700字范文 > 区域竞技体育 regional competitive sports英语短句 例句大全

区域竞技体育 regional competitive sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-25 23:18:40


区域竞技体育 regional competitive sports英语短句 例句大全

区域竞技体育,regional competitive sports

1)regional competitive sports区域竞技体育

1.Using literature,statistical figures and so on to study the social resource which supports theregional competitive sports of Jiangsu province.运用文献资料法、数理统计等方法对支撑江苏省区域竞技体育发展的社会资源进行研究。


1.How to Breed the Leading Event of Regional Competitive Sports;我国区域竞技体育“主导项目”培育的研究

2.Study on the Relationship between Regional Athletics Development and the Social Population Structure;我国区域竞技体育发展现状与社会人口结构的关系研究

3.Correlation Analysis of Current Situation of Regional Athletics Sports Development and Society Population Structure in China;区域竞技体育发展现状与社会人口结构的相关研究

4.Regional Sports Development in the Non-equicibrium Study of Social Resources of Jiangsu江苏省各区域竞技体育发展的社会资源非均衡性研究

5.Discussion on Regional Distribution Characteristic for Sportsmen of Competitive Athletics;竞技体育运动员的区域分布特征探讨

6.Theoretical and Positive Research on the Regional Development of Competitive Sports in China;中国竞技体育区域发展的理论与实证研究

7.The Research of the Regional Athletics Sports to Speeds up the City Development;区域性竞技体育对加快城市发展的研究

8.Developing Regional Sports Game Attributes to the Development of City;发展区域性竞技体育对加快城市发展之研究

9.Integrative Model of Reserved Talents Cultivation in Cheng-Yu Region during Regional Economic Integration;区域经济一体化条件下川渝地区竞技体育后备人才培养模式构想

10.Prospect of the application of Nanometer technology in competitive sports;纳米技术在竞技体育领域的应用展望

11.Economic level′s Influence and Countermeasure on Sports Development in Various Provinces and Districts;区域经济发展水平对我国竞技体育可持续发展的影响及对策

petitive Evaluation and Empirical Inquiry in Regional Sports Industry区域体育产业竞争力评价与实证研究

13.On the Moral Hazard in Competitive Sports;竞技体育领域道德风险若干问题探究

14.On the Management of "People First " in the sports field of our Country;试论我国竞技体育领域的“人本化”管理

15.The Reasons and the Countermeasures of the Racialism in the Field of the Competitive Sport竞技体育领域种族歧视的成因与对策

16.Is there a big difference between gaming and traditional sports?你认为电子竞技与传统体育竞技有哪些区别?

17.On Vocational Education in Competitive Sports in A New Era;试论新形势下竞技体育领域的高等职业教育

18.On the Application and Forecast of Modern Biological Technology in Athletic Sports Field;现代生物技术在竞技体育领域中的应用与展望



1.Anti-doping——the eternal topic ofsports;反兴奋剂——竞技体育永恒的话题

2.Influence onsports by the TVsports;电视体育对竞技体育的影响

3.On the situation and developing strategies of Korea-Yanbian reservesports talents cultivation;延边朝鲜族竞技体育后备人才培养现状及发展对策

3)Athletic sports竞技体育

1.Review of athletic sports since the founding of Hainan Province;建省后海南省竞技体育述评

2.Relations between "the direct and the indirect thought" and athletic sports tactic change;孙子奇正思想与竞技体育战术的变化

3.Correlation analysis on the revenvue and expenditure situation of urban residents and athletic sports;我国城镇居民收支状况与竞技体育的相关分析研究

4)competitive sports竞技体育

1.Analysis of feasibility ofcompetitive sports in coordinate development of higher learning institutions;竞技体育结合高校协调发展的可行性分析

2.On the harmonious development betweencompetitive sports and nationwide body-building in Gansu Province;甘肃省竞技体育与全民健身运动的协调发展

3.The embodiment of scientization withcompetitive sports;论竞技体育科学化的丰富表现

5)competitive sport竞技体育

1.Contemplation of issues about understanding the theory of the science ofcompetitive sport and the theory of the science of sports training;关于竞技体育学与运动训练学理论认识问题的思考

2.Psychological expatiation oncompetitive sports tragedies;竞技体育悲剧心理学阐释

6)Athletics sports竞技体育

1.To athletics sports In order to be comparable Taking the Practice Query;对竞技体育中“以赛带练”的质疑

2.The current situation and the development countermeasure study of Reserve talents of athletics sports in Gansu;甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养发展对策研究

3.The training and sustainable development of Gansu athletics sports reserve talents;甘肃竞技体育后备人才培养及可持续发展


