700字范文 > 视野平均缺损 visual fields mean defect英语短句 例句大全

视野平均缺损 visual fields mean defect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-21 10:43:59


视野平均缺损 visual fields mean defect英语短句 例句大全

视野平均缺损,visual fields mean defect

1)visual fields mean defect视野平均缺损

2)mean defect of visual field(MD)平均视野缺损值

3)visual field defect视野缺损

1.Advances of the glaucomavisual field defect;青光眼视野缺损的研究进展

2.Intereye differences of false-negative response in patients with unilateral glaucomatousvisual field defect;单侧青光眼视野缺损患者假阴性反应的眼间差异

3.The diagnostic value of rapid screening forvisual field defects in glaucoma using four-point threshold perimetry;四点阈值视野检查对快速筛查青光眼性视野缺损的诊断价值


1.Relationship between visual field defect score and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured by OCT视野缺损计分与OCT测量RNFL厚度的关系

2.Visual-field defect: Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision.视野缺损:正常视觉范围内的一个盲点或盲区。

3.Relationship between parameters of optic disc and visual field defect in early primary glaucoma原发性青光眼早期视盘参数与视野缺损的关系

4.The Diagnostic Value of Rapid Screening of Glaucoma Visual Field Defect with the Perimetry of Four Points Threshold;四点阈值视野检查对快速筛查青光眼性视野缺损的诊断价值

5.Using Goggle-VEP to Assess Loss of Visual Field Objectively;应用Goggle-VEP客观评定视野缺损的法医学价值分析

paring analysis of visual field defect in chronic glaucoma detected by blueon-on-yellow perimetry and white-on-white perimetry蓝/黄视野与白/白视野检查在慢性青光眼视野缺损诊断检查中的对比分析

7.Correlation between optic disc parameters of HRT-Ⅱ and visual field defects in primary open angle glaucoma原发性开角型青光眼HRT-Ⅱ视盘参数与视野缺损的相关性研究

8.The qundrant VF defect and bow-shaped scotoma were displayed in majority of the cases. Abnormal VEPwas shown to be related to the cen- tral VF impaired.ION 的VF 损害多数为象限性缺损和弓形暗点,VEP 的异常与中心视野缺损有关。

9.the visual field defect was chiefly of central or pericentral scotoma; and the color sensation was severely affected.视野缺损主要为中心暗点或旁中心暗点 ,色觉障碍严重。

10.She complained of decreased vision and a relative paracentral scotoma of her right eye.一位二十二岁女性,其因玻璃体黄斑部牵扯症导致视野缺损而到眼科求诊。

11.Scanning laser polarimetry using variable corneal compensation in the detection of glaucoma with localized visual field defects运用各种角膜补偿的激光扫描偏振仪检测局限性视野缺损的青光眼

12.Relationship between Contrast Sensitivity Function and Visual Field Defect in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma;原发性开角型和慢性闭角型青光眼患者对比敏感度改变和视野缺损的关系研究

13.Study of defective vision threshold in patients with branch retinal vein occlusion视网膜分支静脉阻塞视野阈值缺损的研究

14.From Property Rights Insufficiency to Personal Property Rights Integrity:A New Angle of View to Venture Capital Institution Change;从产权缺损到产权完整:创业资本制度变迁的新视野

15.On the Shortcoming of Informer System and It s Constructing in the Visual Field of Law;法律视野中“线人”的制度缺失及其建构

16.The incompleteness of rationality--Culture evolution in the visual field of anthropolgy;理性的破缺——人类学视野中的文化进化

17.On Lack of Theoretical Music Periodicals in theActual Cultural Horizon;现实文化视野中音乐理论期刊的缺失

18.Characteristics of central scotoma in glaucoma青光眼中央暗点型视野损害特点分析


mean defect of visual field(MD)平均视野缺损值

3)visual field defect视野缺损

1.Advances of the glaucomavisual field defect;青光眼视野缺损的研究进展

2.Intereye differences of false-negative response in patients with unilateral glaucomatousvisual field defect;单侧青光眼视野缺损患者假阴性反应的眼间差异

3.The diagnostic value of rapid screening forvisual field defects in glaucoma using four-point threshold perimetry;四点阈值视野检查对快速筛查青光眼性视野缺损的诊断价值

4)visual field defects视野缺损

1.Visual field defects can occur in many kinds of orbital diseases,including optic nerve tumors,orbital tumors compressing optic nerves and thyroid associated ophthalmopathy.这些疾病可能对视神经造成压迫性、浸润性或炎症性损伤,从而表现为相应的视野缺损。

5)Mean defect平均缺损

6)Visual field loss development视野缺损进展


视野视野visual field亦称“周围视力”,是黄斑中心凹以外的视力。也就是当眼球向正前方凝视不动时所见的空间范围。视野检查对眼底病与视路病的诊断有重要的参考价值。
