700字范文 > 公共空间 public space英语短句 例句大全

公共空间 public space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-16 01:43:46


公共空间 public space英语短句 例句大全

公共空间,public space

1)public space公共空间

1.On the tendency of art in present hospitals indoorpublic space design;当前医院室内公共空间设计的艺术化倾向探讨

2.The indoorpublic space design decorative design;室内公共空间设计之装饰设计

3.The Confluction of Public Space And Personal Space In Community Courtyard;社区庭院中公共空间和私密空间的融合


1.Realation between Public Art and Urban Public Space;公共艺术设计与城市公共空间的关系

2.A Research on the Public Art and Urban Open Space;关于公共艺术与城市公共空间的探讨

3.The Study on City Waterfronts Public Space and Public Activity城市滨水区公共空间与公共活动研究

4.All day long, you share public spaces with other people.一整天你都得和别人共用公共空间。

5.Study on the Design of the Public Space Inside in High-rise Office Building;高层办公建筑内部公共空间设计研究

6.Modern Parks in Beijing and the Development of Public Space;近代北京公园开放与公共空间的拓展

7.What is Authentic Urban Public Space?--A Review of Western Public Space Theories and A Evaluation of the "Publicness" of Pubilc Space什么是真正的公共空间?——西方城市公共空间理论与空间公共性的判定

8.Rural Public Space and Rural Culture Development:A Case Study in Tangshan;乡村公共空间与乡村文化建设——以河北唐山乡村公共空间为例

9.Public Space in the City: Based on the Perspective of Public Life;基于公共生活视角的城市公共空间研究

10.The Cultural Public Space--One of the Public Library Core Values文化公共空间——公共图书馆的核心价值之一

11.Research on a Quasi-public Goods of Urban Public Space Rebuilding论作为准公共产品的城市公共空间的再造

12.The Integrate of Urban Space and the Near-ground Space around High-rise Building;试探高层建筑近地空间与城市公共空间的整合

13.The Confluction of Public Space And Personal Space In Community Courtyard;社区庭院中公共空间和私密空间的融合

14.On Individual and Public Space in the Life of Kindergartens;试论幼儿园生活中的个体空间与公共空间

15.Humanism Space--Analysis to Characteristics of Public Space at Town of Wuzhen;人性化的空间——乌镇城镇公共空间特色分析

16.On urban park and public space from the New York central park由纽约中央公园谈城市公园与公共空间

17.The relationship between urban commoners and public space城市百姓和公共空间的关系

18.Then, there are more artists getting involve the public space.再次,都市化中,艺术更多介入公共空间。


Public Sphere公共空间

1.Retransformation ofPublic Sphere and We-media;自媒介与公共空间的再转型

2.Construction of the humanitarian social platform-Mass media as a public sphere assessed by public need;搭建人文关怀的社会平台——从公众需求看大众传媒作为公共空间

3.In this essay,based on Habermas theory of public sphere,we make elementary interpretation and explanation of the influences on modern sports which comes from the critica.“公共空间”化是中国当代体育发展的不争事实,虽然对体育的公共性理论界过去有过一些认识,但在大众文化语境下,面对主流意识形态、经济和传媒向体育的不断渗透,我们不得不对此作系统的探索和分析。

3)Common space公共空间

1.And the“commonality”is considered as the most distinctive feature for it, especially the attracted“common space”concerning rights, which include administrative rights, capital rights, specialists’rights and citizens’rights.其中关于“公共空间”的权力问题尤其受到公众的关注。

2.Talk about the characteristic material advantage, rich and unique ceramic artistic advantage and artistict form, and its artistic value getting involved in common space systematically .本篇文章就是着重探讨环境陶艺介入公共空间环境的研究,系统的论证了环境陶艺的独具特色的材料优势,在公共环境空间中丰富而又独特的艺术形态和艺术语言,和它介入公共空间中的艺术价值体现以及论证了如何处理好环境陶艺和空间环境之间的关系。

4)semi public space准公共空间

5)public spatialization公共空间化

6)publicity of space空间公共性


