700字范文 > 功能与本质 function and nature英语短句 例句大全

功能与本质 function and nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-15 07:12:31


功能与本质 function and nature英语短句 例句大全

功能与本质,function and nature

1)function and nature功能与本质


1.Pseudotranslation:A New Angle for Revealing the Function and the Nature of Translation;伪译本:透视翻译功能与本质的一个视角

2.The Study on organization、function and entity of high technology industry belt;高新技术产业带的组织、功能与本质问题探析

3.The Essential Contradiction and the Functional Complementarity Between Religion and Science;宗教与科学的本质对立及其功能关系

4.A Study of Literature Signs ConnotationAnd Functional Relations;论文学符号的本质与功能性结构关系

5.The Nature and Function of Rhetoric: with Particular Considerations to the Construction of a Harmonious Society;修辞的本质与功能——兼论修辞与和谐社会的构建

6.The Cultural Nature of Language and the Cultural Functions of Language in Communication;语言的文化本质与语言交流中的文化功能

7.The change of value viewpoints of physical education and the essence,function and purpose of physical education during the new period;新时期体育价值观转变与体育本质、功能和目的

8.On the Essence and Goal of Physical Education on Campus;对学校体育的本质内涵与功能目标的探讨

9.The article compares the similarity of quality function deployment and mechanical drawing, so that the concept model of quality function deployment is put forward;本文比较了质量功能展开与机械制图的相似性,由此提出了质量功能展开的概念模型;

10.Spiritual Characteristics and Historical Function of Traditional Japanese Culture;刍议日本传统文化之精神特质与历史功能——兼与中国比较

11.Treatments of Glioma Located within Eloquent Brain Areas and the Protection of Brain Functions功能区胶质瘤的治疗与神经功能保护

12.Nature and Function of Mathematics Reasoning and the Capacity Fostering;数学推理的本质和功能及其能力培养

13.The Explanatory Power on Text Typology and Functional Linguistics to Translation Quality Assessment文本类型学与功能语言学对翻译质量评估的解释力

14.The Logic Connotation and the Explanation and Forecast Function of DENG Xiao-ping s Socialism Essence Theory;邓小平社会主义本质论的逻辑内涵、解释与预测功能

15.Recognizing the Real Essence of the National College Entrance Examination in the Transformation of Educational Functions;正确认识教育功能转型中的高考本质

16.Social Looking in 2-year-old Children:The Nature of Social Looking and It s Function;2岁幼儿的社会朝向反应——本质及功能

17.On the Essence of Law;试论法的本质——兼论法的功能建构基准

18.On the Origin, Essence and Functions of Metaphor from the Perspective of Cognition;从认知角度看隐喻的起源、本质和功能


essence and self-identical thing本质与功能

3)functions and nature of countries国家功能与本质

4)essential function本质功能

1.Facing the coming of the 21st Century,how to reform the school physical culture to satisfy the reguirement of talents for the socialist market economy?the paper expounds theessential function of school physical culture and its general function based on this premise.对学校体育的本质功能,并在本质功能的前提下对一般功能进行了阐述,在此基础上提出了学校体育教育应改变过去以竞技或以锻炼身体为中心,而转到以培养合格“人”为中心上来,使学校体育教育更好地为培养跨世纪的全面发展人才服务。

5)nature and function本质与功用

6)Functional Essence功能性本质

1.Functional Essence of Religion and Its Domain Expressions ——Analysis in Sociology Function Perspective;宗教的功能性本质及其场域表现——以社会学功能论视角所进行的分析



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
