700字范文 > 性合于道 combine Human nature with Tao into one英语短句 例句大全

性合于道 combine Human nature with Tao into one英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-18 20:27:12


性合于道 combine Human nature with Tao into one英语短句 例句大全

性合于道,combine Human nature with Tao into one

1)combine Human nature with Tao into one性合于道

1.Through Tao,Human and the relation between Tao and Human,Huai-nan Zi came to a conclusion: the meaning of life is "combine Human nature with Tao into one".通过对道、人及道与人的关系的探索,《淮南子》提出人生的意义在于"性合于道"。


1.Humanity in Step with Tao": Humanity Discourse in Huai NanZi;“性合于道”:《淮南子》人性论探析

2.Elastomeric seat materials are not suitable for steam service.弹性阀座材料不适合于蒸气管道中。

3.On the Strategies of Maintaining Channel Cooperation Based on Perceptual Trust;基于感性信任的渠道合作关系保持策略研究

4.Performance Analysis of Hybrid Channel Allocation Technology Based on QBD Model基于QBD模型的混合信道分配技术的性能研究

5.Fusion Method of Multi-Spectral Image and Panchromatic Image Based on Four Channels Non-Separable Additive Wavelets基于四通道不可分加性小波的多光谱图像融合

6.Feasibility of respiratory syndrome for respiratory diseases surveillance in a hospital某综合医院呼吸道症候群用于呼吸道疾病监测可行性评价

7.LCAO (Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals)原子轨道函数线性组合

8.and a great deal is known about where electricity is found and how it behaves.关于电的存在场合及其活动特性我们已知道得很多了。

9.These properties are due to a unique kind of a bond known as the hydrogen bond.这些特性的存在是由于一种独特的结合力,即人们所知道的氢键。

10.With the panic over SARS, people are closely monitoring their temperatures.由于急性呼吸道综合征带来的恐慌,人们开始经常测量体温。

11.having decorative or flavorful additions; sometimes used in combination.具有装饰性或增加味道的附加物;有时用于复合词。

12.Moral rules are validated by the fact that they lead to these universally desired consequences.道德规范的合理性在于达到这些普遍要求的结果。

13.Performance Analysis of JD CDMA/TDMA Systems Based on Blind Channel Estimation基于盲信道估计的联合检测码分时分多址系统性能分析

14.Rutting Contral for Aspalt Pavements with Flexible Base of Airport Based on Mix Traffic Analysis;基于混合交通分析的机场柔性基层沥青道面轮辙控制研究

15.Analysis of Joint Development on Urban Rail Transit and Real Estate Based on Externality;基于外部性理论的城市轨道交通与房地产联合开发政策分析

16.Discussion of Political Civilization from Another Angle──on Entity and Leading Carde Morality;另一个维度看政治文明——关于合法性和领导干部的道德

17.Study on synthesis filter symmetry polarities and lengths of M-channel LPPRFB基于M通道LPPRFB的综合滤波器对称性与长度选择方法研究

18.A Test on Mixture Ratio of Coal Gangue for Subbase Course and Road Performance in Yingkou Region营口地区煤矸石应用于道路底基层配合比及路用性能试验



1.Theethicalness of a ruling individualt,he organizer and implementer of administration,refers to whether his ethical orientation complies with ethical norms.执政"合道德性"是执政合法性的基础之一。

3)performance contracting基于性能的合同

4)Comprehensive Greenway综合性绿道

5)moral rationality道德合理性

1.Themoral rationality of ruling refers to the legitimateness or rationality for which the rulers rule on the base of principles recognized by the mass.执政的道德合理性是指执政者基于被民众认可的原则基础上实施统治的正当性或合理性。

2.This article draws up the rationality and the necessity of the criminal law\"s adjustment scope from the jurisprudence angle of view,which integrates"the natural bribe"on the level of itsmoral rationality and legislation origin of"the natural bribe"being punished by criminai law.从法理学的视角,从"性贿赂"入罪的应然性、道德合理性、立法渊源的层面,来论证将"性贿赂"纳入刑法调整范围的合理性和必要性。

6)YU Jun Dao于君道

1.Missionary Characteristics and Religious Fate ofYU Jun Dao in Jiangnan Region;浅析江南地区于君道的传播特点和宗教命运


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
