700字范文 > 去性存用 Constraining nature and remaining function英语短句 例句大全

去性存用 Constraining nature and remaining function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-22 09:14:21


去性存用 Constraining nature and remaining function英语短句 例句大全

去性存用,Constraining nature and remaining function

1)Constraining nature and remaining function去性存用

1.Constraining nature and remaining function is one of Zhang Zhongjing\"s characteristics of formula composition.张仲景《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》共载方323个,这些方剂组方严谨、选药精当、疗效确切、经久不衰,故仲景之书历来被尊崇为"方书之祖",而"去性存用"为仲景立方的一个特色,体现在仲景的诸多方剂之中。


3)eliminating the false and retain the true去伪存真

1.Summing up rule and characteristic of things development and changing,eliminating the false and retain the true, impersonality and justness, from quantify to character, to realize serving and supervision action of statistics work, it has .去伪存真、客观公正、从定量入手,达到质的推断,实现统计的服务监督作用,对基层搞好统计工作具有一定的实用价值。


1.winnow truth from falsehood去伪存真, 辨别真假

2.winnow the truth from the mass of conflicting evidence从大量相互矛盾的证据中去伪存真.

3.It be important to sift the true from the false in study history研究历史时去伪存真是很重要的

4.if I decide to take the room.第4节 掌握特点与规律,去伪存真预测听音重点

5.Analysis on how to Eliminate the False and Retain the True of the Enterprise Quota;企业定额编制中数据的去伪存真研究分析

6.To Eliminate the False and Keep the True,in Relief the Essence--Thinks about the Public English Course;去伪存真,凸现本质——对英语公开课的思考

7.Support Good While Confine Bad and Get Rid of False and Retain True--A brief analysis of management of scientific research on economics;扶优限劣去伪存真——经济类科研管理浅议

8.Authentication of Logistics Information: Construction of a Network Diagnosis Support System物流信息的去伪存真:异地诊断支持系统构建

9.Throwing out What is False and Holding on to What Is Real: 50 Years of Chinese Scholarship on the Bai Lang Rebellion;去伪存真:50年来中国史学家笔下变化着的白朗起义

10.Get rid of the false and keep the true, Convey the spirit through the authentic writing --Explore a certain amount of questions on the folk music performance;去伪存真,写实传神——对民族音乐表演中若干问题的探究

11.Keeping the Truth and Discarding the Falseness--On the ways to distinguish biographies;存真求实 去伪辟谬——试谈回忆录的鉴别

12.An Analysis of the Non Liquet of Elements of Law As the Foundation of Objective Burden of Proof;客观证明责任存在基础:事实真伪不明分析

13.A Signalling Game Theory Model of Market with Conterfeit Products;假冒伪劣产品与真品共存于市场的信号传递博弈模型

14.A Signalling Game Theory Model of Market with Counterfeit Products;假冒伪劣产品与真品共存于市场的信号传递博奕模型

15.Original Reality and False Existence: Philosophical Thoughts on the Duality of the Theory and Practice of Building Perfect Personality本真与伪存——完美人格塑造之理论与实践二元性的哲学思考

16.And you must be a big dog to survive.而且你得真的很强势才能生存下去。

17.He passed it off as a genuine diamond.他伪称那是真的钻石。

18.He pretended that he was the real king.他伪称自己是真国王。



3)eliminating the false and retain the true去伪存真

1.Summing up rule and characteristic of things development and changing,eliminating the false and retain the true, impersonality and justness, from quantify to character, to realize serving and supervision action of statistics work, it has .去伪存真、客观公正、从定量入手,达到质的推断,实现统计的服务监督作用,对基层搞好统计工作具有一定的实用价值。

4)Keeping heavenly princples and removing human desires存理去欲

5)give up the bad and heep the good去劣存优

6)eliminate the disad-vantages and maitain the advantages去弊存利


周期性特异性药物周期性特异性药物仅能杀灭*细胞增殖周期中某一期癌细胞的抗癌药物。依其作用又分为两类:①作用于S期药物,如*羟基脲、*阿糖胞苷,甲氨蝶呤、巯基嘌呤、硫鸟嘌呤等。其中前两种药物特异性较高,主要干扰DNA合成,但因也能干扰 RNA的合成,可能起到一定的自限作用。临床上宜缓慢静滴或肌注给药。②作用于M期的药物,如长春新碱等。
