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衰亡 decline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-14 10:25:07


衰亡 decline英语短句 例句大全



1.Roosevelt s New Deal and the Decline of Substantive Due Process of Law in America;罗斯福新政和美国“实体性正当法律程序”的衰亡


1.Growth and decay are vital processes.生长和衰亡是生命过程。

2.The feudal system slowly fell into decay, ie stopped working.封建制度在缓慢地衰亡.

3.a book which traces the decline of the Roman empire叙述罗马帝国衰亡的书.

4."I do not age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die."我不老,我重生。但是人类衰亡,你会衰老死亡。

5.Would their age-old traditions fizzle out?他们的古老传统,会不会消失衰亡?

6.At that time, the Roman Empire had already decayed.罗马帝国在那时已经衰亡。

7.Historians record how Rome fell.历史学家记载了罗马帝国衰亡的经过.

8.Suppose that we choose to wear ourselves out faster.假定我们就是要使自已衰亡得更快。

9.Do you know when the Roman Empire decayed?你知道罗马帝国在什么时候衰亡的吗?

10.All this is not to antedate the demise of the empire.这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡。

11.As quick a growth to meet decay, As you, or any thing,生长衰亡弹指间,如花卉,如万物。

12.Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays.各种文明都要经历诞生、鼎盛和衰亡。

13.An old authority s decline--the bottleneck of the later Qing-Dynasty s new reform;旧权威的衰亡——清末新政改革的瓶颈

14.Out of Utopia--A New Interpretation of Death of Western Tragedy;走出乌托邦——西方悲剧衰亡之谜新探

15.Analyse the Structure of Conventional Person Management from Destruction of Exchange Shop in Shanxi Province;从山西票号的衰亡探析企业法人治理

16.The Deterioration of Ecological Environment and the Decline and Fall of western Roman Empire;生态环境的恶化与西罗马帝国的衰亡

17.It deals with the important matter of the rise and fall, life or death of mankind.这是事关人类兴衰存亡的大事。

18.He refused to accept the idea of old age and death.他拒绝接受衰颓和消亡的想法。


Decline and fall衰亡


1.Orders of silking andsenescence of silks on th.衰亡过程也开始于中下部,基部和中部其次,顶部最晚。


1.Of causes of the decline andfall of the family of power and influence;门阀士族的衰落与衰亡原因

2.We have chosen to study thefall and.本文选择清代科举的衰亡与启示作为研究内容,是因为科举制度曾经生机勃勃,发展到清代已臻完备,但同时弊端也最突出,清代也曾经就科举的改革进行过认真的设计与实践,但终因无法跟上时代的脚步而走向衰亡。

5)decline and death衰弱死亡

1.It expounds the reasons of old pinesdecline and death through the general in vestigation to the old pines in Chengde Mountain Resort,especialy the investigation and anal ysis to the dead old pines;and advance relevant protecting measures as augmenting management of soil,fertilizer and water and improving roots environment etc.通过对避暑山庄古松的普查 ,特别是对死亡古松的调查分析 ,阐明了影响古松衰弱死亡的原因主要是根部环境不良 ,树体伤口多 ,光合弱及病虫为害 ;并提出加强土肥水管理 ,改善根部环境为主 ,结合病虫防治、疏理地上生存空间为辅的保护措施。

6)Palaeo-pinedeclining and dying油松衰亡


