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心性 Mind and Nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 21:03:16


心性 Mind and Nature英语短句 例句大全

心性,Mind and Nature

1)Mind and Nature心性

1.The Dimensions ofMind and Nature in Mencius doctrine of Kingcraft;孟子王道理想的心性向度

2.The Confucian literature contained in the inscriptions unfolded an important link in the development of the primitive Confucian theory of virtuous nature, deepened Confucius theory of mind and nature, and provided a theoretical pres.郭店楚简中儒家类文献展示了原始儒家德性理论发展的重要一环,孔子的心性理论得到了深化,孟子的身心一体论也有了理论前提,儒家的德性修养论初步得以系统化,德治主义的理想初现理论的光芒,为孟子深入阐发儒家德性理论准备了基础。

3.The thought onMind and Nature of ChenQue keep the main ider bue the same time it is a development for the theories liXue,He use the Concepts such as mind and natura,the heart of material and Morals heart.陈确是明清之际重要的思想家,受教于明代大儒刘宗周,著有《大学辨》、《瞽言》、《葬书》等,其思想认识深刻而独具特色,通过对其心性论的研究,既有助于我们了解陈氏思想的理论特点和发掘其理论价值,也有助于从横向了解明清之际的时代思潮和理学的演变总体趋势。


1.central angiospastic retinitis浆液性中心性视网膜炎

2.leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum离心性后天性白斑病

3.phasi sinus arrhythmia心室相性窦性心律不齐

4.psychology in sexual crime性犯罪心理 性犯罪心理

5.paroxysmal atrial tachycardia发作性心房心动快速

6.ciliary arrhythmia心房颤动性心律失常

7.Having origin in the heart.心原性的起因在心脏的

8.The Clinical Efficacy of WenXin Tang on Cardiac Function in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure;温心汤对慢性心力衰竭心功能的影响

9.Effects of xinyuan capsule on heart rate variability in coronary heart disease心元胶囊对冠心病心率变异性的影响

10.acute nonspecific pericarditis急性非特异性心包炎

11.obstructive pulmonary cardiopathy阻塞性肺原性心脏病

12.subacute bacterial endocarditis亚急性细菌性心内膜炎

13.acute bacterial endocarditis急性细菌性心内膜炎

14.obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy梗阻性肥厚性心肌病

15.non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy非梗阻性肥厚性心肌病

16.acute fibrinous pericarditis急性纤维蛋白性心包炎

17.paroxysmal auricular tachycardia阵发性房性心动过速

18.positive sinoatrial chronotropic effect正性窦房性心率作用



1.The present paper holds that the success of ancient prominent doctors lies in benevolentdisposition, enduring patience and unique power of understanding.名医成才有三大要素 :善良的心性、持久的耐性、独特的悟性 ,治学态度和学习方法对于后学非常重

2.The traditionaldisposition was disintegrated.随着现代性的纵深挺进,辉煌与危机的并存,被现代新儒家视为“不变之道”的传统心性也不可避免地随之解体了,道德信仰危机等成为心性滞后的主要表现,这对生态税法有着极其严重的制约作用。

3."Through expounded by the Song Dynasty s philosophers,this Sixteen-word,the law of rule which Dashun impart to Dayu,became an important content of the Confucianism theory aboutdisposition.大禹谟》“人心惟危,道心惟微,惟精惟一,允执厥中”十六字经宋儒发挥,成为了儒家心性理论的重要内容。


1.The article is mainly about some comments on Zhou Dun Yi in the field of philosophy;trys to find out whether the ontology is the basement of the Confucianism temperament before Zhou.针对学术界对周敦颐评价的几个问题,审视周敦颐之前的儒家心性论是否有本体论的根基,对其哲学思想的主旨并与儒家的理论特点进行对比,进而分析周敦颐心性本体论思想的意义和作用。

2.Yuan Zongdao had a good command of Buddhism,and he applied the temperament theory of Zen to his literature reformation.作为三袁之长,袁宗道精通佛教,运用禅宗的心性论,在思想上打破程朱理学的僵化教条限制,文学上追求革新,要求摆脱束缚,反对雷同,反对摹拟,恢复个性,写出各具特色的直抒胸臆的作品。

3.The aesthetic redeeming includes several areas such as image,moral and temperament.审美拯救包括物象、道德和心性等几个方面。


1.During this time, scholar of ZHU XUE gave several opinion different from ZHU Xi at LI QI Theory,XIN XING Theory, GE WU Theory and so on.此一时期的朱学者在理气论、心性论、格物说等理论问题上都提出过一些不同于朱熹的看法,这些修正对于明清之际的学术趋向的转变产生了一定影响,也在一定程度上为此后的理学的总结批判思潮提供了思想资料。


1.Sima Chengzhen s DaoistMind-Nature Theory;论司马承祯的道教心性之学

6)psychology of mind-nature心性心理学

1.Neo -psychology of mind-nature is a creation which is based on the indigenous cult ura l resources, which includes three p.中国文化传统中有自己独特的人格探索 ,这就是心性学说或心性心理学 ,其提供的是对心性的理论阐释、探索方式和干预技术。


