700字范文 > 夏季栽培 Cultivation in Summer英语短句 例句大全

夏季栽培 Cultivation in Summer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-16 23:01:19


夏季栽培 Cultivation in Summer英语短句 例句大全

夏季栽培,Cultivation in Summer

1)Cultivation in Summer夏季栽培


1.The Preliminary Experiments on the Cultivation of Agaricus Bisporus(Lange)Sing in Huhehot in Late Spring and Summer呼市地区春末夏季栽培双孢蘑菇初探

2.Substrate Composition and Water-fertilizer Quantitative Analysis of Tomato Trans-Summer High Yield Cultivation in Plastic Greenhouse;大棚番茄越夏长季节高产栽培基质的筛选与水肥量化的研究

3.Reasearch and Analyse on the Reasons of Japanese Rice "xia guang" early ear as two Seasons Late Rice Planting;日本稻“夏光”作二季晚栽培早穗原因的调查与分析

4.Analysis of Autumn Corn Cultivation Techniques of the Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Furrows in Pengyang,Ningxia宁夏彭阳县秋季全膜覆盖双垄沟播玉米栽培技术要点浅析

5.The Effect of Different Sowing Time on Yield of Sweet Red Pepper under Off-season Cultivation in the Mountainous Area不同播期对山区甜椒夏秋反季节栽培产量的影响

6.Research on the Pinellia Tuber Cultivation and the Comparison between the Wild Pinellia Tuber and the Cultivated Pinellia Tuber半夏栽培实验及野生半夏与栽培半夏的对比研究

7.What measures should be taken while vegetables are planted in soilless culture during hot summer in tropic or subtropic areas such as in Guangdong Province?、你认为在广东等热带、热带地区炎热的夏季进行无土栽培蔬菜生产,可能要采取什么措施?

parative Studies on Field Planting Between Virus-free Tissue Cultured Rhizoma Pinellina and Normal Planting Rhizoma Pinellina组培脱毒半夏与普通半夏田间栽培比较试验

9.Effects of Light on the Growth of Off-season Pot Chrysanthemum;反季节栽培中光对盆栽菊花生长影响的研究

10.Studies on Planting Suitability and Culture Techniques for Castor (Ricinus Communis L.) in Ningxia Irrigation Area;宁夏灌区蓖麻适应性及栽培技术研究

11.Preliminary Study on Physiological and Ecological about Calycanthus Chinensis Cultivation夏蜡梅(Calycanthus chinensis)栽培生理生态初步研究

12.Studies on morphological characters of summer maize under high-yield cultivation高产栽培条件下夏玉米形态性状研究

13.Analyses of Agronomic Characters of Summer Maize under High-yielding Cultivation Conditions高产栽培条件下夏玉米农艺性状研究

14.Study on Cultivation Pattern of Maize-Fengnuo476 for High Yield夏播糯玉米凤糯476栽培技术模式研究

15.Study on the "Four Less and Four Higher" Cultural Model of Early Rice in Anhui Province安徽双季早稻“四少四高”栽培模式研究

16.On Open Field Cultivation and Management of Chinese Rose in the Urban Greening月季在吉林市绿化中的露地栽培管理

17.A New Tomato Hybrid "Xinong 205"长季节栽培番茄新品种‘西农205’

parison of Eight Cucumber Cultivars under Plastic Greenhouse in Autumn8个黄瓜品种秋季设施栽培比较试验


cultivation of summer and autumn夏秋季栽培

3)planting in spring and summer春夏栽培

4)Planting on Summer and Autumn夏秋栽培

5)Pinellia ternata(Thunb.) Breit.plant半夏栽培

6)Over-summer cultivation越夏栽培


安阳战役(见晋冀鲁豫边区1945年春夏季攻势作战)安阳战役(见晋冀鲁豫边区1945年春夏季攻势作战)Anyang, Battle ofAnyQng Zhanyi安阳战役(Anyang,Battle峋抗日战争时期,八路军第129师所属太行军区部队在民兵配合下,对盘踞河南省安阳以西城镇据点日伪军的进攻战役。见晋冀鲁豫边区1945年春夏季攻势作战。
