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名与实 name and nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-05 16:58:01


名与实 name and nature英语短句 例句大全

名与实,name and nature

1)name and nature名与实

1.It is of great importance to get acquainted with thename and nature,the advantages and disadvantages of nationalism.科学地认识民族主义的名与实,客观地评价民族主义的益与害,进而对其因势利导,实现人类社会的和谐,具有重大的学术价值和现实意义。

2)Ming-shi(名实) and Zhi-wu(指物)名实与指物

3)nominalism and realism唯名论与实在论

4)A Study of Name and Entity of Chinese Dwarf Cherry欧李名与实研究

5)The Name and Nature of Medio-Translatology译介学的名与实

6)The Name and Nature of Translatology翻译学的名与实


1.Homles’ Descriptive Translation Studies--On The Name and Nature of Translation Studies;霍姆斯的描写翻译浅谈——《翻译学的名与实》评介

2.Cultural Malposition and English Translation of Chinese Dishes中国菜名英译的文化错位与翻译实践

3.On the Three New Concepts of Translatology: Meta-translation, Anti-translation and Non-translation;论翻译学的三个新概念:元翻译、反翻译与非翻译

4.Translation Essense,Translation Strategy and Translation Criterion from the View of Function Linguistics;从功能语言学的角度看翻译实质、翻译策略与翻译标准

5.Foregrounding Theory and Novel Translation-An Empirical Study on Students Translation;前景化理论与小说翻译—对学生翻译的实证研究

6.Ideology and Literary Translation--A Brief Discussion on LIANG Qi-chao s Translation Practice;意识形态与文学翻译——论梁启超的翻译实践

7.Function-Oriented in Descriptive Translation Studies--On Holmes The Name and Nature of Translation Studies;浅谈描写翻译中的功能导向研究——评介霍姆斯的《翻译研究的名与实》

8.An Introduction to Theory and practices of literary translation-dialogues about translation;译界确实需要对话——评《文学翻译的理论与实践——翻译对话录》

9.Horizon Gaps as the Determinant of Interpretive Degree in Translation: A Perspective from Philosophical Hermeneutics视域差与翻译解释的度——从哲学诠释学视角看翻译的理想与现实

10.The Translation of Significance or Meaning: the Fundamental Differences Between literary Translation and the Translation of Science and Technology;译味与译意——文学翻译与科技翻译的主要区别

11.Application of Translation Strategy in the Translation of Film Titles;翻译方法论在电影片名实译中的应用

12.Translation of Practical Materials;谈实用文体资料的翻译——兼谈术语名称的翻译

13.Development of Professional Translation/Interpreting Teaching and Implementation of the TOT Project翻译教学的发展与TOT计划的实施

14.On "Artistic Flavor"in Literary Translation──As Regards Liu Shicong s Views and Practice;文学翻译的“韵味”说——论刘士聪的文学翻译理论与实践

15.On "Beautifulness" and "Faithfulness" of Literary Translation Works;论文学翻译作品的“美丽”与“忠实”

16.On the Relationship between Translation Theory and Practice from a Teaching Perspective;从教学视角看翻译理论与实践的关系

bination of Theory and Practice in Translation Teaching;关于翻译教学中的理论与实践相结合

18.Knowledge Requirements for Interpreters and Their Implication to Teaching of Translation Theories and Practice;从译员的知识结构看翻译理论与实践课教学


Ming-shi(名实) and Zhi-wu(指物)名实与指物

3)nominalism and realism唯名论与实在论

4)A Study of Name and Entity of Chinese Dwarf Cherry欧李名与实研究

5)The Name and Nature of Medio-Translatology译介学的名与实

6)The Name and Nature of Translatology翻译学的名与实


