700字范文 > 疑难词语 difficult words and phrases英语短句 例句大全

疑难词语 difficult words and phrases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-18 08:02:37


疑难词语 difficult words and phrases英语短句 例句大全

疑难词语,difficult words and phrases

1)difficult words and phrases疑难词语

1.There are a lot ofdifficult words and phrases in Zhuangzi (庄子).《庄子》疑难词语很多,本文选取《逍遥游》中的六个疑难词语,考释其词义源流、结构演变和词性变化,辨析其 在使用和训释方面存在的失误及其产生的原因,并补正他人训诂之失。


1.Differentiation and Rectification of Explanations of Knotty Yuan Opera Expressions in Chinese Dictionary;《汉语大词典》之元曲疑难词语释义辨正

2.Six Notes on the Difficult Words and phrases in Xiaoyao You in Zhuangzi;《庄子·逍遥游》疑难词语训诂六则

3.An Investigation on the Definitions of Three Modern Chinese Expressions from the Angles of Dialect and rhetoric;方言、修辞与近代汉语疑难语词训释三例

4.The Comparison and Analysis on the Translation of the English Form Word in Complex Sentences;英语虚词在常规句和疑难句中的翻译比较分析

5.Textual Research On Some Words Contained In Dictionary Of Chinese Language;《汉语大词典》之《金瓶梅词话》词语疑诂

6.Is the Chinese Particle “Ne” a Question Operator in Wh-questions?;语气词“呢”在疑问句中是疑问算子吗?

7.Functional Features of Demonstratives & Interrogative Pronouns in the Dong Language;侗语指示代词、疑问代词的功能特点

8.The Interpretation of Difficult Sentences in Guanshiyin Yingyanji Sanzhong(观世音应验记三种)《观世音应验记三种》疑难词句试释

9.(grammar) relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood.(语法)关于处于疑问语气状态的动词的。

10.inverting suBject and verB to form an interrogative倒置主语和动词以形成疑问语气。

11.Analyzing Some Special Difficulties in Using French Tenses and Modes;解析法语时态和语式使用的几点疑难

12.An Investigation into the Non-interrogative Usage of Chinese Interrogative Words from a Set Concept Perspective;基于集合概念的汉语疑问代词非疑问用法研究

13.From Meanings to Wordings:--Reviewing Fawcett s Doubt on Grammatical Metaphor.;从语义层到词汇语法层——评Fawcett对语法隐喻的质疑

14.On the Order of Interrogative Pronoun Used as Object in Ancient Chinese and the Anlysis on the Special Cases;先秦汉语疑问代词宾语的语序及其“特例”分析

15.On Selectivity of Subject"I" and Adjective or Verb Predicate in Interrogative Mood;疑问语气中主语“我”与谓词性谓语的选择性

16.On the interrogative function of mood adjunct of the Modern Chinese;试论现代汉语语气副词状语的疑问功能

17.If your sentence is a question, the verb should come before the subject.如果是疑问句,动词应在主语之前。

18.The Comparative Study of Interrogative Pronoun "什么" and "nemε" in Chinese and Uyghur Language;汉维语疑问代词“什么”与“nemε”的对比研究


difficult words疑难语词

1.The exegesis of somedifficult words in Taiping Jing;《太平经》疑难语词例释

3)difficult words疑难词

1.Based on the author s experience in securities news reports,the paper discusses the translation of somedifficult words and phrases and corrects a few misleading translations.本文结合作者新闻报道的经验 ,对证券新闻中一些疑难词及容易混淆的习惯说法的翻译作了探讨 ,并对一些不同的译法加以辨正。

4)Knotty character and words疑难字词

5)Knotty Sentences and Words疑难句词

6)interrogative words and phrases疑问词语

1.There are a lot ofinterrogative words and phrases and various forms in the poetic dramas of the Yuan Dynasty.元刊杂剧疑问词语数量众多,形式多样。


《疑难急症简方》《疑难急症简方》 《疑难急症简方》 医方著作。四卷。清·罗越峰辑。刊于1895年。本书汇集各种急症简易方,癫狗恶狗、毒蛇恶虫、食毒五伤、跌打五伤等70类,包括多种病证的治疗方剂。现有《珍本医书集成》本。
