同时承载地理教学方法及地理教学过程的设计。

3)Geography textbook地理教科书

1.Research on the Trend of Geography Teacher s Selection on the Column of "Activity" in Geography Textbook;地理教师对地理教科书中探究式“活动”选择的倾向性研究

2.The author discovers that the number of paper on relationship between atlas and geography textbook is small through searching, categorizing, reviewing some literatures at home and abroad.通过对国内外的文献的检索、分类和述评,作者发现关于地理教学图册与地理教科书之间的关系的文献的数量很少。

4)certificate authority证书权威

5)Scientific Authority科学权威

1.The Influence ofScientific Authority on the Developmentof Science and its Countermeasures;论科学权威对科学发展的影响及对策

2.This paper analyses Merton school ,scientific knowledge sociology (SSK),and the viewpoint of scientific authority under its viewpoint of scientific knowledge.本文在分析作为默顿学派和科学知识社会学(Sociology of ScientificKnowledge,以下简记作SSK)科学权威观基础的科学知识观的前提下,对二者的科学权威观进行了较为详细的比较分析。

6)bureaucratic authority科层权威


部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geographybumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。
