700字范文 > 竞技体育实力 competition sport power英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育实力 competition sport power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-03 00:22:24


竞技体育实力 competition sport power英语短句 例句大全

竞技体育实力,competition sport power

1)competition sport power竞技体育实力


1.The effect of the Olympic Games on the competitive sports strengths of the hosting country;奥运会对承办国竞技体育实力的影响

2.Research on Assessment Methods for the Strength of Chinese Sports;多种评价方法对中国竞技体育实力的评价研究

3.A Research on the Present Situation of Competitive Sport Strength in Shanxi Province and its Strategies for Winning the Gold Medal in the Olympic Games;山西省竞技体育实力现状及奥运夺金策略研究

4.Study on the Comparison of Our Country s Athletics Strength with the Olympic Powers;我国与奥运强国竞技体育实力的比较研究

5.Analysis of Developing of Competitive Sports Strength in Our Country from Reform and Open Policy改革开放以来我国竞技体育实力演变分析

6.An Analysis of the Actual Strength of Athletic Sports and a Research on the Exploitation of Reserved Talent Resources for Shandong Province;山东竞技体育实力分析与后备人才资源开发研究

7.Constraints on Athletic Strength of Xinjiang and the Transformation of Advantageous Sport Event;新疆竞技体育实力的制约因素及优势项目变迁的启示

8.An analysis of China"s sports strength based on the results of Beijing Olympic Games从北京奥运会比赛成绩分析我国竞技体育实力

9.A Study on Competitive Sports Management System and Sports Resources and Strength in Taiwan;台湾竞技体育管理体制及资源与实力之研究

10.A Study on the Developing Tendency of World Sports and Disparity of Sports Strength Between China and Great Nations of Olympics;世界竞技体育发展趋势及我国与奥运大国竞技实力的比较研究

11.A Research on the Soft Power of Competitive Sports and Prootion Path in China;中国竞技体育软实力及其提升路径的研究

12.An Analysis of China′s Basic Strength in Athletic Sports and its Developing Countermeasures;中国竞技体育基础实力的分析与发展对策

13.Absence and Path Choice of the Construction of Competitive Sports Soft Power China我国竞技体育软实力建设的缺失与路径选择

14.Promotion of soft strength of competitive sports of China after Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会后我国竞技体育软实力的提升

15.Probe into and Carry out the Working Thought of "Six Aspects as a Whole"and Try to Cultivate Elite Talents in Competitive Sports;探索实践“六位一体”工作思路 努力培养高水平竞技体育人才

16.The Legal Cognition of Competitive Sports Violence--The Investigation Report on Competitive Sports Violence竞技体育暴力行为之法律认知——关于竞技体育暴力行为的调查报告

17.In sports competition, personnel resources is the base.在竞技体育的竞争中,人力资源是体育竞争的基础和后盾。

18.Studies on Concrete Evidence Evaluation of Human Resources and Athletic Level in Every District,City and Province in China;我国各省、市、区体育系统人力资源与竞技水平的实证性评价研究


organization of competitive sports竞技体育实力集团

3)competitive sports violence竞技体育暴力

1.The social survey results for the community at large on thecompetitive sports violence\"s cognitive of the general perception,the acts of the nature,the meaning as defined,responsibility approach,is the premise and basis ofthe criminal law\"s intervention,and also is the demonstration foundation of the academic research and the legislation\"s improvement.竞技体育暴力行为不仅仅是一法律问题,也是一社会问题。

4)the overall athletics strength总体竞技实力

5)competition power竞技实力

1.Non-balanced development and countermeasures of regionalcompetition power at National Games of China;我国全运区域竞技实力发展的非均衡历程与对策

2.The results indicated: thecompetition power of track and field of Beijing is poor,the development of track and field is not fit for the wholecompetition power in the 6-10th nation games;high jump,shot-put, 110-meter hurdle,400-meter and 400-meter race are the advantage events,but only high jump is superior event in nation games now.结果显示:在第6—10届全运会田径竞技中,北京田径竞技实力较弱,田径水平的发展与其整体竞技水平不相称;跳高、铅球、110米栏、400米和4×400米为其优势项目,但全运制胜项目只有跳高,提示北京必须对田径项目予以重视并加快其发展速度。

3.The result indicate:the regionalcompetition power of each event-group presents obviously no-balance and every event also presents no-balance development situation in the same rank region.研究表明,各田径项目竞技实力区域分布呈明显的非均衡性且各个地区各个项目也呈现出动态发展态势。

6)competitive strength竞技实力

1.Thecompetitive strength,the comptition state,the competitive level,the competition expression are all correlated to the development,the gaining,the expression time of the competitive ability.根据运动训练学理论,从运动员竞技能力的挖掘到竞技能力的获得,直至竞技能力的表现时间逻辑看,与之相关的概念主要有:竞技实力、竞技状态、竞技水平、竞技表现等。

2.This paper provide a reference index system for evaluating the strong and weak ofcompetitive strength in World Soccer Cup through the method of literature and mathematical statistics.运用文献资料调研和数理统计等方法,以参加历届世界杯决赛阶段球队为研究时象,并 以其地理归属划分为不同的竞技区域,为衡量世界杯竞技实力的强弱提供了一个可供参考的指 标体系。

3.In order to find out the advantage and shortage incompetitive strength between our centre forward of national basketball team and foreign centre forward,this paper put forwards suggestions and assumptions to promote ourcompetitive strength quickly through using statistical data in major basketball match and compare,analysis,induction combining with video recording.为了正确认识国家男子篮球队中锋运动员同世界中锋运动员在竞技实力上的优势与不 足,通过世界篮球大赛的技术统计数据,并结合录像观察进行比较、分析、归纳及整理,进而提出 了迅速提高我国篮球运动竞技水平的设想及建议。


