700字范文 > 夏季操作 using in summer英语短句 例句大全

夏季操作 using in summer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-09 20:13:05


夏季操作 using in summer英语短句 例句大全

夏季操作,using in summer

1)using in summer夏季操作

2)summer working suit夏季工作服


1.Each employee shall be distributed 2 sets summer uniform, l set winter uniform to be wear during working duty, after off duty you can wear on your own but not outlandish/outrageous.每人发给夏季工作服二套,冬季工作服一套,其馀自行处理但不得奇装异服。

2.After intense work in the summer, we "ll be slack off now .夏季紧张的工作过後,我们现在放松了。

3.After intense work in the summer, we are slacking off now.夏季紧张的工作过后, 我们现在放松了.

4.After intense work in the summer, we are or=# cc0066>slack off now.夏季紧张的工作过后,我们现在放松了。

5.After Intense work In the summer , we are slack off no夏季紧张的工作过後, 我们现在放松了

6.We help one another with the extra work in the summer.我们互相帮助做夏季的额外工作.

7.After intense work in the summer, we are slacking off now夏季紧张的工作过後, 我们现在放松了.

8.a summer dress (hat, etc.)夏季穿的女服(戴的帽子)

9.He Balanced a trip to the mountains against the chance of a summer job他对上山旅行和找个夏季工作进行权衡。

10.kid-finished cambric细薄棉布(用高级埃及棉纱织造,经柔软处理,作为少女夏季服装衬里)

11.The original jacket style summer combat uniform has been replaced by a coat design with straight cut bottom.原始的夹克式夏季作训服由直通低的外套所代替。

12.When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.夏季作物成熟时, 就得播种秋季作物。

13.We have taken on some students for the summer period on a casual basis .我们已经雇用了一些学生作为夏季阶段的临时工。

14.I know you are going to take this temporary job for the summer, but what are your long-term plans?我知道你将去干这份夏季的临时工作,但什么是你的长远打算呢?

15.Ventilating safety helmet with holes,high capability of ventilation and sunstroke prevention.透孔通风式安全帽,适用于夏季露天作业工人佩带,通风防署性能好。

16.Speech at the National Conference on Financial and Economic Work held in the summer of 1953.这是毛泽东同志在一九五三年夏季全国财经工作会议上的讲话。

17.I mean to say, if you dye your summer uniform grey it"ll do for the autumn ....比方,夏季制服,染成灰色就可以当秋季制报穿……

18.The women went to the garden party to display their summer toilet.妇女参加游园会以展示夏季服装。


summer working suit夏季工作服


1.Feature of CDOM and its possible source in Meiliang bay and Da Taihu lake in Taihu lake insummer and winter;梅梁湾、大太湖夏季和冬季CDOM特征及可能来源分析

2.Pollution characteristics and influencing factors of atmospheric particulates in Beijing during thesummer of ;北京市夏季大气颗粒物污染特征及影响因素

3.After front tries to discuss the fluid to be solid method ferments the reason and the preventive measure which the vinegarsummer reduces production;试论前液后固法酿醋夏季减产的原因与防治措施

4)summer monsoon夏季季风

5)summer momsoon夏季季候风

6)no grazing in summer夏季休牧

1.Impacts ofno grazing in summer on greenhouse gas emissions from Kobresia humilis alpine meadow;夏季休牧对高寒矮嵩草草甸温室气体排放的影响


安阳战役(见晋冀鲁豫边区1945年春夏季攻势作战)安阳战役(见晋冀鲁豫边区1945年春夏季攻势作战)Anyang, Battle ofAnyQng Zhanyi安阳战役(Anyang,Battle峋抗日战争时期,八路军第129师所属太行军区部队在民兵配合下,对盘踞河南省安阳以西城镇据点日伪军的进攻战役。见晋冀鲁豫边区1945年春夏季攻势作战。
