700字范文 > 液压翻转机构 Hydraulic turnover mechanism英语短句 例句大全

液压翻转机构 Hydraulic turnover mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-24 22:36:50


液压翻转机构 Hydraulic turnover mechanism英语短句 例句大全

液压翻转机构,Hydraulic turnover mechanism

1)Hydraulic turnover mechanism液压翻转机构

1.Determination of support point position for hydraulic cylinder from hydraulic turnover mechanism for wind turbine"s blade mold风电叶片模具液压翻转机构液压缸支点位置的设计


puter Simulation of Plow Hydraulic Turnover Mechanism;双向犁液压翻转机构的计算机仿真分析

2.Determination of support point position for hydraulic cylinder from hydraulic turnover mechanism for wind turbine"s blade mold风电叶片模具液压翻转机构液压缸支点位置的设计

3.The Application of FD Counterbalance Valve in Hydraulically-driven Upturning Mechanism Serving the Wind Power Blade DiesFD型平衡阀在风电叶片模具液压翻转机构上的应用

4.double-die-turning finishing hydraulic press双模具翻转抛光液压机

5.Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis of Hydraulic Steering Turntable液压转盘转向机构的运动学及动力学分析

6.Research on the Application of 4QYS-600C Type Bi-direction Multi-functional Harvester with Hydraulic Pressure and Retroflexion for Rhizomatic Drug Ingredients4QYS-600C型液压翻转双向多功能根茎类药材收获机的应用研究

7.Dynamic Simulation on Hydraulic Pressure Systemof Autocrane Revolving Mechanic;汽车起重机回转机构液压系统动态仿真

8.Optimal design progrom actualizing of multi-axle hydraulic trailer’s steering mechanism多轴线液压板挂车转向机构优化程序的实现

9.The Optimum Design of Steering Mechanism of LG953 Loader and the Analysis of Steering Hydraulic SystemLG953装载机转向机构的优化设计及液压转向系统的分析

10.The optimization and improvement of the rotary dirty soil strip device rotary mechanism and hydraulic system about QQS550 screen scarifierQQS550清筛机旋转污土带装置旋转机构及液压系统的优化改进

11.liquid piston rotary compressor液体活塞式旋转压气机

12.hydromechanical drive rotary torque液压-机械驱动转盘扭矩

13.Mehanism Study on Fluid Power System Based on Fast On-off Valves for NC Turret Presses液压快速回转头压力机液压系统机理研究

14.main foil flap hydraulic actuator主翼襟翼液压执行机构

15.clutch operation (hydraulic)离合器液压式操纵机构

16.The Structural Analysis and Intelligent Optimization of Hydraulic Pressure Flexible Flap Gate;柔性液压翻板钢闸门的结构分析与智能优化

17.Design of Thrust Hydraulic System for the Earth Pressure Balance Shield Machine土压平衡盾构机推进液压系统的设计

18.Design and Characteristic Analyze of Permanent Magnetic Hydraulic Valve in Spring Stored Energy Hydraulic Mechanism弹簧储能液压机构永磁液压阀设计及特性分析


turnover mechanism翻转机构

1.Movement and force analysis ofturnover mechanism in simplex horizontal reversible-plow;单缸卧式翻转犁翻转机构的运动与受力分析

2.And the applying range of theturnover mechanism and the requirement for choosing the fulcrum for returning by its own weight were introduced.介绍了真空吸塑凹模的设计 ,抽芯机构的计算 ,翻转机构的适用范围 ,自重复位支点的选择要求

3.The author studies on the structure and working principle ofturnover mechanism of embedded expansion screen on vehicular A/V system from the aspects of mechanical design and mechanism theory.从机械设计、机构理论等方面对车载影音系统采用的内藏式伸缩屏翻转机构的结构和工作原理进行研究;以1DIN车载影音系统为例,建立翻转机构的数学模型,并进行受力分析和运动分析及设计参数验证;阐述翻转机构参数的选择原则和结构设计中应注意的问题。

3)cab tilting mechanism翻转机构

1.The principle and design method of thecab tilting mechanism together with the advantage and disadvantage has been pointed out in this paper by a type of light-truck cab as an example.以某轻型载货汽车的驾驶室翻转机构为例,简要地阐述轻型载货汽车驾驶室翻转机构的结构特点、工作原理和设计方法以及其优、缺点。

4)double-die-turning finishing hydraulic press双模具翻转抛光液压机

5)hydraulic reversible plough液压翻转犁

1.Based on the frame structure and the characteristic of force of 1LF—335hydraulic reversible plough ,the force model about the finite element analysis was made, and the lode and constraints in both of the common lode case and meeting obstacle lode case were gained.根据1LF—335液压翻转犁的犁架结构和受力特点,建立了有限元分析的力学模型,确定了在一般工况和遇障工况下载荷及约束等边界条件。

6)hydraulic system/skip uncharging mechanism液压系统/翻卸料机构


