700字范文 > 和声和调性 harmony and tonality英语短句 例句大全

和声和调性 harmony and tonality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-28 01:53:47


和声和调性 harmony and tonality英语短句 例句大全

和声和调性,harmony and tonality

1)harmony and tonality和声和调性

1.This dissertation tries to explore the artistic value through historical development,at the same time to analyse the music elments such as: concept of pianism;harmony and tonality;melody as well as texture and figuration in Chopin Etudes, in order to discover the artistic characristics of Chopin Etudes, and finally to discuss the application in piano padagogy.本论文试图从练习曲历史发展的角度来看肖邦练习曲的艺术价值,并通过对肖邦练习曲钢琴性思维、和声和调性、旋律、织体和音型等音乐要素的分析,挖掘肖邦练习曲的艺术性特征,继而探讨如何将艺术性的探索运用在教学中。

2)harmony and tonal和声调性

3)tonal harmony调性和声

1.Aleksandr Skryabin createdtonal harmony, the mystic chord in altered 4ths c-f-b-e\"-a\"-d\"\" as a nuclear element, which combined the traditiona and modern consciousness.在他一生的创作历程中,他在继承和拓展传统调性和声思维的基础上,创造了一种融传统与现代意识于一身的和声手法——以神秘和弦为核心因素的、以四度音程叠置为和弦主体结构的"调性和声",斯克里亚宾晚期音乐的多声部手法基本是建立在这样的调性和声基础上。

4)harmonics and tonality和声与调性

5)pentatonic mode Harmony五声性调式和声

1.Different from the Classical harmony with the focus of Third structure, there are many different kinds of chord structures in Pentatonic Mode Harmony.和弦结构触及和声学的根本,与传统和声以三度结构为中心的结构方式不同,五声性调式和声中有多种不同的和弦结构方式,运用不同的结构方式构成的和弦自然会有不同的和声效果。


1.Research on Automatic Harmonization for Melody with Chinese 5-tone Modal Harmony;中国五声性调式和声自动配置的研究

2.Harmonic Methodology Based on Third-Studies on Pentatonic Harmony;三度结构的和声方法——五声性调式和声研究之一

3.Methods Dealing with Poly-structural Harmony --A Study in Pentatonic Modes;复合结构的和声方法——五声性调式和声研究

4.The Harmonic method of the fourth/fifth and the second structure;四、五度结构与二度结构的和声方法——五声性调式和声研究之一

5.The Study of the Chord Structure of Pentatonic Mode Harmony;中国五声性调式和声的和弦结构及其标记研究

6.Researches on Features and Reasons of Pentatonic Harmonies;五声性调式和声的风格特征及成因研究

7.On the Development of the Chinese Pentatonic-Modes-HarmonyTheory by Comparing Several Harmony Texts;通过对几部和声论著的比较分析看我国五声性调式和声理论的发展

8.The Research of Harmonic Forms and Tone Used in Three Musical Compositions Written by Huang Anlun黄安伦三首五声性钢琴作品的和声形态与调性结构研究

9.To Recognize the Theory of Integrated Pentatonic Modes -- < The Theory of Integrated Pentatonic Modes by Li Yinghai>(2th half);五声综合调式理论之认识——《黎海英的五声综合调式理论》(下篇)

10.Practice and Exploration of China Pentatonic Scale with Chromaticalized Harmony;中国五声性半音化和声的实践与探索

11.Study of Pentonic Tonality Development and Teaching in Piano Improvisation钢琴即兴演奏中五声调式的调性发展问题与教学研究

12.Research of Music Mode and Harmonic Thoughts in Piano Works Composed by Ding Shande;丁善德钢琴音乐调性与和声思维模式初探

13.On the Significance of Tones in Mandarin and the Improvement;浅论普通话声调的重要性和声调教学的改进

14.The Form of Tetrachord Structure of Pentatonic in Guangxi s Folk Songs;五声调式的四音列结构在广西民歌中的形态

15.The Theory & the Practice on the Lateral Synthesis of the Same Keynote in Chinese Pentatonic Modes;中国五声调式同主音横向综合的理论与实践

16.(5) Management of Noise, Electro-Magnetic Radiation and Radioactivity(五)噪声、电磁辐射和放射性环境管理

17.To provide harmony for(a melody).给(曲调等)配和声

18.Li Yinghai s Theory and Application Study of the National Mode Harmony;黎英海民族调式和声理论与应用研究


harmony and tonal和声调性

3)tonal harmony调性和声

1.Aleksandr Skryabin createdtonal harmony, the mystic chord in altered 4ths c-f-b-e\"-a\"-d\"\" as a nuclear element, which combined the traditiona and modern consciousness.在他一生的创作历程中,他在继承和拓展传统调性和声思维的基础上,创造了一种融传统与现代意识于一身的和声手法——以神秘和弦为核心因素的、以四度音程叠置为和弦主体结构的"调性和声",斯克里亚宾晚期音乐的多声部手法基本是建立在这样的调性和声基础上。

4)harmonics and tonality和声与调性

5)pentatonic mode Harmony五声性调式和声

1.Different from the Classical harmony with the focus of Third structure, there are many different kinds of chord structures in Pentatonic Mode Harmony.和弦结构触及和声学的根本,与传统和声以三度结构为中心的结构方式不同,五声性调式和声中有多种不同的和弦结构方式,运用不同的结构方式构成的和弦自然会有不同的和声效果。

6)tonality harmony and counterpoint调性和声与对位


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
