700字范文 > 变权法 variable weight method英语短句 例句大全

变权法 variable weight method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-23 23:10:08


变权法 variable weight method英语短句 例句大全

变权法,variable weight method

1)variable weight method变权法

1.In accordance with multi-objective decision mode FUZZY based onvariable weight method and the processes and characteristics of bid evaluation,the paper studies on the application ofvariable weight method and fuzzy theories in bid evaluation,establishment of relevant fuzzy decision method,as well as quantitative analysis and synthetic comparison.针对基于变权法的多因素FUZZY决策模型与工程评标的程序、特点,将变权法理论及模糊理论应用于工程评标,建立相应的模糊决策方法,进行定量分析和综合比较,使决策结果更加科学、可靠。

2)weighted method with variable weight变权赋权法

3)method of variable weight变权重法

4)variable weighting变权方法

1.Therefore, we should takevariable weighting approach to improve the compiling method to ensure the dynamic comparability of multi-factor assessment.用实证方法检验福利水平指数评价模型的结果表明,福利水平指数评价效率低下的原因在于其动态不可比性,因而应利用变权方法改善编制方法,以保证多因素评价的动态可比性。

5)contingency approach权变方法

6)fuzzy variable weighting method模糊变权法

1.Infuzzy variable weighting method,evaluation weight varies with evaluation vector.模糊变权法是一种利用权重随评估向量变化而变化的方法,它能够很好地解决实际中评价极低的项目对全局的影响及其在何种程度下会被评估决策者放弃。


1.Study of Comprehensive Evaluation of Supplier Based on Fuzzy Variable Weighting Method;基于模糊变权法的供应商综合评价的研究

2.Application of Fuzzy Variable Weighting Method in the Evaluation of Communication Supports Capability模糊变权法在通信保障能力评估中的应用

3.An improved method of Fuzzy Variable Weight combination forecasting;一种改进的模糊变权重组合预测方法

4.Fuzzy Decision-making of Multi-goals Non Poor-Solution by Weight Coefficient Change;基于变权系数法的多目标非劣解的模糊决策

5.Threat Assessment Algorithm Based on Weight-Variation Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment基于变权模糊综合评判的目标威胁评估算法

6.An algorithm for image weighted generalized fuzzy enhancement using wavelet packet transform应用小波包变换的图像加权广义模糊增强算法

7.Variable Weight Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Operation Condition of High Voltage Circuit Breaker高压断路器运行状态的变权模糊综合评判方法

8.Research on Fuzzy Synthesize Assessment of Bridge Condition Based on the Principle of Variable Weight考虑变权的桥梁模糊综合评定方法研究

9.Fuzzy Decision-making Model for ASW Search Schemes based on Changing Weight Fuzzy Sets基于可变权重模糊集的搜索方案模糊决策模型

10.An Integrated Entropy Weight-Variable Fuzzy Sets Evaluation Approach for Small Town Disaster Vulnerability Problem小城镇灾害易损性熵权与可变模糊集评估方法研究

11.Selection of Alternatives of Weak Subgrade Treatment Using Linguistic Variable and Entropy Based Fuzzy Matter-element Decision Analysis Method基于语言变量和熵权的公路软基处理方案模糊物元决策分析法

12.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Based on Variable-weight Method in the Hazard Evaluation for Land Subsidence基于变权法的模糊综合评判在地面沉降危害评价中的应用

13.Evaluation of synthetic qualtiy of vocational college graduate based on variable weights and fuzzy comprehensive variable weights;高职毕业生综合素质变权评价与模糊变权评价

14.Fuzzy synthetic evaluation on variable weight of investment risk in road project;公路项目投资风险变权模糊综合评价

15.Consistent varying-weight fuzzy Petri net attack model based on both-branch fuzzy set基于双枝模糊集的一致性模糊变权Petri网攻击模型

16.In fact, the fuzzy inference approach correspondes to a series of weighted arithmetic operator that the weights change continuously.实际上 ,基于模糊推理的目标函数集成方法对应于连续变化权值的算术加权平均集成 .

17.Variable-weighted Fuzzy Control with Changeable Universe of Discourse for a Double Inverted Pendulum;二级倒立摆的加权变量变论域模糊控制

18.Study on Weighted Fuzzy Clustering for Development Status of Characteristic Counties and Districts;特色县区发展状况的加权模糊聚类法


weighted method with variable weight变权赋权法

3)method of variable weight变权重法

4)variable weighting变权方法

1.Therefore, we should takevariable weighting approach to improve the compiling method to ensure the dynamic comparability of multi-factor assessment.用实证方法检验福利水平指数评价模型的结果表明,福利水平指数评价效率低下的原因在于其动态不可比性,因而应利用变权方法改善编制方法,以保证多因素评价的动态可比性。

5)contingency approach权变方法

6)fuzzy variable weighting method模糊变权法

1.Infuzzy variable weighting method,evaluation weight varies with evaluation vector.模糊变权法是一种利用权重随评估向量变化而变化的方法,它能够很好地解决实际中评价极低的项目对全局的影响及其在何种程度下会被评估决策者放弃。


