700字范文 > 权威滥用 abusing the power of authority英语短句 例句大全

权威滥用 abusing the power of authority英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 12:10:22


权威滥用 abusing the power of authority英语短句 例句大全

权威滥用,abusing the power of authority

1)abusing the power of authority权威滥用

2)To abuse one"s authority滥用威权

3)abuse of power权力滥用

1.The socialization of power provides a social basis for the existence of bribe crimes; the alienation of power is the basic reason of producing bribe crimes; and theabuse of power is the means of realizing the purpose of bribe crimes.其关联体现在:权力社会化为贿赂犯罪的生存提供了社会基础;权力异化是贿赂犯罪生成的根本原因;权力滥用是贿赂犯罪目的的实现手段。

2.The mode of internal supervision of investigations in China makes it possible for theabuse of power.我国这种以内部监督为主的侦查权控制模式,客观上存在着权力滥用的可能。

4)privilege abuse权限滥用

1.To prohibitprivilege abuse,operating system must clearly know the necessary privileges needed by a program.要限制权限滥用 ,操作系统必须清楚哪些是应用程序正常所需权限 。

5)power abuse滥用职权

1.Research on Several Problems of Crime of Power Abuse;滥用职权罪若干问题研究

2.The crime ofpower abuse is that: Personnal in governmental departments are beyond power and cause much more loss to the pountry and the people.滥用职权罪是指国家机关工作人员超越职权,违法决定、处理其无权决定、或处理的事项,或者违反规定处理公务,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。


1.override one"s commission作越权处置,滥用职权

2.They should never be allowed to abuse their authority and position.绝不允许他们滥用职权。

3.Excess of authority or abuse of powers;超越或者滥用职权的;

4.Speaking From The Guilty Fault Form Of Abusing One s Power----Visiting The Crime Of Abusing One s Power Again......;从滥用职权罪的罪过形式谈起——再探滥用职权罪

5.On the Difference between Dereliction of Duty and Abuse of Authority;浅谈玩忽职守罪与滥用职权罪的区别

6.The theory abuses the job power offense andplays suddenly the job guards the fault of the offense;论滥用职权罪、玩忽职守罪的罪过形式

7.Official misconduct is a blot on his predecessor"s fair name滥用职权是他前任名声的一个污点

8.unjust exaction (as by the misuse of authority).不公平的勒索(如滥用职权)。

9.Official misconduct was a blot on his predecessor"s fair name.滥用职权是他前任名声的一个污点。

10.The official was warned not to strain his power.那个官员受到警告,不可滥用职权。

11.He flared out at such abuses of power.他大声怒斥这种滥用职权的行为。

12.He flared up at such abuses of power.他怒斥这种滥用职权的行为。

13.A new security man threw his weight about.一个新上任的安全官滥用职权。

14.She usually gets her way without needing to pull rank.通常她不需要滥用职权便能如愿。

15.She usually get her way without need to pull rank通常她不需要滥用职权便能如愿

16.She is continually abusing her position by getting other people to do things for her.她不断地滥用职权,让别人为她做事。

17.on charges of corruption and abuse of power.因被指挥犯有贪污罪 和滥用职权罪.

18.The evidence at hand suggests that he has abused his power.现有的证据表明他有滥用职权的行为。


To abuse one"s authority滥用威权

3)abuse of power权力滥用

1.The socialization of power provides a social basis for the existence of bribe crimes; the alienation of power is the basic reason of producing bribe crimes; and theabuse of power is the means of realizing the purpose of bribe crimes.其关联体现在:权力社会化为贿赂犯罪的生存提供了社会基础;权力异化是贿赂犯罪生成的根本原因;权力滥用是贿赂犯罪目的的实现手段。

2.The mode of internal supervision of investigations in China makes it possible for theabuse of power.我国这种以内部监督为主的侦查权控制模式,客观上存在着权力滥用的可能。

4)privilege abuse权限滥用

1.To prohibitprivilege abuse,operating system must clearly know the necessary privileges needed by a program.要限制权限滥用 ,操作系统必须清楚哪些是应用程序正常所需权限 。

5)power abuse滥用职权

1.Research on Several Problems of Crime of Power Abuse;滥用职权罪若干问题研究

2.The crime ofpower abuse is that: Personnal in governmental departments are beyond power and cause much more loss to the pountry and the people.滥用职权罪是指国家机关工作人员超越职权,违法决定、处理其无权决定、或处理的事项,或者违反规定处理公务,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。

6)abuse of rights权力滥用

1.The procedure verdict is a procedure platform to control theabuse of rights and to carry through the saving of rights.刑事诉讼中程序性裁判是抑制权力滥用的平台,它可以用来规范侦查权的行使和有效地制约法官的自由裁量权;又是公民权利救济的平台,它为当事人提供"为权利而奋斗"的机会;还是提高刑事诉讼效率的平台,它有利于程序性争议的及时解决和抑制当事人滥用程序诉权。


CE认证国际权威机构APRAGAZ(安普)是比利时一家专业从事以压力设备为主的认证检测机构,是最早从事压力设备的检测的国际权威机构。BELTEST/BELCERT依据 EN45001-45004-45011 授权其为公告号机构(欧盟的授权编号是0029)。它成立于1929年,位于欧盟总部布鲁塞尔,由比利时国家液化石油气运输协会组建,拥有现代化专业的检测设备和具备资深专业经验的工程师。 64]?n AU APRAGAZ(安普)在中国的各地拥有众多的分支机构,上海、北京、青岛、杭州、宁波、温州、台州、福州、广州、成都。帮助全国的制造厂商快速合格地进入国际市场;如今APRAGAZ(安普)已经拥有专业强大的技术专家,我们的工程师们凭借多年专业的知识和丰富的经验为中国企业打开各国的市场努力工作。我们在机械、压力设备、卫生洁具、玩具、医疗器械、卫生级的饮用水等认证上有着众多的客户,同时在以上产品上我们有着丰富的检测资源;良好的合作是迈向产品安全的第一步,每一个经过产品工程师检测的产品有包含安全的含义,到达消费者手中的产品都是安全符合标准的合格产品。
