700字范文 > 视野缺损计分 Visual field defect score英语短句 例句大全

视野缺损计分 Visual field defect score英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-06 11:59:41


视野缺损计分 Visual field defect score英语短句 例句大全

视野缺损计分,Visual field defect score

1)Visual field defect score视野缺损计分

1.Correlation between optic disc parameters of HRT and visual field defect score in primary open angle glaucoma;原发性开角型青光眼HRT视盘参数与视野缺损计分的关系

2.Relationship between visual field defect score and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured by OCT视野缺损计分与OCT测量RNFL厚度的关系

visual field defect视野缺损

1.Advances of the glaucomavisual field defect;青光眼视野缺损的研究进展

2.Intereye differences of false-negative response in patients with unilateral glaucomatousvisual field defect;单侧青光眼视野缺损患者假阴性反应的眼间差异

3.The diagnostic value of rapid screening forvisual field defects in glaucoma using four-point threshold perimetry;四点阈值视野检查对快速筛查青光眼性视野缺损的诊断价值

3)visual field defects视野缺损

1.Visual field defects can occur in many kinds of orbital diseases,including optic nerve tumors,orbital tumors compressing optic nerves and thyroid associated ophthalmopathy.这些疾病可能对视神经造成压迫性、浸润性或炎症性损伤,从而表现为相应的视野缺损。

4)visual field score视野计分

5)Visual field loss development视野缺损进展

6)suspected visual field defect叶疑视野缺损


