700字范文 > 民族学田野调查 ethnological field work英语短句 例句大全

民族学田野调查 ethnological field work英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-20 18:06:20


民族学田野调查 ethnological field work英语短句 例句大全

民族学田野调查,ethnological field work

1)ethnological field work民族学田野调查

1.His research result "Hezhe Nationality in Lower Reaches of Songhua River" is a monument to Chinese ethnology and is the starting point ofethnological field work of China.开展中国民族学田野调查,是中国早期民族学研究的一项重要工作。


1.Recollect the History of Chinese Ethnological Field Work and Rethink;中国民族学田野调查的历史回顾与反思

2.Plastic Art of the Minority Shaman in the Northeast--ethnology field research cases study东北地区少数民族萨满造型艺术——民族学田野调查案例研究

3.History Review and Development About Field Work Of Ethnomusicology;民族音乐学田野调查的历史回顾及其发展

4.The Importance of On-the-Spot Investigationin National Linguistic Study;浅谈田野调查在民族语言学研究中的重要性

5.Investigation of National Linguisticians to All National Languages in Yunnan in the Period of the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期民族语言学家对云南各民族语言的田野调查研究

6.We will, as you must in doing fieldwork and writing ethnographies, intersperse reading with fieldwork to theoretically inform both the fieldwork and the writing.诚如您必须进行田野调查暨撰写民族志,我们将涉猎田野调查研究,以及田野调查暨写作理论。

7.Mead·Freeman·Samoa:with a Discussion on Anthropological Fieldwork and Ethnographic Writing米德·弗里曼·萨摩亚——兼论人类学田野调查与民族志写作

8.The Investigation of Minority Students" Language Learning Environment in Baicheng of Xinjiang新疆拜城县少数民族学生语言习得环境田野调查实录

9.Research on Video Film Shooting Documentary of Folklore Fieldwork;民俗学田野调查的影视记录方法研究

10.The Buildings of Tibetan Herds Men in Jiarong,the Substance Carriers of Religious Beliefs;藏族民居——宗教信仰的物质载体——对嘉戎藏族牧民民居的宗教社会学田野调查

11.Emerson, Robert. "The Face of Contemporary Ethnography." Contemporary Field Research. Pp. 27-53.当代民族志原貌〉《当代田野调查研究》27-53页。

12.Specific Study and Field Investigation a Gateway to the Research of Minority Sports专题研究与田野调查——少数民族体育研究的途径

13.Application Field Investigation Method in Leaders Works of Minorities Region;田野调查法在民族地区领导工作中的运用

14.Application of Field Work in National Traditional Sport Research;论田野调查在民族传统体育研究中的应用

15.Some Thoughts on Field Investigation in Editing and Researching on Ethnic Archives对民族档案编研中田野调查的几点思考

16.Field Research of Mongolian Buryat Folk Songs in Ewenki Banner鄂温克旗布里亚特蒙古族民歌田野调查

17.Anthropological and Ethnological Research and Tts Significance by Southwest Union University of Anti-Japanese War Period--A Case of Yunnan-centered Field Investigation抗战时期西南联大的民族学人类学研究及其意义——以云南为中心的田野调查为例

18.Guizhou s Ethnic Studies and Field Investigation--for the 20th Anniversary of Ethnic Investigation of "Six Mountains and Six Rivers"in Guizhou Province;贵州民族研究与民族田野调查——纪念贵州省“六山六水”民族综合考察20周年


ethnological investigation民族学调查

3)Field investigation田野调查

1.On field investigation in ethnology;民族学田野调查的几个问题

2.From to ,in the region of North Jiangsu Province,the Institute for the History of Natural Science(IHNS,CAS) cooperated with Southern Taiwan University of Technology(STUT) carried out a project for field investigation and reconstruction of the vertical-axis-styled "Chinese Great windmill"(CGW) and its square-pallet chain-pump(SPCP).主要记叙此次调查与复原制作的过程,并初步探讨技术田野调查与复原研究的方法。

3.An overall historical viewpoint and an anthropology field investigation method were utilized in .通过解剖罗香林的专著《客家研究导论》,认为比照今天的客家研究成果,再重新审读罗氏的《客家研究导论》所蕴涵的对客家文化的深邃学术思想和里面渗透的研究方法,我们仍然可以发现,以往对罗氏的客家观点和研究方法的理解存在很多的误区,罗香林并非主张"血统论"的客家源流观点,而是倡导客家与南方土著"族群互动"、"族群融合"的观点,在罗香林的客家研究实践中渗透的是史学家的整体史观、人类学家田野调查方法的运用。

4)field work田野调查

1.We should learn from the previous experiences and theoretical achievements on field investigation and explore new investigative method on the basis of the theoretical development offield work and methodology.民族音乐学田野调查既是一种手段,又是一种自成体系的方法论。

2.This investigation was the first formally organizedfield work in modern China.这是中国首次有组织的人类学田野调查,但史禄国惧险,仅留在昆明作体质人类学和语言学调查,其表现引起中山大学同人的不满与质问,从而放弃了对他的聘作,因此他改为由中央研究院单独聘任。

3.For this,put forward taking small village community as study unit,usingfield work method for qualitative analysis,for carrying out a new study view and method,and investigate the regulation in developping rural sports.为此,提出以村落社区为研究单位、以田野调查的方法进行定性研究,以实现研究视角和研究方法上的突破,探索农村体育发展的规律。


1.The unsatisfactory development offieldwork at present due to some subjective and objective factors has caused some scholars to doubt about the importance and the necessity offieldwork.目前,田野调查由于种种主观和客观因素,发展状况不理想,并由此引起了部分学者对其重要性和必要性的质疑。

2.The article attempts to give a micro-picture of harmony relationship between Folk belief and Christianity in a village byfieldwork,tell how pos.通过人类学的田野调查,描述一个村庄基督教和民间信仰和谐相处的微观图景,说明宗教对话在微观社区层面是如何可能的,并运用人类学理论解读其中的中国特征。

3.Based on thefieldwork about 2 counties including 5 villages in Hui Zhou, the paper regards the living environment, functional structure of villages, traditional Chinese geomancy science(fengshui), and the ancestral temples as the main aspects to describe the interaction of cultural identity and cultural environment.论文主要是根据笔者于2月在安徽省黟县宏村、芦村,江西省婺源县上晓起、下晓起、理坑等村落的田野调查作为基础资料,并结合文献资料所写成的报告。

6)field research田野调查

1.It is suggested that a deeperfield research should be carried out in the future,and the theoretical improvement should be strengthened so as to push the development .近年来有关学者对南宁国际民歌艺术节、那坡黑衣壮等研究取得了初步的成绩,今后还需深化田野调查,同时加强理论提升,才能更进一步促进中国审美人类学的发展。

2.Based on the application of Geographic Information System(GPS),Global Positioning System(GIS) and Remote Sensing(RS) techniques,this paper investigates the life of fishermen of Lake Biwa in Japan and Lake Poyang in China,explores the concrete impact of environmental change on the life of fishermen,and displays the application of information technology infield research.通过应用全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感技术(RS),研究日本滋贺县琵琶湖和中国江西省鄱阳湖的渔民生活,进而了解环境变化对渔民生活的具体影响,并展示了信息技术为田野调查提供的便利。


田野1.亦作"田壄"。亦作"田埜"。 2.田地。 3.指田地和原野。 4.泛指农村。
