700字范文 > 变权赋权法 weighted method with variable weight英语短句 例句大全

变权赋权法 weighted method with variable weight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-24 02:59:47


变权赋权法 weighted method with variable weight英语短句 例句大全

变权赋权法,weighted method with variable weight

1)weighted method with variable weight变权赋权法

2)weighted entropy endow entropy model熵权赋权法

3)power evaluation method赋权方法


parison and discussion about different welght methods of comprebensive evaluation.;综合评价中不同赋权方法的比较探讨

2.A Combination Weighting Method Based on the Close-degree of Vector一种基于向量贴近度的组合赋权方法

3.Weight Integration Method without Preference on Multi-attribute Decision Making;多属性决策中属性权重的无偏好赋权方法

4.An Optimal Weights Combination Method Considering both Subjective and Objective Weight Information;综合主、客观权重信息的最优组合赋权方法

5.The Research on Compatibility and Method for Experts Weights in GAHP;GAHP中相容性问题与专家赋权方法的研究

bination Weighting Approach Based on Deviation Function and Joint-Entropy;基于离差函数和联合熵的组合赋权方法

7.A Method of Combination Weighting for Multiple Attribute Decision Making based on Interval Estimation;一种基于区间估计的多属性决策组合赋权方法

bination Weighting Approach in Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Relative Entropy;基于相对熵的多属性决策组合赋权方法

9.Subjective-objective Combination Estimation Weight Based on Fuzzy Linear Programming;一种基于模糊线性规划的主客观组合赋权方法

paring objective weighting with subjective weighting in Sci-tech education institute assessment科技教育评价中主客观赋权方法比较研究

11.Site-selection of the Logistics Park Based on a Combination Determining Weights Method基于一种组合赋权方法的物流园区选址研究

12.Method of Determining Evaluation Index System of Water Conservancy and Index Weight水利现代化评价指标体系的赋权方法研究

13.Research on DNA Computing Methods of Optimization Problems on Weighted Graph;赋权图上优化问题的DNA计算方法研究

14.A Combination Determining Weights Method for Interval Multi-attribute Decision-making;一种基于组合赋权的区间多属性决策方法

15.On Theoretical Basis and Orientational Selection of Local Tax Legislative Power;论赋予地方税收立法权的理论依据与取向选择

16.Vendor-selection Method Based on the Optimal Combining Weight and Its Application;最佳组合赋权的供应商选择方法及其应用

17.Analysis of accumulation factors in the calculation of wieghts and application;层次分析积因子位次赋值求权重方法及应用

18.Method for multiple attribute decision-making under risk based on synthetic weighting;基于综合赋权的风险型多属性决策方法


weighted entropy endow entropy model熵权赋权法

3)power evaluation method赋权方法

4)weighting method赋权法

1.In this paper, aiming at the problem of weighting in multi object decision,a syntheticweighting method of connecting AHP and Delphi with artificial neural networks based on analysing two kinds ofweighting methods is presented, at the same time the software Matlab5.针对多目标决策中评价指标权系数的确定问题 ,在分析现有两大类方法 (主观赋权法、客观赋权法 )优缺点的基础上 ,提出一种以层次分析法、专家调查法与误差逆传播神经网络技术 ( BP网 )相结合的综合分析方法 ,同时运用 Math Works公司开发的 MATLAB5。

5)enabling legislation赋权法例

6)method weight方法赋权


