700字范文 > 病理性教学行为 pathological teaching behavior英语短句 例句大全

病理性教学行为 pathological teaching behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-12 17:43:06


病理性教学行为 pathological teaching behavior英语短句 例句大全

病理性教学行为,pathological teaching behavior

1)pathological teaching behavior病理性教学行为

1.Teachers’ teaching behavior is determined by educational concept and teaching consciousness,and the effect of effective teaching behavior is different from thepathological teaching behavior on the educational process.教师的教学行为是由教师的教育观念和教学意识所决定的,教师有效的教学行为与病理性教学行为在教育过程中起的作用所不同,有效的教学行为是时代发展的需要。

2)pathobiological behavior病理生物学行为

parative study of gastric cancerpathobiological behavior in young and elderly patients;青年与老年胃癌178例病理生物学行为比较分析


1.Relationship between COX-2 Expression and Clinic-pathological Behavior of Gastric Cancer;COX-2与胃癌临床病理生物学行为的关系

2.Relationship between the Expression of Tiam1, Nm23-H1 and the Pathobiological Behavior of Gastric Cancer;Tiam1和nm23H1表达与胃癌病理生物学行为的关系

3.Protein Expression of FHIT and nm23-H_1 and Their Clinicopathological Significance in Gastric Cancer;FHIT及nm23-H_1基因编码蛋白表达与胃癌临床病理生物学行为

4.Relationship between Peritumoral Lymphatic Vessel Density and Pathobiological Behaviour of Gastric Cancer;胃癌癌周淋巴管密度与病理生物学行为的相关性研究

5.Expression of Tiam1,CD44v6 and Ecadherin in Gastric Carcinoma and its Relatinoship with the Pathobiological BehaviorTiam1,CD44v6和Ecadherin表达与胃癌组织病理生物学行为的关系

6.Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics [MSc (Epidemiology & Biostatistics)]流行病学与生物统计学理学硕士

7.Purpose To investigate the morphogical features,biological behavior and diagnosis of gastric hepatoid adenocarcinoma(GHA).目的 :探讨胃肝样腺癌的病理组织学特点及生物学行为。

8.Study of Clinicopathologic and Biological Behaviour in the Sclerosing Hemangioma of Lung;肺硬化性血管瘤的临床病理学研究及生物学行为探讨

9.Study onthe Clinical and Pathological Features, Molecular Mechanism of Biologic Behavior and Prognosis in Pituitary Adenomas;侵袭性垂体腺瘤临床—病理特点,生物学行为分子机制及预后的研究

10.Relation Between M-CSF Expression and Patho-classification or Biological Behaviors of Giant Cell Tumor of BoneM-CSF的表达与骨巨细胞瘤病理分级及生物学行为的关系

11.Behavioral Pharmacology and Toxicology. Behavioral Pathologies in Laboratory and in the Wild.行为药物学和毒理学。在实验室和荒野的行为病理学。

12.Physicochemical and Microbial Characterization of Mercury Contamination in Soils;土壤汞污染的物理化学行为及其微生物学特征

13.Physicochemical and Biological Characterization of Lead Contamination in Garden Soils;菜园土壤铅污染的物理化学行为及生物学表征

14.Establishment of animal model of Huntington disease by use of quinolinic acid and its ethological and histopathological observation喹啉酸所致Huntington病动物模型的建立及行为学和组织病理学研究

15.Students should know the basic knowledge of biological psychology, understand the biological base of behavior.要求学生掌握生理心理学的基础知识、理解行为的生物学基础。

16.Public health has many sub-fields, but is typically divided into the categories of epidemiology, biostatistics and health services.公共卫生有许多子领域,一般分为流行病学、生物统计学和健康服务。

17.Application of Behavior Guiding Teaching Method in the Experiment of "Plant Physiology";行为导向教学法在《植物生理学》实验课中的应用

18.Epidemiology of Violence Behavior Among Primary and Middle School Students in Quxian渠县中小学生暴力行为流行病学调查


pathobiological behavior病理生物学行为

parative study of gastric cancerpathobiological behavior in young and elderly patients;青年与老年胃癌178例病理生物学行为比较分析

3)pathological aggressive behavior病理性攻击行为

4)teachers irrational behavior教师非理性行为

1.It is necessary for a school to implement teaching by employing the widespread and continuous rational behavior, nevertheless,teachers irrational behavior will inevitably undermine the normal order of school and harm the body and mental health of teacher as well as student.论文的第二章通过发放问卷和访谈等方式,分析了当前中小学教师非理性行为的表现,如直接伤害学生身体的行为、侮辱学生人格的行为、变相伤害学生的行为和情绪失控等行为,调查结果表明,教师的非理性行为涉及面广、形式多、随意性大,且以青年教师为多,调查还发现教师的自评与学生的评价有比较大的差异。

5)validity of the teaching action教学行为有效性

6)creativity fostering behaviors创造性教学行为

1.As to help the teachers ameliorate their inappropriate behaviors and become the propellent for students’creativity, it’s necessary to study their perceptions on creativity fostering, theircreativity fostering behaviors and the factors influence them.发展学生的创造力是当今教育的主要目标之一,教师是这一目标的直接组织者和实施者,因此有必要研究他们对创造力培养持有的观念、他们的创造性教学行为以及其中的影响因素,以帮助他们澄清认识,完善行为,使他们真正成为学生创造力发展的推动者。


