700字范文 > 再分配的社会偏好 Social Preference of Redistribution英语短句 例句大全

再分配的社会偏好 Social Preference of Redistribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-13 07:12:26


再分配的社会偏好 Social Preference of Redistribution英语短句 例句大全

再分配的社会偏好,Social Preference of Redistribution

1)Social Preference of Redistribution再分配的社会偏好

2)Social re distribution社会再分配


1.The Quest for Gender Equality from the Perspective of China"s Public Policy Choices--From the Social Initial Distribution to Redistribution寻求两性平等视野下中国的公共政策选择——从社会初次分配到社会再分配

2.From the Economic State Regulation to the Social Interests Redistribution--A review on the "3-3" theory of economic law;从经济的国家调节到利益的社会再分配——经济法“三三理论”评析

3.distribution and redistribution of socialist national income社会主义国民收入的分配和再分配

4.The Study of China Anti-reallocated Urban Social Insurance Problem中国城镇社会保险反再分配问题研究

5.Redistribution in the Current Social Pension System in China我国社会养老保险制度的收入再分配效应分析

6.From Female Intimate to Male Intimate: the Chang in the Leading Role of Society;从红颜知己到蓝颜知己:社会言说主角的再分配

7.Redistribution System is the Basis of Social Stability;健全再分配机制是实现社会稳定的基石

8.argument for social welfare economy as to product assign and reassign.在产品的分配和再分配方面,主张建立和发展社会福利经济。

9.Balance of Fairness & Efficiency in Initial Distribution and Redistribution--Also on the CPC 17th National Congress’s Innovation of the Socialist Income Distribution Theory初次分配和再分配中公平与效率的权衡——兼论十七大对社会主义收入分配理论的创新

10.Improving Ownership Structure,Making Full Use of Reallocation to Promote a Harmonious Society完善所有制结构,充分发挥再分配对和谐社会的促进作用

11.The Regulating Valve of the Reallocation for Social Wealth--The Origin and Usage of the Revenue of British Government;社会财富再分配的调节阀——英国政府税收的来源及用途

12.Re-understanding of accounting of social product distribution;社会产品分配核算的再认识——兼谈帐户法核算国民最终收入

13.Enlightenment for China from Britain"s Social Security System Regulating Redistribution of National Income英国社会保障制度调节国民收入再分配对我国的启示

14.Social Policy and the Distribution of Income in the Nation社会政策和国民分配

15.Social guarantee as being a kind of means for allotting again the civil income, it is consistent with the revenue in fair allotment.社会保障作为实施国民收入再分配的一种手段和方式,与收入公平分配之间存在正相关。

16.Attempt at Distribution According to “Capital”in China s Social Distribution;试论我国社会分配中的按“资”分配方式

17.On the Distributing system of Personal Income in Socialism;试论社会主义社会个人收入分配制度

Revenue Distribution System with Cost Deduction--A Socialist Society Wang Distribution Method;除本分成制——社会主义社会工资的一种分配方式


Social re distribution社会再分配

3)social preference社会偏好

1.The author has discovered the law of the laborer s behavior and the relation of the motivation factors and thesocial preference.以边际分析和效用理论研究人的劳动行为,发现人的行为规律性及动力因素与社会偏好的联系,试图对人的一般社会行为研究提供一种定量与定性结合的方

2.It then sets up a mathematical model which contains idea formation,innovation realization,andsocial preference,proves the connections between idea effort,institution structure and industrial structure.基于奥地利经济学派关于企业家的一些理念,首先探讨了企业家机会发现(创意形成)与机会实现(创新发生)过程中的一些特征,揭示出创意的形成和实现取决于创意者努力、经营者才能和制度结构等因素;然后构建一个包含创意形成与创新发生的产业演进模型,就创意努力、制度结构和社会偏好对产业演进的影响进行了数理分析;最后进行总结并提供了若干建议。

3.Individuals in social contexts,especially in many kinds of games,such as trust game,ultimatum game,dictator game and prisoners\" dilemma,often reveal manysocial preferences like trust,fairness,altruism,cooperation,etc.人在社会情境下,特别是在信任博弈、最后通牒、独裁者博弈、囚徒困境等博弈中,会表现出信任、公平、利他、合作等各种社会偏好。

4)Social redistribution system社会再分配制度

5)Social security redistribution社会保障再分配

6)distribution and redistribution of socialist national income社会主义国民收入的分配和再分配


