700字范文 > 衰亡原因 the reason for declination英语短句 例句大全

衰亡原因 the reason for declination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-19 21:15:32


衰亡原因 the reason for declination英语短句 例句大全

衰亡原因,the reason for declination

1)the reason for declination衰亡原因


1.Changes of "Jiang(将) ",the Auxiliary Word of Tense in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Brief Remarks on Its Disappearance;明清时期动态助词“将”的发展演变及衰亡原因

2.A Brief Comment on the Interrelation Between the National Base and Rise and Fall of the Nation;试论民族基地与语言兴衰的关系——满语衰亡原因考证之一

3.A Brief Comment on the Bilingualism during the Historical National Coalescence in Northeast China;试论东北民族融合过程中的双语现象——满语衰亡原因考证亡二

4.The Reason for Declination and the Evaluation of Dao Yuan and World Red Swastika Society in the Republic of China民国道院暨世界红卍字会的衰亡原因与评价刍论

5.The Reasons for the Decline and Fall of Private Enterprise Groups in the Period of Republic of China(1912-1949);民国时期民营企业集团衰亡的原因探析

6.On the Reasons of the Decaying of the Old Famous Trees in Huashan Mountain and the Countermeasures to it华山古树名木衰败死亡原因及保护措施初探

7.The main causes of mortality were shock, septicemia and respiratory failure.小儿烧伤死亡率与面积呈正相关,主要死亡原因是:休克、血症、吸衰竭。

8.On the Silver Bank of Shanxi;论山西银号——兼谈日本军国主义侵华是晋商衰亡的直接原因

9.On the Main Causes for the Decline of Tea-Horse Trade in Ming Dynasty--An Analysis of the Cause from the Policy Perspective明代官营茶马互市衰亡的原因——从明政府的茶马互市政策方面分析

10.Management and Outcome of 52 Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicating Acute Left Heart Failure急性心肌梗死合并急性左心衰52例治疗和死亡原因分析

11.The cause of death was concluded to be severe hypotension, bradycardia and cardiac failure due to combined intoxication with verapamil, metoprolol and digoxin.死亡原因是维拉帕米、多心安和地高辛联合中毒引起的严重低血压、动过缓和心脏衰竭。

12.Over-fishing and pollution from coastal farms were also contributing to the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef.过度捕捞和沿海农场造成的环境污染也是导致大堡礁逐渐衰亡的原因。

13.Besides,the auther also discusses why the Mohist Schoollanguished and puts forward some useful lessons.文中还探讨了墨家衰亡的社会原因,提出一些值得今天借鉴的历史教训.

14.Death usually results from hepatic or renal failure.常因肝脏或肾脏衰竭而导致死亡。

15.Because of Music Prosperity,Because of Music Declining--On Song Poetry prosperity and declining basic reason;因乐而兴,因乐而衰——论宋词兴衰的内在原因

16.cause of loss of life火灾死亡的原因不通

17.There are 28 patienrs with CPRand MODS, The death mainly connects with the primary affection, the old age and the number of organ crocked up.死亡主要与原发病、年龄大、器官衰竭数目相关。

18.Analysis of the policy reason on communist party and state dispersed in Soviet Union;苏共亡党、苏联亡国的政策原因浅析


The Declining Reason of Hada Tribe论哈达衰亡原因

3)The reasons of the decline and fall of Mohism论墨学衰亡的原因

4)Elementary Research on the Cause of the Fall of Wei State卫国衰亡原因探析

5)death reason死亡原因

1.The paper analyses thedeath reasons of 54 cases, then draws the conclusion that the commondeath reasons of DCM are refractory cardiac failure, sudden death, cardiac shock, and embolism.目的为了进一步认识扩张型心肌病(DCM)的死亡原因,提高对该疾病的诊治水平,以降低其死亡率。

2.Objective To discuss the relative factors ofdeath reason and prevention strategy of child bearing women in Yuzhong district of Chongqing city.目的探讨重庆市渝中区育龄妇女死亡原因相关因素及防治对策。

3.Objective To study thedeath reasons of patients with lung cancer.目的探讨肺癌病人死亡原因。

6)Death cause死亡原因

1.Analyses on death causes and mortality for in-patients of psychiatric dept. during different years.;不同年代精神科住院患者死亡原因及死亡率分析

2.Analysis of death causes for 19 AIDS patients.艾滋病19例死亡原因分析

3.OBJECTIVE To study the mortality and death causes among residents in Kunming in order to adopt effective preventive measures.目的分析昆明市居民死亡水平、死亡原因分布及特征,为制定卫生政策并采取相应疾病预防控制措施提供科学依据。


