700字范文 > 人类学与发展 anthropology and development英语短句 例句大全

人类学与发展 anthropology and development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 05:30:52


人类学与发展 anthropology and development英语短句 例句大全

人类学与发展,anthropology and development

1)anthropology and development人类学与发展

1.This paper makes a systematic introduction to the interactive academic relationship betweenanthropology and development studies,the differences and relations between anthropology of development and development anthropology,and,in particular,researches and progresses made in this field over the past century across the globe.系统介绍了人类学与发展研究之间相互影响的学术关系,发展的人类学和发展人类学之间的区别和相关关系,特别介绍了国际上近一百年以来在该领域的研究和进展,并就人类学与发展研究方面的三大理论体系进行了评述和讨论。

2)development anthropology发展人类学

1.This paper makes a systematic introduction to the interactive academic relationship between anthropology and development studies,the differences and relations between anthropology of development anddevelopment anthropology,and,in particular,researches and progresses made in this field over the past century across the globe.系统介绍了人类学与发展研究之间相互影响的学术关系,发展的人类学和发展人类学之间的区别和相关关系,特别介绍了国际上近一百年以来在该领域的研究和进展,并就人类学与发展研究方面的三大理论体系进行了评述和讨论。


1.The analysis of related issues about the concept of "development " of "Development Anthropology" and "Happiness Feelings"发展人类学之“发展”概念与“幸福感”相关问题探析

2.Science Anthropology: a Newly Developing Academic Field科学人类学:一个正在发展的学术领域

3.The scientific study of the origin and development of human beings.人类起源学关于人类起源及发展的科学研究

4.The Review of Development of Emotional Anthropology in the past 50 Years The Trend of Psychological Anthropology;五十年来情绪人类学发展综述——心理人类学发展的趋势

5.Contemporary Theory in Medical Anthropology:Continuity,Transformation and Growth;当代医学人类学理论:持续、变革与发展

6.The Anthropological Value and the Development of the Study on Man-Turgus;满—通古斯学研究的人类学价值及发展

7.Anthropology and History:Challenges, Dialogues and Developments;人类学与历史学:挑战、对话与发展

8.Literary Anthropology: Compatibility and Development in Sino-Western Exchanges;文学人类学:中西交流中的兼容与发展

9.The history of development of natural law is also the history of development of rights of mankind.自然法学发展史是一部人类权利观念的发展史。

10.Evolutionary Developmental Psychology: Developing Human Nature;进化发展心理学:发展中的人类本性(英文)

11.The Resurvey of Human Development from the Development of Behaviour Genetics;从行为遗传学的发展再看人类心理发展

12.Evolution of Human Development View--From economic growth to scientific concept of development;人类发展观的演进——从经济增长到科学发展

13.Latin American Perinatology and Human Development Centre拉丁美洲围产学和人类发展中心

14.A Historical Perspective in Understanding the Development of Western Anthropology;一种理解西方人类学发展的历史视角

15.Development and Localization of Feminism Anthropology in China;女性人类学发展及其中国本土化尝试

16.The Division of the Stages of Human Society Based on a Mathematic Model;用数学模型表现人类社会的发展阶段

17.The Human Accomplishment Significance for the Undergraduate of Art Major;人文素养对艺术类大学生发展的意义

18.Developing the Natural Science and Upgrading Human Being s Morality Feeling;发展自然科学与升华人类的道德情感


development anthropology发展人类学

1.This paper makes a systematic introduction to the interactive academic relationship between anthropology and development studies,the differences and relations between anthropology of development anddevelopment anthropology,and,in particular,researches and progresses made in this field over the past century across the globe.系统介绍了人类学与发展研究之间相互影响的学术关系,发展的人类学和发展人类学之间的区别和相关关系,特别介绍了国际上近一百年以来在该领域的研究和进展,并就人类学与发展研究方面的三大理论体系进行了评述和讨论。

3)human development and decision人类发展与决策

1.The concept and methods of assessment for regional ecosystem influence ofhuman development and decision;人类发展与决策对区域生态系统的影响及其评价方法

4)the ecology of human development人类发展生态学

1.The Regional Activities of Kindergarten on the Perspective of the Ecology of Human Development;人类发展生态学视野下幼儿园区域活动研究

5)science of human development人类发展科学

6)human development人类发展

1.In the paper the roles of engineering in the development of mankind is summarized as: ① engineering is the advanced mode inhuman development;② it is a bridge in t.针对当前国内对工程的作用和意义认识不够的问题,提出了把工程定义为“以促进人类发展为目的的有组织地改造世界的活动”的观点。

2.Two DEA models,namely C2R and C2GS2 model,are used to evaluate the public policy efficiency of 31 Chinese provinces and municipalities during 1999-,based on thehuman development view proposed by UNDP.应用数据包络分析的两个模型C2R和C2GS2模型,结合联合国发展规划署提出的人类发展指数概念,从人类发展的角度对我国31省区1999~的公共政策有效性进行了分析评价;综合各省区在两个模型下的计算结果进行了分类,并针对不同类型提出提高政策效率的具体建议。

3.The obstacles of global protection on the right to development lie on the obsolete ideals ofhuman development.发展权理念的滞后已成为制约发展权全球保障实现的认识障碍,为此必须实现发展权理念在方式、主体、时空、地位、动力、目的上的"多重超越",以全新的人类发展理念指引发展权全球保障的实现。


人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。
