700字范文 > 民族学/人类学 ethnology and anthropology英语短句 例句大全

民族学/人类学 ethnology and anthropology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-24 02:15:48


民族学/人类学 ethnology and anthropology英语短句 例句大全

民族学/人类学,ethnology and anthropology

1)ethnology and anthropology民族学/人类学

1.To plan culture in the perspective ofethnology and anthropology,we will get a deeper understanding of the culture and the cultural resources,meanwhile,the application ofethnology and anthropology will be promoted as well.在民族学/人类学的视野中进行文化策划,能对文化有更深刻的理解,对文化资源有更好的把握,同时还能够促进应用民族学/人类学的发展。


1.On Cultural Construction from the Perspective of Ethnology and Anthropology;从民族学/人类学的视角看文化建设

2.On Academic Frame of Ethnic Religion Studies in China--Thinking Based on Ethnology and Anthropology中国民族宗教研究的学术架构——基于民族学/人类学的思考

3.an anthropologist who does ethnography.研究民族志或人种学的人类学家。

4.An Anthropological Analysis of Rural Medicine:A Case Study of Ethnomedicine of Shui Ethnic Group;乡土医学的人类学分析:以水族民族医学为例

5.Macao: A Precious Land of Research of Ethnology and Anthropology澳门:民族学人类学研究的一块宝地

6.The Relationship between Anthropology and Ethnology;关于“人类学”与“民族学”的关系问题

7.An Anthropological Study of the House Fetish of the National Minorities in Yunnan By Associate Research Fellow;云南少数民族民居灵物的人类学研究

8.Artistic Anthropological Significance of National Minority Folk Song Studies;少数民族民歌研究的艺术人类学意义

9.The Pattern of Religious Culture:Toward a New Theory for China s Ethnological and Anthropological Studies;宗教文化类型——中国民族学·人类学理论新探

10.Research On Related Theories of Nationalities and Mankind, and Xinjiang Society in the Period of the Republic of China;民族学、人类学相关理论与民国新疆社会研究

11.Ethnography and Translation: An Anthropological Perspective of Translation Studies;民族志与翻译:翻译研究的人类学视野

12.Ethnic Education in Perspective of Anthropology;教育的风情:人类学视界中的民族教育

13.An analysis of“Minzu”at a political-cultural angle: the anthropological field of vision;“民族”的政治文化评析:人类学视野

14.On the Development of National Economy from the Perspective of Economic Anthropology经济人类学视野中民族经济发展分析

15.The Multi-ethnic Harmonious Coexistence in Guangxi under the Anthropological Perspective人类学视野下的广西多民族和谐共生

16.A Group Discussion about the Education of Master Graduates Majoring in Anthropology and Ethnology;人类学民族学硕士研究生培养经验五人谈

17.Make National Quality: Cultural Source of Tujia"Diet-taboo;熔铸民族性:土家族饮食禁忌的人类学考察

18.Summary of Research on the Ethic of the lahu People--Study on the History and Culture of the Lahus from the Vision of Ethnology;拉祜族研究综述——民族学(人类学)视野下的拉祜族历史文化研究


anthropology and ethnology人类学民族学

3)Chinese anthropology and ethnical science中国人类学与民族学

4)Chinese anthropology and ethnology中国人类学/民族学

5)musical anthropolgy/ethno-musicology音乐人类学/民族音乐学

6)Anthropological and ethnological research民族学人类学研究


