700字范文 > 短调民歌 short-tune folk songs英语短句 例句大全

短调民歌 short-tune folk songs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-23 19:13:07


短调民歌 short-tune folk songs英语短句 例句大全

短调民歌,short-tune folk songs

1)short-tune folk songs短调民歌

1.Ordes love songs are the maximum of theshort-tune folk songs and they are also the most brilliant part.鄂尔多斯情歌是其短调民歌中最多的一部分,也是最精彩的部分。


1.The Study of Tragically Aspect of Mongolian Narrative Short Tone Folk Song;蒙古族叙事性短调民歌的悲剧性研究

2.On the Ordos Mongolian Singer Jinhua Short Art Song Tune论蒙古族歌唱家金花的鄂尔多斯短调民歌演唱艺术

3.Viewing the Artistic Features of the Ordes Mongolian Short-tune Folk Songs from Senjidma从《森吉德玛》看鄂尔多斯蒙古族短调民歌的艺术特点

4."The folk songs of the Chinese include haozi, shange, ditty etc. Now there"s a heat for folk songs from the western part of China over the country."中国民歌包括号子、山歌、小调等。时下,西北民歌盛行中国歌坛。

5.Whenever American folk singers have been known to make up new song-texts, these generally have been sung to old folk tunes.不管美国民歌手谱写了什么新歌曲,唱起来总离不开民歌的老调子。

6.an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc..一种收录短小的文学作品、诗歌、民谣等的文

7.Having a limited View of Liuliu Tune from Sichuan Folk Song--Kang Ding Love Song从四川民歌《康定情歌》的衬词管窥“溜溜调”

8.Metafunctional Analysis of the Lyrics "Dragon Boat Melody"土家族民歌《龙船调》歌词的纯理功能分析

9.On the Relation between Aria Libretto and Opera Elements--Taking the opera "The White Haired Girl" as an example;歌剧咏叹调唱词与歌剧戏剧元素的关系——以民族歌剧《白毛女》为例

10.Hunan Huagu opera originated from local folk songs and ditties.湖南花鼓戏起源于当地民歌和小调。

11.Another Talk about the Diffenrent Dialects or Accents--The Local Flavors of Chinese Folk Songs;也谈“南腔北调”——中国民歌地方色彩

12.A Brief Analysis of the Musical Characteristics of the Folk Song "Dragon-Doat Melody" of Tujia Minority in Enshi Prefecture;简论恩施土家民歌“龙船调”的音乐特征

13.Influence of Three Gorges Dialect on Its Folk Song Modes;三峡库区的方言对其民歌调式的影响

14.An Investigation on the Folk Ceremony Song of Uygur "Ulan"维吾尔族民间仪式歌曲“月兰”调查研究

15.Investigation on the Acutuality of Folk Songs in Hequ Shanxi and Its Cause of Formation山西河曲民歌现状调查及成因的探究

16.On Chorus Works Created and Adapted from Hunan Folk Songs and Tones;湖南民歌及民歌音调创编的合唱作品分析与研究

17.The History of Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi and Features of Tune--One of the Researches on Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs;陕北民歌形成的历史渊源及其调式特点——陕北民歌探究之一

18.The Genuine Poetry Being Active in the Folk World;从冯梦龙编纂民歌时调看明代“民间真诗”理论


short melody Mongolian folk songs蒙古族短调民歌



5)folk songs and Shidiao民歌时调

1.Original characters offolk songs and Shidiao in Guangchang Mengxi广昌孟戏民歌时调的原生态特质

6)Long-tune folk songs长调民歌


