700字范文 > 公共交往空间 public intercourse space英语短句 例句大全

公共交往空间 public intercourse space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-18 05:25:48


公共交往空间 public intercourse space英语短句 例句大全

公共交往空间,public intercourse space

1)public intercourse space公共交往空间

1.Brief talk on thepublic intercourse space design of the mixed senile apartment浅谈混住型老年公寓的公共交往空间设计


1.The Whole Construction for Public Association Space of the Urban Residential Districts;城市居住区公共交往空间的整体营建

2.Research on Interior Public Intercourse Space of Student Apartment in Wuhan Universities;武汉高校学生公寓内部公共交往空间研究

3.Brief talk on the public intercourse space design of the mixed senile apartment浅谈混住型老年公寓的公共交往空间设计

4.The Investigation of Natural Village s Public Association In Southeast E(鄂);鄂东南自然村落公共交往空间调查研究

5.The Exploration to Street Space for Public Interaction in Suburban Residential Area城郊居住区街道公共交往空间的营建研究

6.Wandering in the Urban Space: on the Communication among Men of Letters in Shanghai in Late Qing Dynasty and at the Beginning of the Public of China;游走于城市空间:晚清民初上海文人的公共交往

7.Researches of TV News and the Building of Public Communication Space试论电视新闻与公共交流空间的构筑

8.Research on Relationship between City Public Transportation and City Public Space;城市公交动线与城市公共空间的关联性研究

9.Research on Rapid Public Transit -Oriented Spatial Expansion of Qingdao;快速公共交通导向的青岛城市空间拓展研究

10.The Research of Strategy in Urban Space Increasing Based on Public Transport;基于公共交通的城市空间增长策略研究

11.The Impact on Urban Public Space Brought by Urban Traffic;城市交通机动化对城市公共空间的影响

12.Evaluating Urban Structure by Modeling Satisfaction towards Public Transportation北京城区公共交通满意度模型与空间结构评价

13.Research on Design of Transfer Space of Urban Public Transport Hub--With Beijing Xizhimen Traffic Hub as an Example城市公共交通枢纽换乘空间问题分析——以北京西直门交通枢纽为例

14.A Study on the Elderly Social Behavior in the Public Space of the Elderly Housing in Wuhan;武汉市老年公寓公共空间中高龄者社交行为研究

15.Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.用公共汽车载送旅客前往航空站。

16.a commuter who uses public transportation.利用公共交通运输条件的经常往返者。

17.Research of Public Administration Paradigm at Sight of Communicational Reason;交往理性视角下的公共行政范式研究

18.The Research on the Modern Middle School Communicating Space and Environment;现代中学交往空间及其环境构成研究


Internal Public Intercourse Space内部公共交往空间

3)Street space for public interaction街道公共交往空间

4)public association space system公共交往空间体系

5)public communication公共交往

municative rationality"is a kind of activity includingpublic communication and private communication."交往理性"是一种包含"公共交往"和"个体交往"的双重交往行为。

2.And thepublic communication is an outstanding feature of the national communication.在现代社会,国民交往突破了传统社会人际交往呈现的差序格局,强调国民之间等距离和无分别的交往:业缘、趣缘、利缘成为构建国民交往关系的重要媒介;陌生人交往成为国民交往的重要形式;公共交往是国民交往的突出特点。

6)Intercourse space交往空间

1.Discussion of the principles of the inner intercourse space in educational building design;高校教学楼内部交往空间的设计原则探析

2.Research on symbiosis between mountainous cities pedestrian traffic space and intercourse space;山地城市步行交通空间与交往空间的共生研究

3.Creation of intercourse space in residence architecture;居住建筑群体中交往空间的创造


