700字范文 > 平淡自然 plain and natural英语短句 例句大全

平淡自然 plain and natural英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-08 02:41:40


平淡自然 plain and natural英语短句 例句大全

平淡自然,plain and natural

1)plain and natural平淡自然

1.Su Dongpo put forward the theories of writing called "expressing oneself clearly" and "beingplain and natural" after being exiled to Lingnan, which greatly developed Chinese poetic theory.苏东坡贬寓岭南后,提出了“辞达”和“平淡自然”的创作理论,发展了我国的诗学理论,并用平淡自然的笔法赞美岭南山水和淳朴的民风,创造了一种新诗体——和陶诗。


1.Genuineness results from simplicity: brief discussion on the simplicity and genuineness of Tao yuanming s poems;平淡出真知——小释陶渊明诗的平淡自然

2.The jokes, the bon-mots, the little adventures, which may do very well in one company, will seem flat and tedious, when related in another.于某些人适宜的幽默、妙语、甚至小小的出格行为,换个地方会显得平淡自然,或令人苦恼。

3.A Unity of Being Plain and Natural&Being Deep and Mellow;平淡自然与深厚醇美的统一——从《归园田居》看陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格

4.THE PEDESTRIAN COMES FROM THE NATURAL --Analysis of Tao Yuan-ming s "Natural" Mentality;平淡出于自然——陶渊明“自然”心态解析

5.Regarding the Aesthetic Value-Judgement That Tao Yuanming′s Poetry Is Natural & Plain;关于陶诗“自然”“平淡”的美学评价

6.But we still walk under one umbrella seemingly in hamony.一段感情若是平淡如水,自然是好聚好散的。

7.Mild and Gentle,Nature and Spontaneous--A Brief Analysis on Writing Art of Su Dongpo s Rural Poems;平和冲淡 自然天成——苏轼农村词艺术风格简析

8.NATURAL AND PLAIN,SAD AND MOVING: On the style of Gui Youguang s family proses;自然平淡 悱恻动人——论归有光家庭散文的风格

9.Then with the calmest indifference I arranged my collar and tie and took a glimpse at myself.然后以最平静的冷淡心情,理好我硬领扣领结,对自己瞥了一眼。

10.By and by, however,“ fervent” gave way to “ prosaic” .然而,渐渐地,“热烈”变成了“平淡”。

11.The natural beauty, the humanistic beauty, the lonely and sad feelings are the emotional expression of the imagery;冲淡平和的自然之美、人情之美,哀怨忧郁的孤寂之情、无奈之情是其意境的情感表现;

12.Have sullied the quiet grace of West Lake.到处点污了淡雅自然的西子!

13.Use light cosmetics for a natural look ? avoid excessive make-up.化妆宜保持淡雅自然,避免浓妆艳抹。

14.Advocate Nature and Feel Color --Light color Landscape painting teaching;崇尚自然、感受色彩——淡色彩风景教学

15.On Experiment Ability Development in Science Teaching;浅淡自然科学教学中实验能力的培养

16.It"s been a long time!" Though her words were ordinary, Mei had to make a great effort to speak them.这几年……”她说,虽然是淡淡的平常话,却是她费力地说出来的。

17.Her life is humdrum.她的生活平平淡淡.

18.It made the Marseilles that I knew, tame and commonplace.我所了解的马赛,简直变得平淡无奇,索然寡味了。


plain and natrual自然平淡

3)tranquil and natural闲淡自然

1.The style of scholars and their works in East Jin Dynasty,which is totally different from that of West Jin Dynasty,istranquil and natural.东晋士风文风表现出闲淡自然的形态,与西晋的士风文风完全不同。

4)the aesthetic purport of "Ziran Pingdan""自然平淡"的美学旨趣

5)simple and natural平易自然

6)natural fair自然公平


平淡无奇1.亦作"平淡无奇"。 2.平平常常,无奇特之处。
